On.Live — the fusion of live streaming marketplaces.

3 min readJul 15, 2018


For new members of our community, we present the basic blocks of On.Live platform and its revolutionary approach to monetization problems in live streamed video.

On.Live platform allows users to provide almost any service to anyone from anywhere in the world. With our platform everyone can become a broadcaster and earn money by presenting valuable content in business models up to date reserved for VOD services, and not associated with world of live streaming. Historically there were always problems with monetizing live streams. Although live video gained enormous popularity, not much has been done to solve the viability issue for streamers. Most of popular video platforms treats live streaming as an add-on to their main operation which is streaming prerecorded content. There are no direct methods to make such effort financially worthwhile by its own. Live streamers have to base on external sources of income like instream advertising, or affiliate programs with sponsors they have to arrange themselves. Platforms offering strictly live streaming, work by same basic rules, of course additionally offering APIs and other integration tools with streamer’s own webpage, which may come handy, but they are almost entirely subscription based services. Anyone who wants to live stream has to pay a monthly fee, which may as high as 1000$ depending on required bandwidth and total amount of data transferred.

On.Live is very different in its nature. It offers direct ways to monetize content. In fact, the whole platform is based on principle of benefit for the users. With On.Live every stream can be payed stream. We offer Pay Per View, Pay Per Minute, In-Stream Payments and Subscription Models. All to choose by service provider acting within our ecosystem. There is no entry fee for anyone who wishes to use our platform. We just take a tiny fraction of fee that viewers agreed to pay for each broadcast. The price for transmissions is entirely in hands of service providers using our platform.

With this attitude it’s easy to see that On.Live is not a regular live streaming platform. We treat it like a marketplace, or multiple marketplaces in one. For the initial launch two of them will be fully functional. Live Services, which allows to schedule, sell and carry out the session with one or multiple viewers, which is ideal for advices or training sessions of any kind in any payment model agreed prior with viewers and Live Broadcasts in PPV or PPM, ideal for transmission of events like concerts, sports competition etc. of course also with scheduler, and options to promote the show, and acquire the viewers long before transmission.

Business model in On.Live is very different than what is available in internet now. We are sure our approach will revolutionize the market and will encourage many to enter live streaming. There is great potential in it for individuals and businesses alike.
If you are interested in On.Live’s principals of operation and details about the system, please read whitepaper on: https://on.live/documents/OnLive_Whitepaper.pdf. Also check our social media streams for news and updates. Join On.Live and grow your internet streaming business with us!

If you would like to contact our team, please write to the team@onlive.ltd e-mail address.

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The market place for paid advice live broadcasts and computing power.