Brand Power: How Investing in Strong Brands Can Boost Your Portfolio Performance

Is This the Easiest Way to Beat the Market?

The Onveston Letter
6 min readMar 22, 2023

If a company wants to succeed in the long term, building and sustaining its brand value is a key strategy. But what is brand value? Brand value is a company’s reputation and market appeal. It can be created through the quality of the products, services, and support the company offers. The company’s overall perceived authenticity of its story or message to consumers, and how well the company listens to its customers are also key components of brand value.

Brands are more than trademarks that identify products and services. Branding encompasses everything related to vision, mission, business strategy, strategic marketing, and communication programs. A brand is a set of distinctive features, qualities, and values that form an image in the mind of consumers. Brands can be a name, symbol (such as a logo), slogan, design, or package that has been created to identify the goods or services offered by one company.

Brand value can be defined as “a customer’s preference for a brand over its competitors, which is accompanied by the willingness to pay a premium price for the product.”

From the perspective of consumers, the main benefit of a recognizable and meaningful brand…



The Onveston Letter

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