OneLedger: A Blockchain of Blockchains

3 min readMar 9, 2018


The market is plagued with a multitude of Blockchains that operate within their own islandic eco-system. Whether private or public, blockchains from the 1.0 era have no means of communicating with one another to attain the well needed synergy that the internet was able to achieve. This issue, better known as the lack of interoperability of blockchains, forces consumers and enterprises to choose between one Blockchain and the other. They ought to sacrifice the benefits of an Ethereum blockchain smart contract, against the lesser flexible but better known blockchain and cryptocurrency of Bitcoin.

David Cao, Founder of OneLedger, very early on understood that if Blockchain was going to improve not only payments but disrupt the way an entire generation worked, processed transactions, exchanged payments and lived, the Blockchain as we know it today was going to need a way to transcend ecosystems, permissions and crypto-currencies. Just as the internet did, David Cao wanted to offer the world a platform where consumers and enterprises would be given the choice to pick only the best that each blockchain has to offer… So, he created OneLedger.

OneLedger is an ambitious and one of a kind project in itself, but David Cao has years of experience in the tech industry to back it up. David worked on a magnitude of technical projects for several Fortune 500 enterprises. He also worked at IBM Toronto Lab on the development of DB2 and WebSphere Commerce core engine. As a specialist in supply chain, payments, e-commerce, and as an experienced J2EE enterprise architect, David has helped large enterprises grow exponentially, including Home Depot, Sears, and Toshiba. David is an active member in both the Hyperledger and blockchain community.

The OneLedger architecture relies on two core principles: 1) Side chains and 2) Business modularization.

Through a user-friendly API system, businesses and individuals turned businesses, create specific modules for their needs that would easily access the OneLedger consensus protocol allowing their off-chain data to first interact with the OneLedger Blockchain, and second to connect and interact with all other Blockchains available on the platform. In this way, businesses could preserve their internal access controls and specifications without suffering from any separations from their existing technologies.

The OneLedger platform will also act as a bona fide transactional storage platform which through its compiling engine and chaincode run time, will free each blockchain interacting on the platform from the shackles of built-in protocols, often culprits of the scalability and exponential cost issues faced by many blockchains. Businesses would therefore be able to operate and interact with other blockchains without affecting the underlying chains for settlements and other operational functions.

This feature particularly satisfies the requirements of enterprise clients and opens them up to the value of tokens and other technologies while maintaining their privacy.

Businesses and individuals would also have the option of using OneLedger utility tokens to facilitate transactions and payments on the platform.

When compared to the most popular permission and permissionless blockchains such as Hyperledger, Bitcoin and Ethereum, the OneLedger blockchain delivers in addition to its interoperability, higher scalability, flexibility and pluggability options.

To learn more about OneLedger and participate in our public sale, visit the website and join our telegram group: Also, follow us on Twitter @OneLedgerTech and Reddit: r/OneLedger/

If you have any questions about OneLedger, please send an email to




A Universal Blockchain Protocol Enabling Cross-ledger Access through Business Modularization. Website: