“God, is It True that You Are Not the Author of Confusion?”

Onyi Nnebedum
1 min readJun 3, 2023


OnyiNnebedum, teaching!

Many quote 1Corn.14:33 to tell us that God is not the Author of Confusion...

I would have loved to agree, but these Verses won't let me:

2Kings 7:4-9
2Samuel 15:31
Gen. 11:5-8
Isaiah 9:5

Well, here was what Paul the Apostle said in 1 Corinthians 14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, AS IN ALL CHURCHES OF THE SAINTS."

The key to that Verse is this part that says, "AS IN ALL CHURCHES (GATHERING) OF THE SAINTS."

That is to say that outside the Churches or gathering of the saints, like in the Verses above, God authors confusion.

Confusion is a battle strategy and God uses it a lot, but not within His own house, because Jesus said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. And guess what, he devil and his evil men prioritize this strategy!

One of the greatest prayers from the man after God’s heart - David - is what we find in 2Samuel 15:31. It’s the kind of prayer we all need to be praying now...

I’m OnyiNnebedum
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