On.Live feature film screenings for indie filmmakers.

2 min readAug 23, 2018


Videography and movie making can be a great and rewarding hobby which involves multitude of activities, will draw you away from monitor, bring along new relationships and encourage you to travel to find new locations for your perfect shoots. In amateur or semi-pro videographer live there can be a moment when he or she decide to go beyond usual everyday ordered productions with some sort of long form. Whether it’s documentary on unusual subject or full feature motion picture there will be a lot of challenges to overcome. Form the idea itself, through scripts, casting, direction, to cutting and audio-video postproduction.
Then, being satisfied with final product there is always a question of distribution. Some projects base on Kickstarter like campaigns for financing and distribute either on physical medium like Blu-ray or as video file hosted on some proprietary platform. But Kickstarter campaigns are not always successful and traditional video hosting platforms are not well adapted to serve payed videos. Such distribution always involves negotiations with platform owner and then most often cuts a lion share on the filmmaker income.

On.Live presents different and more attractive option. As our platform allows for direct monetization of any content, it will also constitute a great place for independent filmmakers to perform payed screenings. Costs will be low, each playback will generate revenue you decide, and platform will allow for direct feedback and interaction with the viewers. You won’t be tied by adverse agreements and distribution rights will stay in your hand. On.Live leaves control over content to creators, and don’t interfere how they do their business. At the moment of launch there will be only one-to-one module available, but one-to-many, enabling public movie screenings will follow only one month later.
All these exciting features are possible thanks to our innovative business model and full tokenization and decentralization of the platform. With On.Live any aspiring filmmaker can create a distribution channel for his content and maintain full control over monetary side of his project.
On.Live will launch the platform at the end of Q3 2018. We are finalizing works, and encourage everyone involved with motion pictures production to consider option for distribution with our platform. See how On.Live works, what stands behind the project, and what you can gain joining the platform. Enter our site to learn more.


If you would like to contact our team, please write to the team@onlive.ltd e-mail address.

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