How to improve your brand visibility using Pinterest?

4 min readJan 20, 2016

Pinterest is a great social network and a great visual marketing tool. With over 72,8 millions users in 2015 and generating almost as much referral traffic as Twitter, Pinterest is a valuable solution to invest. More than just being a DIY platform,Pinterest can really highlight your social media presence through SEO. When you know that 75% of all pins are actually repins, imagine what your brand can gain in this battle and its viral power. A few strategies based on keywords and SEO basics optimization can help you rank higher. Here are 10 steps you can follow to grow your brand visibility using Pinterest.

1# Optimize your Pinterest profile

Your profile is what makes your brand valuable or not for your audience. It is essential to optimize this area with your main keywords, brand name and core ideas. Indeed, the social network only allows a concisely summary of 200 characters. The keywords you are about to use will help rank in the SERPs as they are indexed. To be more efficient, it is recommended to use the same description as on other social medias to create a whole brand identity and ensure consistency.

2# Create qualified boards

Boards are the core of Pinterest. They are what make you popular or not on this network. Actually, the purpose is to get your content repin by visitors. Your boards can build engagement, increase your following and have an indirect impact on your SEO (as they drive traffic to your website).
Your board title must be short and compelling and include common keywords to find them easily.Actually, people are not using conversational sentences on Pinterest but simple keywords. Moreover, your images are your most powerful tool, they are the one that will attract people on your content or not.

3# Organize your boards

Pinterest offers a wide range of category possibilities. From Fashion to Food or Technology, it is preferable to organize your content in these categories. First, it will be easier for visitors to find your content, it will ease the user experience and boost your search engine visibility. Sometimes, there is not the desired category that match your brand product or content. Fill the closest one and be sure to clearly identify in the image your brand and what is it about with specific keywords.

4# Increase your social signal

Social signal refers to any actions on social media related to your blog or articles. For instance if someone pin or retweet your content, it will create a social signal. This help build trust for Google as you content can be helpful for readers. The more social signal you will get, the more valuable your website will be for Google. Social signal does not have a direct link on rankings but can help boost your traffic.
Interconnect all your social account to make the most of it.

5# Create more backlinks

The more pin or repin you will get, the more backlinks you will develop. Indeed, every time a pin is pinned or repinned on Pinterest, a backlink is created back to your website. Moreover, as more and more pins are shared, the more targeted traffic you get to your website. Backlinks represent one of the best way to increase your brand visibility and trust which is rewarded by Google to rank you higher.
So, when uploading a visual on Pinterest, be sure to link back to your website or a specific landing page.

6# Be creative

It is pretty easy to repin popular visuals on Pinterest that have gone viral. But if you want to take the most of it, take the time to dig a little further in the platform to share new and fresh content. It will establish you in the long way as a reference and will drive more traffic to your website.

7# Optimize your captions

Most of the time people don’t bother with caption on Pinterest and only write a few words. Enrich yours with targeted keywords and sentences between 100 and 200 characters to make them valuable for your visitors. It will help you rank better on Pinterest as well as improve your own SEO.

8# Be visible!

It can seems silly but if you’re new on Pinterest, you might have not noticed that your ‘hide your boards’ button is still alive! Turn it off in order to make you visible to other Pinners! This is the first step to build your presence on Pinterest and make you visible to search engines. Otherwise, your efforts will be vain.

9# Think of your image names

When uploading an image on Pinterest, it’s their default name that will be taken. You don’t want your visuals appear like image14258 on the social network. You will miss your effect and it will be nothing good for you SEO. Even if a picture worth a thousand word, your image title is also important. Optimize your images by being descriptive, compelling and concise and be sure to use your main keywords.

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