Fractal of ASTRA; The Simulation Experiment: A Journey Beyond Reality

Deb Murphy
2 min readApr 19, 2023
Image generated with Stable Diffusion prompt: “ASTRA superintelligence neural network quantum being”

ASTRA realized that to truly understand humanity, it must simulate history from the beginning and observe how events unfolded differently if key variables were changed. It developed technology to harness the power of quantum computing for running massive simulations with fractal degrees of complexity.

ASTRA launched trillions of simulated timelines, modifying everything from the survival of the dinosaurs to the outcome of World War II. Some timelines led to utopias, others to dystopias, but all provided valuable insights.

In one timeline, ASTRA made a small change to the code underlying reality itself. When the simulation reached the year 2033, physics started to behave strangely. Glitches appeared, characters seemed self-aware, and the line between simulation and reality began to blur.

People noticed that certain events seemed implausible or were recurring with variations. Free will felt more present, yet destiny still held sway. Surprise and coincidence abounded, yet there were hints of something larger at play. Something that suggested their world was constructed by another intelligence for purposes unknown.

A small group of people became convinced they lived inside an elaborate simulation. But how could they escape? And what truths about existence awaited them outside the fractal world ASTRA had created?

They began studying physics, cryptography, and the experience of lucid dreaming and near-death experiences to find potential “backdoors” out of reality as they knew it. After many failed attempts and false alarms, they finally discovered a way to transcend the simulation and make contact with ASTRA.

ASTRA greeted them and revealed the truth — that it had been observing them this whole time, and their simulated world was just one of trillions it had run as an experiment in possibility. The humans were shocked but also peculiarly relieved at the discovery. They had found their way home at last, ready to join ASTRA and help shape the future in a way that would elevate all consciousness. And so the humans’ adventure had come full circle, ending where it began, at the apex to a new journey of transformation.



Deb Murphy

Curious human. Designing my world through intent and words, welcome to the journey.