ONINO Dashboard Feedback

2 min readJan 3, 2023


We hope you enjoy using our ONINO Dashboard and find it helpful in managing your cryptocurrency portfolio. At ONINO, our goal is to create the best possible experience for our users, and one of the most important ways we can do that is by listening to your feedback.

We do not believe in releasing a 100% polished product. We believe in features for and alongside our users to create products that bring value to the end user.

Give us direct Feedback in the App

Please use the feedback function built into the Dashboard to give us your direct opinion on features and ways to improve the experience.

In-App Feedback

Why your Feedback is so important to us

Product feedback and discovery are crucial components of any successful product development process. By getting your thoughts and opinions on what’s working well and what could be improved, we can make informed decisions about what features and updates to prioritize. Plus, hearing directly from our users helps us ensure that we’re meeting the needs and expectations of the people who use our product on a daily basis.

So if you have any suggestions for features you’d like to see, or if you’ve run into any issues or bugs, please don’t hesitate to let us know. You can reach out to us through the in-app feedback form or by reaching us at dashboard@onino.io or via dm to @lukasonino on Telegram.

In the coming weeks, we will be conducting many user interviews to get a deeper understanding of the needs of our customer base. If you want to take part in these interviews, feel free to reach out directly to the team or sign up here:


Your feedback is invaluable to us and helps us make the dashboard the best it can be for all of our users.

We truly value your input and can’t thank you enough for supporting us. We look forward to hearing from you and continuing to improve the dashboard experience for everyone.

Help us spread the word!

If you like the ONINO Dashboard, the best you can do is help us spread the word! You can post with #oninodashboard on social media and link to https://app.onino.io/ — thank you!

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