Ngbo, Is Juju real?

Yinka Ijabiyi
4 min readOct 9, 2021


Two black people painted up to look scary with one carrying the other on their back
Juju ko, junkuruju ni.

Ngbo in Yoruba language means…erm…erm…something like…listen…in colloquial English but would mean something like…mmmm…it is hard to translate to be honest. So just stick with Ngbo. It is a way of starting a conversation, starting to ask a question or beginning a gossip.

Africans have always prided themselves on the power of juju. Every African or person of color (white, yellow, etc are also colors by the way) has this strong unassailable belief in the power of native juju or sorcery or witchcraft. They believe that you can command the elements to obey you and harm your friends, family members, enemies or total strangers. Or that you can commandeer these powers to become suddenly wealthy without stress. Mention juju in most African settings and lesser ordinary mortals either scurry under their beds or lesser religious mortals commence the traditional chant of Blood of Jesus and start kabashing aka speaking in tongues. The fear of juju is the beginning and end of the normal African person’s wisdom and everything.

This is however not a juju bashing session. It is a light attempt to even establish whether indeed this famous juju exists. Is it true that by saying the right incantations and combining the right leaves and invoking the right spirits, you can control the fate of another man or of a people? If that were to be the case, shouldn’t Africans and their juju be ruling the world now? Or am I missing something?

You ask a human being to bring another human being or vital parts of another human being so you can use it to make money medicine for them. Are you not foolish? If your medicine works, shouldn’t you be running your own bank and lending money to those wishing to do money ritual to be rich without collateral?

You claim you have ofe or the power to disappear and appear anywhere you choose yet you still go to the embassy to queue for visa and degrade yourself further by flying in a claustrophobic cubicle with hundreds of other mere mortals. Ishigi o di kwa nma?

You claim to be able to make anyone well through the use of traditional herbs and things and yet when you have malaria or covid you follow scientific instructions taking drugs and maintaining strict regimen of treatment so you can get well and return to using juju to scam. Surely your mentality is missing a huge chunk of brain mass.

You know what to say to the elements and have them do your will like call thunder on someone or afflict another with sopona or leprosy and the likes of other vile things and yet you wallow in hunger and suffering yourself rather than giving yourself brain to package the same and sell to militaries or rogue states to stop wholesale mass destruction and simply tell you who they wish to take out of play and you would call their name in your juju water and they will sleep and never wake up. Or they would just go mad and be dancing naked in the open market. No open market abroad? Ehn, let them off cloth and be dancing in Tesco or Walmart or any big shop close to where they are. Nonsense.

You can cure diseases yet you can’t partner with Pfizer or kinikankinikan big pharma to patent your agbo or concotions and sell same to a global audience and become rich and achieve the saviour status? What kind of juju man art thou?

You are a witch and you can kill children or enemies at night. You can donate your family members to your coven. You can turn to bed and fly to meetings every night. You put one leg on the wall and you land in your coven meeting anywhere in the world. Yet in the daytime you are calling the people you are “hurting” at night to send you food money so you won’t die of hunger. In fact, are you normal? If you availed your services to mafia bosses, politicians and other greedy baddos, are you not aware that you would be rich beyond your wildest imaginations rather than this constant sufferhead that is you and your family’s lot forever?

There is no juju. The hungry man feeds fat on the fear or death of others like him to concot these things. He feeds fat on the fear of exposure of thieves and corrupt politicians and government officials and pastors to continually provide fake services to believers in jagbajantis that he’s managed to convince work. The dangerous medicine man feeds fat on our fears and weaknesses and we will forever enable them by paying them to hurt us. Maybe hurt truly keeps us human jare.

PS — I am an equal opportunity writer and while I use the male gender most times in my wriblings, be advised that I refer also to the female gender, the former males and former females and the ones who do not know what they are and those who would rather not say what they are lest they be wrong.

