About OndaPolitica

4 min readApr 1, 2015


OndaPolitica is a non-profit organization that aims to contribute to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners in the field of public policy. It was founded by Caio Werneck, Javier Guillot and Bruno Paschoal, who met during their studies at the Hertie School of Governance, in Berlin. Although their backgrounds were quite different, they soon realized that they had stumbled upon this same gap — a gap worth closing.

OndaPolitica brings together insights from human-centered-design and the open science movement to find out how different users can effectively interact with research results and the objects collected and produced during research.

Some of the potential users of policy research (beyond other researchers)

To explore both strategies in practice, OndaPolitica has been building and testing innovative ways to produce, share and communicate policy research.

We are using our master thesis research project at the Hertie School as a content provider to prototype possible artifacts and interactions for diffusing scientific knowledge between researchers and practitioners.

Currently, we are:

(i) exploring, testing and evaluating already-existing tools that can reduce costs of access, use, and dissemination of policy research objects and broaden its potential audience;

(ii) designing and facilitating hands-on, offline events to develop capabilities, change mindsets, and collect insights for innovation processes in knowledge diffusion.

Images taken with consent of participants in workshops carried out in Berlin and São Paulo.

OndaPolitica’s Manifesto (beta)

  • Our field of interest and action is the field of policy research: a cross-disciplinary enterprise that aims to improve our understanding of societies’ challenges and our collective capacity to address them.
  • We produce and communicate policy research to achieve meaningful impact and diffuse knowledge to wider audiences.
  • We are a human-centered-design lab: we prototype and test approaches to engage a broader range of stakeholders with policy research production and dissemination, taking into consideration the perspective of potential users.
  • We value evidence-based policy-making and believe it occurs best when research actually leads to dialogue among relevant actors.
  • We understand policy researchers as actors in the political sphere. And behave as such.
  • We believe in openly releasing the diversity of objects produced during research processes, not merely finished papers. Research ‘leftovers’ are themselves valuable materials and we for look ways to recycle them.

Our vision pitch (5 min.)

The team (short bio)

Javier Guillot holds a BA (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2007) and an MA (University of Pennsylvania, 2011) in Philosophy. After an experience as editorial coordinator in an academic unit (School of Government, Universidad de los Andes), he worked as researcher and practitioner in a Colombian NGO (Corpovisionarios), concentrating in the design and implementation of projects for positive social change. Javier is currently an MPP candidate at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, supported by a Public Policy and Good Governance scholarship from DAAD.

Bruno Paschoal is an empirical researcher in law and public policy. He received his LL.B at University of São Paulo in 2009 and his LL.M in Law and Development at Fundação Getúlio Vargas in 2012, where he graduated summa cum laude and held scholarships from FGV and FCC. Currently, Bruno is an MPP candidate at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and holds a Public Policy and Good Governance scholarship from DAAD. Apart from research, Bruno is also a cultural entrepreneur, with experience in the production of videos and innovative cultural events.

Caio Werneck was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He is an MPP candidate at the Hertie School of Governance (Berlin), holds a degree in Design Thinking from the Hasso Plattner Institut (2014) and a Bachelor in Public Administration from the Fundação João Pinheiro (2009). Before coming to Berlin, Caio worked for 4 years in the state government of Minas Gerais. First as a member of the Monitoring & Evaluation Unit under the Vice-governor’s Office, then co-designing and leading Movimento Minas, a project aimed to bring citizens to participate in the policy process using innovative online and offline collaborative methodologies and tools.

Contact: info@ondapolitica.org

Our organization was founded on January 17, 2015 and is legally established in Brazil, although current activities are mostly happening in Berlin.




We create immersive spaces to generate meaningful learning and prototype solutions for collective challenges.