Meet the OneLedger Team: 6 - Alex Lan

3 min readSep 24, 2018


“I designed the first version of OneLedger’s technical plan. It’s like my baby, and I want it to be very successful. I am very confident that it will be a success as long as we keep focusing on the best engineering methods along with smart adoption.” These are the words of Alex Lan, the Co-Founder and Blockchain R&D at OneLedger.

Alex is an expert in Big Data and Distributed Systems. He became exceptionally passionate about Blockchain technology after he realized that it can potentially influence how the world would work together. He then went on to gain extensive experience in blockchain protocol and consensus algorithm development. He holds a patent in Fault-Tolerant research of distributed systems which is the foundation of consensus in Blockchain. He has experience with Bitcoin hard fork and mining pool projects. Prior to entering the Blockchain arena, he worked as a Business Intelligence Engineer for Amazon, developing inventory management algorithms. He also worked on a Big Data platform for Mindgeeks. He holds three Master’s degrees, namely, in Computer Science, Information and Communication Engineering, and Engineering (French Engineering System).

Alex strongly believes that OneLedger will be the gateway that opens the door for every enterprise to the decentralized world.

Alex presenting at the Blockchain Tech Salon hosted by the Chain Club in Toronto, Canada

We will see a lot more applications being built on the blockchain that will really change the relationship between the centralized and the decentralized world, to make them not against each other but to cooperate with each other. As the architecture of OneLedger is highly evolvable and scalable, we should see a massive amount of cooperation in the tech world in the future.

Speaking of the development team, Alex mentioned that his team is filled with extremely talented individuals who are always taking careful measures to put forward the best designs along with mathematically correct solutions. Alex’s team is currently gearing up to launch the Testnet by the end of the year with features such as smart contracts, cross-chain transactions and atomic swap between multiple blockchains. Alex has assured that the team will keep adding more features as promised in the whitepaper such as channel, governance, staking, full consensus engine and so on. He has committed himself to put his heart and soul into the OneLedger project and make it a success in the future.

In his free time, Alex likes to read and research about astronomy. He is very fond of driving up north of Toronto for some star-gazing.

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support by the OneLedger community.

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A Universal Blockchain Protocol Enabling Cross-ledger Access through Business Modularization. Website: