Business Lessons from a Dinosaur in a Jar

Unconventional Thinking for Business Success

Sally Lazarus 🦝
5 min readJun 12, 2024
Friendly dinosaur sitting in jar
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Have you ever heard the children’s riddle that goes like this?

How do you put a dinosaur into a jam jar?

If not, then brace yourself for some dino-mite fun…

For this dino-wrangling expedition, you’ll need:

✔️ A pair of tweezers

✔️ A pair of binoculars

✔️ A jam jar

✔️ A dinosaur of your choice (preferably not a T-Rex unless you’re feeling extra brave) 🦖

The Method:

The way you do it is very simple…

You look at the dinosaur through the wrong end of the binoculars, then carefully pick him up with the tweezers and drop him into the jar. (Make sure you get everything, including his legs, tail and tiny little arms!).

Ta-da! Instant dino-jar! 😏

Okay, okay, I hear you say: “But Sally, that’s ridiculous! You can’t really shrink a dinosaur with binoculars!”

Well of course you can’t — unless said dinosaur is tiny and plastic, this method is obviously bonkers.



Sally Lazarus 🦝

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