OneLedger MVP Announcement

2 min readJun 30, 2018


We are pleased to announce the opening of our MVP source-code repository ( and showcase the OneLedger MVP Video (, which shows how to setup and initialize the OneLedger testnet, register identities and issue transactions on our blockchain.

OneLedger MVP Demo

For ease of use we’ve set up a Docker file that builds and runs OneLedger as well as the other two chains.

We have organized the demo so that the operations and functionality is conveniently accessible from the command line as a series of scripts and tests.

Our demo walks through the installation and setup of the environment in Docker. It shows how to register new accounts, mint new coins, and get them into transactions. The environment has some simple facilities to monitor the chains and scripts to bring it all up or down.

We have arranged the demo environment so that the chains can stay small, allowing us to reset them conveniently between tests.

As well as our own chain, we have also set up the demo to include a test Ethereum chain with 3 nodes running geth, and a regtest bitcoind chain with 3 nodes as well. The OneLedger chain is PoS + Tendermint consensus, so it requires a minimum of 4 nodes. The Bitcoin and Ethereum chains are fine with a minimum of 3 nodes, since they are PoW.

Some of the standard blockchain features such as signing, fees and notifications are still in development, but we’ve arranged the architecture so that we can quickly add them later.

A big thing to note in this demo is that we can use chain-wide identities when creating transactions or monitoring the progress. Registering these within the chain simplifies the cli, and provides an internal means of matching accounts.

The full feature list of the MVP is:

  1. OneLedger Blockchain Protocol
  2. PoS + Tendermint Consensus
  3. OLT currency
  4. Chain-wide identity management
  5. Localized account databases
  6. Identity and Account registration for all chains
  7. Simple installation for Bitcoin
  8. Simple installation for Ethereum
  9. Start/Stop for each chain, startup for the whole MVP
  10. Light-client for registration and transactions
  11. Process status/basic monitoring

Stay tuned to our Telegram channel as we will be releasing more features in the coming weeks. Moreover, we will start releasing bi-weekly development update from next week.

For more information on OneLedger protocol development, please join for OneLedger Development Chat.

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Thanks again to the community for all of the support and feedback.




A Universal Blockchain Protocol Enabling Cross-ledger Access through Business Modularization. Website: