5 Reasons Why You Need a Digital Publishing Platform

Ross Mike
2 min readSep 12, 2018


Digital Publishing Platform

With its ever-expanding horizons, the digital ecosystem is paving way for innumerable growth avenues. Whether it is educational publishing or corporate publishing, ePublishing is gaining traction across diverse verticals.

However, this doesn’t mean that the picture is all rosy for digital content publishers. There are several risks pertaining to content security and a few other aspects that act as a roadblock in the success of digital content thereby creating a sense of hesitation among publishers. Does this mean that you should leave the potential of the digital arena, untapped? Absolutely not.

Digital publishing platforms are a quick fix for all your problems. Here are 5 reasons why you need a publishing platform:

Offline functioning- In a scenario when users have access to unlimited information, making your content stand out is not easy. A hassle-free offline experience can help in creating an indelible mark on the mind of your users. With the help of cloud eReaders, you can make a smooth offline experience, a reality.

Content integrity- Unauthorized content usage is one of the biggest concerns among content publishers. Digital publishing platforms facilitate Digital Rights Management (DRM) that helps to safeguard your content’s security. This means that you can closely manage who can access your content and to what extent.

Interactivity- In the wake of the 3-second attention span of an average Internet user, it has become all the more challenging to keep the users' grip. Adorning your content with interactive elements like videos, animations, quizzes helps in holding on to the attention of the users. An engaging experience creates a lasting impact on users and keeps them coming back for more.

Real-time engagement analysis- Is publishing content the end of the story or is it just the beginning? Once you have published your content, it doesn’t mean that you can simply sit back and relax. If you want to make it more effective and profitable, it is important to keep a track of how users receive it. Typically, cloud eReaders have in-built analytics metrics like- total reading time, average session duration, most popular content, etc., that give you an insight into how readers receive your content.

Expand reach- Language constraints often become a reason for limited content reach. With the help of multi-lingual features, you can surpass geographical boundaries and broaden the reach of your content to bigger markets.

Looking for a digital publishing platform to take your content to places? You can simply drop us a mail at info@one-read.com to begin your journey towards secure digital content.

