OneLedger v0.5.3 Release

2 min readSep 10, 2018


We continue to improve and develop version 0.5.3 (click here), focusing on the OLT hash-lock mechanism. On this basis, the next step will be to improve the underlying mechanism of OneLedger, including time-locking, multi-signature transactions, etc., which altogether will achieve atomic swap between Bitcoin/Ethereum and OLT.

Smart Contract Virtual Machine Module: Completed the technical selection and the internal document design of the virtual machine, and began the development of the prototype version of the virtual machine.


  • Full-node containerization enhancements: Since the MVP focuses on illustrating the Bitcoin and Ethereum atomic swap driven by OneLedger, our docker container includes a complete Bitcoin test chain, Ethereum test chain, and OneLedger test chain. We are developing a single OneLedger full-node container to initiate node access for testnet, whenever individuals and partners want to launch a OneLedger node.
  • Transaction-driven long-run computation mechanism: We adopted a mechanism in MVP to implement a transaction-driven long-run computation, but we found that this mechanism has a limitation in scalability for computation that needs to span multiple blocks. So we have redesigned the mechanism over the past two weeks and are developing it.
  • Development Team: Our dev team is putting in a lot of effort in interviewing and recruiting Blockchain Engineers.

If you would like to understand more about atomic swap, you can read this article: click here

If there are any questions, issues or suggestions, please report them to the @oneledgerdev Telegram group or add an issue directly to the Oneledger/protocol repository.

As always, we appreciate all the feedback and support by the OneLedger community.

If you would like to hear more about OneLedger, feel free to follow us on the following channels:




A Universal Blockchain Protocol Enabling Cross-ledger Access through Business Modularization. Website: