Streaming video market growth and a prosperous perspective for On.Live users.

2 min readAug 31, 2018


In 2016, net worth of video streaming market was $30.29 billion. According to findings from Research and Markets, live video streaming market fueled by change in consumer behavior will boom to become $70.5 billion industry by 2021. It will be driven by proliferation of always connected mobile devices, and decline in subscriptions of legacy TV. According to livestream video content consumption on mobile has risen by staggering 81% in year 2017. Such condition and ability of recipients to choose content based on their private, sometimes very particular interest has led to rise of today’s platforms. But as any product, classic video platforms has reached the pinnacle of their development. There is not much that corporations behind them can and want to change, especially in terms of income for content producers. Their usage polices are flanked by rules not exactly favorable for creators, who have to satisfy conditions set by owners first, to be profitable at all.

On.Live philosophy is aimed towards fair distribution of the profits from consumers between content creators, service providers and the platform itself. Thanks to tokenization and full control of the prices given to the hands of the users, On.Live will operate as live video distribution system of the next generation. We are breaking monetization paradigm present on classic sites and aiming for the brighter financial future with user interest in mind.

With all market predictions foreseeing enormous growth in on line and especially live video we are convinced our philosophy and our platform will attract creators and consumers alike.
On.Live have all the properties to become platform of choice for all those discouraged with current monetary practices on existing video distribution systems and create opportunities for entirely new businesses based on online video streaming. On.Live simply opens possibilities not viable with traditional platforms.
Market grows, and will grow in the foreseeable future. We are sure that our platform will rise with the market and will have its fair share in the growth being beneficiary both financially for service providers and intellectually by fulfilling the interests and needs of regular consumers.

If you are interested more with On.Live, its revolutionary attitude and unique business model, please visit our website. There is full and comprehensible description of the whole idea and technical details of the system in our Whitepaper. On.Live will be on-line and operational at the end of Q3 2018. Join us and open new revenue stream for your live streaming activities with us!




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