SpaceApes NFT contract migration to OogaVerse

4 min readNov 20, 2021


SpaceApes is OogaVerse now!

With a smile in one and a tear in the other eye, SpaceApes is required to undergo a name change.. This news came as a shock to us and can’t imagine what it would be like for you. Just like everything that happens in life, it happens for a reason and we couldn’t have been more certain now that this was a scenario that happened for the greater good.. SpaceApes was incredibly fun and we know for a fact that you enjoyed this journey just as we did…SpaceApes was incredibly enjoyable for us and I hope it was for you too! but Oogas not to worry!! All good things come to end and this is WAY MORE than just the end..This is just the beginning of OogaVerse!

Find a more detailed statement on the name change in our Discord.

Contract Migration

Since Launch of the project, we have been using the OpenSea shared NFT contract. On November 18th we will be migrating to our own NFT smart contract and launch of the $DMT Token. We are also changing the name from SpaceApes to OogaVerse. When you migrate your SpaceApe it will get the name Ooga. More information about why we change the name can be found in our Discord. ( In this article you will find all information about the migration, $DMT yielding and the breeding process.

What’s the purpose of the migration?

When you migrate your SpaceApe it will directly start to yield 20 $DMT per day. Only migrated SpaceApes are able to yield $DMT. With $DMT you can then breed Baby Oogas and Change the name & bio of your Oogas. There are plenty more things you can do with $DMT in the future. More $DMT utilities will be announced soon!

How to migrate my SpaceApes?

You can migrate your SpaceApes through the My Collection page of our new website All the Apes in your wallet that are not migrated should appear now under “Genesis SpaceApes”.

Before you can migrate your SpaceApes you need to click on “Approve Migration” and approve the MetaMask transaction.

Under each SpaceApe you find a “Migrate” button. By clicking that button a MetaMask window pops up where you can approve the transaction. You will then find the same SpaceApe under “Genesis Ooga”. Don’t worry everything with your Ape will be the same, except the name that changes from SpaceApe to Ooga.

It takes up to 3 minutes until your Ooga is migrated. After migration please refresh the Metadata on OpenSea.

Yielding $DMT

After migrating your Ooga it will directly start yielding $DMT. Every Genesis Ooga yields 20 $DMT per day. You can claim the yielded $DMT whenever you want. For example if you have 1 Genesis Ooga you can claim 10 $DMT after 12h, or you can claim 600 $DMT after 30 days. It’s completely up to you.

A Baby Ooga yields extra $DMT

In addition to the 20 $DMT a Genesis Ooga yields per day, every Baby Ooga that you hold will also yield 5 $DMT per day. The only Requirement is that you need to hold 2 Genesis Oogas. If you only hold 1 Genesis Ooga, your Baby Oogas won’t yield any extra $DMT.

For example:
2 Genesis Oogas + 1 Baby Ooga = 2x 20 $DMT + 5 $DMT = 45 $DMT/Day
2 Genesis Oogas + 2 Baby Oogas = 2x 20 $DMT + 10 $DMT = 50 $DMT/Day
1 Genesis Ooga + 2 Baby Oogas = 1x 20 $DMT + 0 $DMT = 20 $DMT/Day

How can I claim $DMT

You can claim $DMT on our website You need to connect your MetaMask wallet and then go to the “My Collection” Page. The claimable amount of $DMT will be shown in the top right corner inside the “Claim $DMT” button. By clicking that button a MetaMask window opens where you need to approve the transaction.

How can I breed a Baby Ooga?

If you are a happy holder of 2 Genesis Oogas (Ooga #1 — #2,000) you can breed a Baby Ooga by clicking on the “Breeding” button in the top right corner. A window opens and if you have enough $DMT you can “start the incubation process”. A MetaMask window opens where you can approve the transaction. You need to burn 2,000 $DMT and then get an Incubator.

Revealing your Baby Ooga

Revealing function will be active a couple of weeks after migration. Exact time and date to be announced. You will be able to reveal your Baby Ape directly after you created an Incubator. You decide if you want to reveal your Baby Ooga or let it be inside the incubator. The traits of your Baby Ooga will be completely random. There will be 10 legendary animated Baby Oogas randomly created through breeding.

Summon Legendary

Every legendary Genesis Ooga can summon one legendary Baby Ooga. Connect your Wallet and go to the “My Collection” page on our website. If you hold a legendary Genesis Ooga there will be a “Summon Legendary” Button under your Legendary Ooga. By clicking that Button a MetaMask window opens where you have to approve the transaction. In order to summon a legendary Baby Ooga you need to burn 2,000 $DMT. Every legendary Genesis Ooga can only summon one legendary Baby Ooga. Besides that, it just acts like a normal Genesis Ooga when it comes to breeding.

Change the Name and Bio of your Ooga

You can change the name or bio of your Ooga by burning 200 $DMT. To do this you need to connect your wallet on our website and open the “My Collection”. When you click on an Ooga the Details page opens where you can change the name or edit the bio.

