NFT’s I am supporting.

OneThird Nerd
9 min readJan 27, 2022


Three projects that demand your immediate attention, in my opinion.

So lemme make an important disclaimer and distinction. I do not shill for projects, I support them. And my method of supporting is to invest my time as well as my money. I have minted several dozen Racex cars, and will continue to do so. I own Racex token. I also own three Vendmachines NFT’s. I did receive compensation for helping to promote Vend Machines from a community member I know from Chikn to other Chikn community members. And being as how I’m an early minter with VendMachines I will receive more reflections from people buying them now and also later on. I believe I am also whitelisted for Swarm. (but I might miss the mint anyways)

This medium post isn’t a deep-dive or a review, and while I’m at it, also not financial advice. It’s just me stating what projects I like and a little bit about why, and enough for people to join the communities and learn more.

I’ve been asked to write more about why I like certain projects, or how I do my own due diligence, and they usually come down to three things. And I will certainly dig into them at a later time. But they are always consistent.

  1. Do I like the art?
  2. Do I see utility, function, support, and a roadmap for the future?
  3. Is the community there, or can it be formed to support the project based on #1 and #2?

So the three NFT projects I will very briefly go over today are Racex, VendMachines, and Swarm I encourage you to look at them with the above three factors and go from there.

Racex could be the hit you’re sleepin on


I have one more quick disclaimer and that is that I want Racex to succeed so bad it hurts.

It really isn’t even the money I see this project making for me. And yeah, I’m loaded up with like 40 cars and 5 booster keys and I seriously have no intention of stopping.

But I get freaking HYPED on the idea of speeding around in one of these amazingly gorgeous vehicles on a metaverse racetrack. So hyped in fact that I already started pricing out a homebrew racing simulator cockpit.. as well as figuring out how many concessions I have to make to the gf to take up a whole spare bedroom for it. (seriously, I used to work in animatronics.. I dont mean some dinky little seat out of a car and a logitech steering wheel.)

And honestly, if I’m making money all day, its really just an investment..

Because that is the core draw for me with this project. INCREDIBLE car renderings on the level of AAA console games, but with all of the incredible Gamefi and tokenomics which I truly believe are the safest bet in these unsure waters with Defi as a whole. (sorry, not sorry.. its about utility, not politics)

But staking your NFT’s? Modding capabilities? Lucrative partnerships? Awesome tokenomics? Real world racing events?! And we all know Emin loves his racecars

As a matter of fact there is so much to love about this Racex, and so many incredible car renderings, and tremendous polish on the website, that my hackles are up for one reason only.. Why aren’t more people apeing on this?

Solid tokenomics, but no whitepaper.. YET

RACEX mint has been live for well over a month and its not even a quarter of the way through.

Honestly, between that and the FUD that they couldn’t deliver on such an ambitious game, I would probably be a LOT more cautious than I have been. However, I don’t listen to a ton of AMA’s but I just happened to catch a piece of one of them with one of the fully Doxxed members of the RACEX team, and while I can’t recall who said it,(Mo B I believe) they said something that really struck a chord with me, when asked why they haven’t dedicated more money to advertising, and what would they do to increase the speed of the minting the developer simply stated (I’m paraphrasing here..)

I don’t see any need to push the mint, and honestly, until the game is finished, we wont put any real effort into advertising it, other than through our partnerships with other projects. Personally, I hate the idea of having this NFT that you can’t DO anything with, and we are not funding this game through the money from the mint, so we are not dependent on this minting out to be able to make the game, which is something else that really bothers me.”

Between the discord and the doxxed team, and statement above, I feel like this is a genuine project

There is a lot to go into with RACEX, but I will sum up a few quick things:

  • Race-to-earn with a tremendously diverse lineup of vehicles.
  • plans for a ridiculous amount of customization, even in game dealerships and vehicle mod studios run by players
  • Game engine being developed for multiple different chains. AVAX is current flagship but Oraichain also has game in development from same engine.
  • Whitepaper should be released very soon/gameplay soon after
  • Ability to stake Racex token now on ELK and AVAlabs

Right now, when it comes to RACEX there is quite a few options for the person looking to invest. There is one thing I would suggest first and foremost if you plan to ape in and thats to scoop a second market key (I have 5, none listed) as well as some RACEX token. The keys are not just good for an in-game boost in any car (as well as being very limited in number) but they will also net you a nice discount on mint as long as you also have some racex token in your wallet. This discount is HUGE. And if you are minting without it, you are only hurting yourself.

Also, there are lots of promotions for key holders. Including one being run now by “Flight of Legends” (another project I’m closely tracking)

So RACEX is certainly a project I would have a harder time believing in if not for the community as well as the involvement of the developers. Another one, would be the ambitious project that people are finally starting to catch on to, that is ALSO still in mint: Vend Machines NFT

The V2 vend machines and new website show a developer who lives up to their word

Vending Machines in the real world have dominated the world of passive income since they were first invented. And even though VR hasn’t made nearly the splash I myself assumed it would have by now, I can damn well guarantee with enough money anything is possible, and the metaverse is coming even if Zuck has to personally microchip you into digital compliance himself.

And just as certain as Zuckster making metaverse a common stomping ground in the not too distant future, is the addition of convenience shopping in the form of digital property vending machines. So when a community member from Chikn who goes by Aza in discord asked me to look into their project called VendMachines NFT, I was certainly intrigued.

the v1 vend machines.. didn’t exactly instill confidence, ngl

AZA (one of the developers of VendMachines NFT) is my kind of person. Full of enthusiasm, and excitement, and energy, my only initial worry was that they might be also prone to losing interest, especially if things got difficult. Weeks now into a very slow moving mint; I can say that is Vend Machines is the real deal, and they are committed to everything I believe in as a community NFT project.

The Discord for VendMachines is always running promotions, giveaways, partnerships, doing AMA’s, they are active EVERYWHERE. If you DM them, they will respond, if you contact them in discord, they will respond, if you tagged them in twitter.. guess what? They will respond….Which is incredible because of all the work they are doing. This was an attractive project to me because the reflections were good, and I did believe that Aza was the sort of fella I could believe in. Now this is an attractive project to me because they are absolutely making incredibly smart moves. They are constantly upgrading and improving.. and the rarity of minted tokens has yet to even be revealed. The new website is sleek and polished, and the new NFT’s in 3D really have me excited for the full reveals.

Good for the wallet AND the soul, with donations to Buildon.Org

I think VendMachines represents a project that is fantastic for the community of NFT enthusiasts on AVAX and it is a project with its own fantastic community. I have no problem admitting that with the V1 vendmachines I was in violation of my first rule for buying NFT’s.. I didn’t like the art. But I believed in #3 and Aza and his team have come through and produced some really eye-catching NFT’s now and people should start to be excited about the visual appeal. But the last project that I want to talk about had people drooling long before they even really took a closer look.. and I don’t just mean a closer look at the lore and the whitepaper behind Swarms. I mean literally zooming in on this incredible 4k Artwork

at 5000x5000 px there is literally more than meets the eye, and incredible variety between genotypes

I dont have to hype swarms. Honestly, because I might be out of the country and taking a bit of a tech hiatus.. I might even miss the minting. So I don’t want you to crush this mint before I can absolutely ape in on an irresponsible level that would make even a diehard NFT enthusiast or IRL etymology collector say.. “that’s a little excessive

I love everything about Swarms. I love the community, I FREAKING ADORE THE LORE. I wanna write stories in this universe. I wanna make real world printouts of my future bees and their offspring and spend my golden years trying to genetically engineer them with the millions I made by selling just one of their offspring years down the line.

I will absolutely be revisiting Swarms with a medium piece in the very near future, but unlike the other two. This one is not yet in mint. So.. Support those now if you can afford it, but make sure you join the discord and follow the social media accounts for Swarm in the meantime, maybe you can win a freebie, or get an early chance at a small portion of the mint with a whitelist.

But I’m done writing for the day, and you have plenty of research now to do anyways.




:Twitter: Twitter:

:Instagram: Instagram:





Official links :

Website :

Twitter :

Whitepaper :

Youtube :

Mint : TBA


RaceX Socials :
TG chat :
TG announcements :

$RaceX token :
CG —
Pangolin —
Trader Joe —

NFKeys verified collection :
Nftrade —
Kalao —
TofuNFT —
YetiSwap —

RaceCars V2 verified collection :
Kalao —
NFTrade —
TofuNFT —
YetiSwap —

