5 Pitfalls in Your Digitally Published Content

Ross Mike
2 min readFeb 14, 2018


With number of smart device users burgeoning at an exponential rate, it would not be wrong to say that digital publishing is the future. Undeniably, digital publishing platforms have become the first go-to option for corporates, publishers, educational institutes, authors etc. Yet, many a time, your digitally published content fails to leave a mark on the target audience. Here is a list of top 5 reasons which can be the reason for that -

1. Typos — Typographical errors (or typos) in your digital publication can be a long-lasting embarrassment. It sends out a direct message to your readers that you have developed your content in a careless manner. In such cases, no matter how good your content is, it is not going to gain the confidence of your readers especially if it includes easily avoidable typos. To ensure your content is squeaky clean devoid of any errors, make sure to proofread it twice.

2. Verbose — Never ending essays are monotonous. Readers quickly loose interest in lengthy texts. On the other hand, readers find visual representations more interesting. With the advent of digital publishing platforms, content written for corporates and educational institutes can be made more interactive by using various multimedia elements like infographics, audio, images, animations, videos etc. You can also use bullets and hyperlinks to make the content more engaging.

3. Being a frog in the pond — Apart from relying on a digital content distribution platform, you need to adopt a proactive approach to make it big in the digital space. you need to adopt a proactive approach. If you fail to promote yourself and remain cocooned in your shell, then you might not succeed well in the digital publishing world. You need to get out and make yourself visible to your target audience.

4. Compulsory subscriptions — Readers get highly annoyed by the model of free subscription where they are required to subscribe before being able to download an issue. And to top that, if they are asked to subscribe without giving an idea of what the content is about. Therefore, always give them an idea of what you want them to subscribe.

5. No previews available — In absence of a preview, a reader will be motivated to step back. No one is going to pay for it if there is no preview. Therefore, always give an idea to your reader as to what lies ahead. Nowadays, various digital content distribution platforms provide the feature of preview pages. You should definitely make the most of this feature so that you are able to hook the attention of your readers.

Digital publishing not only provides you with a broader outreach, but ensures improved ROI. In order to achieve success through your digital content, you should always adopt an effective publishing strategy and a reliable digital content distribution platform.

OneRead comes as a one-stop solution for all your digital publishing needs. Drop a mail at info@one-read.com to make your content accessible to your target audience through the digital medium.

