ONI Launch & the ONINO Farm

3 min readJan 15, 2022


Today we want to provide you with further information regarding the launch of the $ONI token on January 22nd 🚀

💡 General Information

The launch will take place on January 22nd at 8 pm CET on the well-known Decentralized Exchange PankaceSwap 🚀

As initial liquidity we will provide $200,000 in BNB paired with 2 million ONI tokens priced at $0.10/ONI each, totaling $400,000 worth of liquidity.

🌾 The ONINO Farm

Parallel to the PancakeSwap Launch, the ONINO Farm will also go live to enable you to instantly use your fresh ONI token to generate revenue.

The ONINO Farm will launch on January 22nd with the opportunity for ONI Single Token Staking. ONI token can be deposited in the farm for the time periods 1, 3 and 12 months. In return, rewards will be distributed from the ONINO Staking Rewards Fund.

Furthermore, options for Liquidity Mining will follow soon. This will allow you to deposit ONI tokens paired with BNB in the farm for various periods of time to provide liquidity. In return, the users of the farm receive revenues from the ONINO Liquidity Mining Fund.

The returns vary depending on the length of the deposit and the current number of users of the farm. The ONINO team has developed the smart contracts for the farm to ensure that the ONINO Farm generates the highest possible returns for depositing ONI tokens and can thus generate a steady passive income. A detailed How-To on how to use our farm will be released soon!

🔐 Token Locking

With regard to the upcoming launch on 22nd on PancakeSwap, we would also like to go further into detail how the ONI token will be locked to provide full clarity to our community.

Here is a simple list in which you will find a quick overview over the locking periods of relevant $ONI token pools after the launch on January 22nd:

Team, Advisor & Development Token

Competely locked for 1 year, followed by linear unlocking over 2 years. The tokens will be locked securely & transparently with Unicrypt.

Pre Seed Sale Token

Partially vested. Unlocking 25% every 2 weeks, starting at January 22nd.

Seed Sale & Pre Sale Token

Unlocked at launch, can be withdrawn from January 22nd 8 pm on https://seedsale.onino.io/ and https://www.presale.onino.io/.

We have decided not to lock the Seed Sale and Pre Sale tokens, as we want to prevent ONI token from just sitting in wallets. Instead, we want to give all our community members the opportunity to utilize their tokens in the ONINO Farm right from the launch date.

Stay tuned for more ONINO news soon! We’re excited for the launch and are extremely happy to be able to include you all so early in this project right.

Thank you for all your positive feedback and support so far!

Your ONINO team

Join our Telegram to stay up to date and become part of our growing community: https://t.me/oninoofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/onino_io/

Important Notice:
The ONI token, issued on the BNB Smart Chain, is intended to serve as a preliminary token until the launch of our proprietary blockchain network. In its present state, ONI token holders may participate in our preliminary “ONINO Farms” as a means of familiarizing themselves with the staking process, receiving staking rewards, and serving as a “Pre Validator Staking Registration Network.” This preliminary phase is designed to help support token holders in accumulating the necessary amount of tokens needed for staking on the launched network, ultimately fostering true decentralization by enabling a greater number of individual people to become network validators. It is crucial to understand that this preliminary staking mechanism is solely designed as a precursor to the genuine, native staking that will be implemented upon the successful deployment of our own network. Once the network is operational, the ONI tokens will be migrated to the ONINO blockchain, where they will serve as the native tokens and support network stability through native staking. We strongly emphasize that the current mechanism is solely an interim measure, leading directly to the fully functional network-perpetuating staking.




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