Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Revised Rough Draft Notes

Andrew G.
46 min readMay 5, 2020


All the notes on the draft from the Star Wars Episode I Insider’s Guide

The home screen of the Insider’s Guide. The number indicates which disc the information is on.

In June 1999, just a month after Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace released in May, LucasArts released a CDROM companion called the Star Wars Episode I Insider’s Guide chock full of information on the movie and the associated universe. Among the entries about characters and locales and technology was a full script for the movie, including numerous notes detailing what was in previous drafts of the film, mostly the revised rough draft that was completed on June 13th, 1996. Presented here is every note from the previous drafts, ripped directly from the file on the CDROM, and shown in film order. The file also included what it called “callouts” that cite the specific page number or numbers in the draft where the aforementioned events take place. As far as I can tell, these callouts are inaccessible from the actual computer program and are thus presented here for the first time. They are shown in parentheses after the associated note. A handful of notes did not include any callouts. A small number of notes talk about the revised second draft and/or the revised third draft. Headings for notes solely about the revised second draft will be in italics. Headings for notes solely about the revised third draft will be in bold. As an aside, the revised third draft has leaked.

Storyboard by artist Ian McCaig of a sequence from the revised rough draft.

Working Title
The working title of Star Wars: Episode I was simply “The Beginning.” (Revised rough draft)

George Lucas began writing Episode I in November of 1994. Upon completing the first draft, which was handwritten in a notebook, he began the task of carefully revising the story. Although much of the original screenplay remains intact in the final draft (reprinted in this section), the script went through about twenty full revisions and was constantly changed and updated throughout filming and editing. A revised (and typed) rough draft is dated June 13, 1996.

Early scroll
The text scroll in the revised rough draft of the screenplay reads:

“It is a time of decay in the Republic. The taxation of trade routes to the tiny planet of Utapau is in dispute.

Hoping to force a resolution with a blockade of deadly Star Destroyers, the greedy Federation of Galactic Traders has cut off all shipping and supplies to the small, peaceful planet.

While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates the alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched a young Jedi Knight to settle the conflict…”

(The scroll referenced here is from “Revised Rough Draft June 13, 1996.” All references to “revised rough draft” or “RRD” throughout will be pointing to this draft.) [According to a note on the Trade Federation Battleship elsewhere in the Insider’s Guide, they are called “star destroyers” again on page 10 of the revised rough draft.]

In the revised rough draft, Naboo is known as “Utapau.” The name is not unfamiliar to Star Wars fans, as early drafts of the original Star Wars film open on the fourth moon of Utapau, where Kane Starkiller and his two sons are ambushed by evil Knights of the Sith. In these versions of Star Wars, Kane’s eldest son, Annikin, goes on to become one of the story’s central protagonists and joins forces with an aged General Skywalker to destroy the Empire’s Death Star. (Utapau appears in the Annotated Screenplays and in the rough draft of Star Wars.)

Obi-Wan Kenobi confronts the Trade Federation alone in the revised rough draft. He does not join forces with Qui-Gon (whom he describes as his “mentor and good friend”) until late in the screenplay. Qui-Gon’s name is not hyphenated in this version of the script. (RRD, pp, 1, 92)

Two Jedi
Qui-Gon joins Obi-Wan by the second draft. The opening of this version, which is dated March 13, 1997 (and revised in May of 1997) is nearly identical to the final film. (Revised 2nd Draft (March 13, 1997/Revised May 9, 1997), hereafter identified as R2D. Pg. 1.)

As originally conceived in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan is about thirty. He is dressed in black. (RRD, pg. 3)

In the revised rough draft, the Neimoidians have different physical features. Daultay Dofine, for example, is described as “short” and “fat.” The Neimoidians are flanked by “two tall, thin alien aides and two floating protector droids.”

Daultay’s Refusal
In the revised rough draft, Daultay Dofine refuses to meet with Obi-Wan Kenobi because he fears that the Jedi will use his mind trick to confuse the Neimoidian. (RRD, pg. 4)

Darth Sidious
From the earliest drafts, Sidious is portrayed as a menacing, hooded figure very similar to the Emperor from The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. (RRD, pg. 5)

Power of the Dark Side
Much of this scene is identical in the revised rough draft. However, when Daultay Dofine begins arguing with the Sith Lord, Sidious uses the dark side of the Force to begin choking the Neimoidian. He then lifts the gasping Dofine from the ground and states, “You fool, my reach is far greater than the Jedi. Only a Sith Lord can wield the power of the Force over such a great distance…” (RRD, pg. 5)

Jedi Warning
While waiting for the viceroy in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan spends his time in meditation. He senses that the Republic cruiser is in danger and immediately orders the captain to flee. Despite this early warning, the Republic cruiser is still destroyed by the Trade Federation forces. (RRD, pp. 4, 6)

The revised rough draft introduces a droid named GTR-7, who is one of several droids stationed on the bridge of the Trade Federation battleship. In this draft, GTR-7 activates the laser cannon that destroys the Republic cruiser. He appears later to inform the Neimoidians that the Queen is sending a message. (RRD, pg. 6, 14)

Battle Droids
The battle droids appear as early as the rough draft and remain relatively unchanged throughout subsequent drafts. (RRD, throughout)

In the revised rough draft, Rune Haako knows far more about the Jedi than his superior, Nute Gunray. The moment Obi-Wan escapes the gas-filled room, he suggests that Gunray flee the ship as the Jedi will undoubtedly be searching for the Neimoidian leader. (RRD, pg. 7–8)

P-59’s Commands
In the revised rough draft, like the final shooting script, P-59 takes charge of the destroyer droids. He orders a droid named X-12 to “switch to heat,” and commands DD-2 to “switch to bio” as they search for Obi-Wan. A third destroyer droid, F-41, is also mentioned. (RRD, pg. 10)

The notion that the Jedi could escape the Trade Federation battleship by slipping aboard a landing craft appears as early as the revised rough draft. (RRD, pg. 10)

Queen Amidala
The Queen is known as “Amidala” as early as the revised rough draft. Her age, as noted in this version, is “hard to determine, but she is a young woman.” Although she lives on a planet known as Utapau in the revised rough draft, she rules the “people of Naboo,” who have a tremendous amount of faith in their Queen. (RRD, pg. 15)

Invasion Excuses
In order to justify the Trade Federation invasion in the revised rough draft, Nute Gunray tells Amidala that the Neimoidians are “reviewing a request for aid from a liberation group within your governing council.” According to Gunray, the “liberation group” is upset because Queen Amidala’s unwillingness to resolve the blockade through an agreement or treaty with the Neimoidians has resulted in “chaos and starvation” for her people. This group has also allegedly asked that the Trade Federation “send in troops to help quell the unrest.” Amidala does not believe Gunray’s claims and knows that he is simply making excuses for the planned invasion. Later, Darth Sidious reveals that he has delayed the “vote on the Federation’s blockade…while the Senate debates the plea from the Naboo for help in putting down the riots.” (RRD, pp. 15, 28)

The Invasion
During the invasion scenes in the revised rough draft, the Trade Federation utilizes Platoon Attack Craft (PACs), Single Troop Armed Pogo Sticks (STAPS), Maxi Troop Transports (MTTs), Armored Attack Craft (AACs), and an Armored Command Cruiser (ACC) carrying OOM-9. (RRD, pg. 10–11)

Droid Command
As in the final draft, OOM-9 leads the Trade Federation battle droid army in the revised rough draft. However, he is also assisted by a Commando Leader Captain called 22D-R. (RRD, pg. 11)

In the revised second draft, OOM-9 informs his Neimoidan masters that the droid army is “marching on the city of Oxon. There is no resistance.”

Jar Jar
Jar Jar appears in the revised rough draft as a “strange, giant, frog-like creature.” He speaks in normal English, although he is very childlike and emotional. In this draft, Qui-Gon has yet to be introduced and it is Obi-Wan who rescues Jar Jar. (RRD, pg. 12)

In the revised rough draft, Jar Jar describes his people as “a peaceful and kind sort,” although he makes it well known that the Gungans do not like outsiders and will likely throw Obi-Wan into prison. (RRD, pg. 16)

Even after he descends into the swamp in the revised rough draft, the battle droids continue to search for Obi-Wan. OOM-9 orders 22D-R to release “remote seekers” to search for the Jedi before the droids head to “Naboo City at attack speed.” The remotes are described as “small floating balls” that set out in search of Obi-Wan. One of the remote seekers actually enters the lake. (RRD, pg. 17)

Otoh Gunga Approach
The revised rough draft mentions that Jar Jar and Obi-Wan are joined by a school of “odd dolphin-like glowing fish” as they swim toward Otoh Gunga. (RRD, pg. 17)

The revised second draft describes “odd, horse-like kaadus” swimming past the Jedi. (R2D, pg. 15)

Governor Nass
Boss Nass is known as “Governor Nass” in the revised rough draft. Like Jar Jar in this version of the script, his speech pattern is normal and does not suggest the dialect used in the final film. (RRD, pg. 18)

Falling Fish
The revised rough draft indicates that throughout the encounter with Governor Nass, fish occasionally slip through the room’s organic wall. A young Gungan is responsible for grabbing the fish and throwing them through the membrane again. (RRD, pg. 18)

Gungan Comlink
When Obi-Wan first asks the Gungans for help in the revised rough draft, Boss Nass agrees to raise the Naboo on the Gungan comlink. With a push of a button, the “entire dome becomes a screen filled with static.” Nass tries several other buttons, but the static does not fade. Finally, a Gungan engineer named Zem appears on the screen to tell Nass that outside communications have been disrupted. (RRD, pp. 18, 19)

The Core
Naboo’s core is described in greater detail by Governor Nass in the revised rough draft. He tells Obi-Wan Kenobi that, although traveling through the core is the quickest route to Theed, the journey is incredibly dangerous. According to Nass, an incredibly skilled Gungan navigator could successfully travel through the core, but such a feat has not been accomplished in the Gungan leader’s lifetime. As in the final film, Jar Jar is recruited to help navigate through the core. (RRD, pg. 19)

Search Droid
In the revised rough draft, the Trade Federation invasion army has released several floating remotes to search for Obi-Wan Kenobi. Shortly before Obi-Wan boards the Gungan transport, he spies one of these “search droids” infiltrating Otoh Gunga. With expert skill, the Jedi cuts the droid in half, but he realizes that even the hidden Gungan city is now threatened. (RRD, pg. 21)

Jar Jar’s Panic
Realizing that he has been sentenced to certain death in the core, Jar Jar must be forcibly dragged to the Gungan transport in the revised rough draft. Obi-Wan handles the situation by using the Jedi mind trick, convincing Jar Jar that the pair will survive their trek through the core unharmed. The effects of the mind trick wear off quickly, however, and the moment the pair leaves Otoh Gunga, Jar Jar panics again. He remains adamant that they will not pass safely through the “Core Caves,” and he likens Obi-Wan’s reliance on the Force to praying to a god called Nododo. Jar Jar’s fears prove well-founded, for the moment the transport enters the area of the core known as “the Nocturne,” it is attacked by an opee sea killer. (RRD, pp. 22–25)

The Chase
As they attempt to escape the opee sea killer in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan and Jar Jar find themselves facing three canyons. They choose the center canyon, but the opee follows, shooting “paralyzing spit balls” at the transport. During the harrowing chase, Jar Jar pilots the transport, while Obi-Wan uses the Jedi mind trick to keep the Gungan calm and relaxed. The opee manages to grab the transport in its mouth, breaking off a wing. Fortunately, a sando aqua monster arrives and consumes the opee.

Sando Aqua Monster
The line “There’s always a bigger fish…” is absent from the revised second draft. Instead, the moment Obi-Wan takes control of the bongo, the opee mysteriously releases the vehicle. Confused, Qui-Gon asks, “How’d you do that?” to which Obi-Wan responds, “I’m not sure…” A moment later, the bongo’s occupants see the sando aqua monster consuming the opee sea killer.

Fall of Theed
The actual invasion of Theed is shown in greater detail in the revised rough draft. The Trade Federation droid army, led by OOM-9, manages to approach the capital city undetected. On Nute Gunray’s order, the army then launches a full-scale assault. (RRD, pg. 28)

Amidala’s Fate
During this scene in the revised rough draft, Darth Sidious reveals that the Queen must meet with some unfortunate “accident” once the invasion is complete. Nute Gunray questions this plan, fearing that the Neimoidians will need Amidala alive in order to control the masses. Sidious, however, feels that the Trade Federation’s massive army will be more than enough to keep the Naboo people in line. (RRD, pp. 28, 29)

Power Outage
Shortly after their narrow escape from the opee sea killer in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan directs Jar Jar to pilot the Gungan transport into a dark cave. Once in the cave, however, he realizes that he has chosen the wrong path. Soon after, the transport begins to lose power. When Jar Jar asks the Jedi to fix the transport, Obi-Wan admits that he is “not very good with mechanical things.” Despite this confession, Obi-Wan does restore the power, only to discover that they have been cornered by a colo claw fish. Jar Jar promptly faints, and Obi-Wan takes control of the transport. As in the final film, the sando aqua monster consumes the colo claw fish, allowing the little vehicle to escape unharmed. Obi-Wan then gently touches Jar Jar’s forehead, reviving the Gungan. (RRD, pp. 26, 27)

In the revised rough draft, Theed is described as a “paradise” with “billowing clouds,” flowers, and quaint villas. Birdsongs can be heard on the air. (RRD, pg. 29)

Obi-Wan’s Arrival
Obi-Wan actually reaches Theed slightly ahead of the Trade Federation army in the revised rough draft. When he and Jar Jar surface near the capital city, they are met by a curious crowd. Soon after, a small group of Naboo guards arrive to escort the Jedi and his strange ally to the steps of Theed’s palace, where Obi-Wan convinces Amidala to flee Theed before the invasion begins. (RRD, pp. 29–32)

Queen’s Convictions
After being warned of the Trade Federation’s approach in the revised rough draft, Amidala insists that the Naboo rulers must warn their people not to fight. Although Panaka argues otherwise, Amidala remains adamant that the Naboo can resist the occupation, but they cannot openly challenge the Trade Federation’s obviously superior force. (RRD, pg. 30)

Naboo Culture
The tension between the Gungans and the Naboo is further described in the revised rough draft. When Jar Jar and Obi-Wan reach the palace, a guard tells the Gungan that he must wait outside. (RRD, pg. 30)

Army Arrives
When the Trade Federation invasion force enters Theed in the revised rough draft, speakers on the military transports issue a message to the Naboo people. The message says, “Do not resist. We will not harm you. We have only come to help you. We bring you peace.” When Naboo security personnel, identified as “Naboo Police” in this draft, move to intercept the army, they are completely wiped out. (RRD, pg. 32)

In the revised second draft, Nute and Rune have yet to arrive in Theed when they discuss the invasion with Queen Amidala. Instead, they are represented by holograms. During the exchange, Queen Amidala makes no efforts to disguise her disgust, calling Nute a “little coward.” (R2D, pg. 23)

Royal Starship
In the revised rough draft, the Queen’s Royal Starship is located on a secret landing platform in Theed. The ship actually rests beneath a large fountain, and rises up from the water when needed. Panaka also indicates in this draft that the starship has a cloaking device and a few weapons. (RRD, pg. 32)

Racial Tension
The rift between the Naboo and the Gungans becomes plainly evident in the revised rough draft when Queen Amidala attempts to prevent Jar Jar from boarding her starship. Obi-Wan eventually wins the argument, but Amidala orders the Jedi to keep the Gungan in the droid hold. (RRD, pg. 33)

Starship Passengers
The Jedi do not need to rescue Ric Olié and the other captured pilots in the revised second draft. Instead, the script reveals that at least seventeen individuals board the Queen’s starship: the two Jedi, Jar Jar, the Queen, Captain Panaka, two handmaidens, four pilots, and six guards. (R2D, pg. 26)

Pulsar Tracking
When faced with the Trade Federation blockade in the revised second draft, Qui-Gon reveals that the Trade Federation forces utilize “pulsar tracking.” He advises the pilot to spin, a maneuver designed to confound pulsar tracking and make it more difficult for the Trade Federation starship to target the Queen’s starship. During the Battle of Naboo in the final film, Anakin spins his N-1 starfighter when evading droid starfighters because he knows that the move is a “good trick.” (R2D, pg. 28)

Artoo’s Shock
Artoo’s efforts to repair the Queen’s starship exact a heavy toll in the revised rough draft. As the astromech droid finishes his work, he is bombarded with “lightning bolts” from the starship. The energy races through the little droid, causing him to scream. Fortunately, he survives the incident relatively unharmed. When he reenters the starship, Artoo sets about repairing the damaged hyperdrive. He is again successful, although the Royal Starship no longer has enough power to reach Coruscant. Instead, the craft escapes into hyperspace with a course set for Tatooine. (RRD, pg. 36)

Gun Ports
In the revised rough draft, the Queen’s Royal Starship is armed with a few laser cannon emplacements. These are manned by Naboo guards, who use the weapons to protect the astromech droids sent to repair the damaged starship. Eventually, the Trade Federation starfighters destroy all of the droids, save Artoo, and even kill a number of guards by scoring a direct hit on one of the gun ports. (RRD, pg. 36)

Ric Olié
In the revised rough draft, Ric Olié is only identified as “Pilot.” He does not receive his name until the revised third draft, dated May 13, 1997 and revised June 6, 1997. (RRD, pg. 34, R3D, pg. 29)

Blockade Runners
In the revised rough draft, OOM-9 informs Darth Sidious that while five of the Queen’s “brigade” attempted to break through the Trade Federation blockade, only one of these starships actually survived. Although the villains are not certain, Sidious suspects that the lone survivor has carried the Queen to safety. He informs the Neimoidians that he will be sending Darth Maul to assist in the search for the missing starship. (RRD, pg. 39)

Maul’s Orders
Darth Sidious actually sends Darth Maul to Naboo in the revised second draft. Sidious informs the Neimoidians that Maul will arrive on Naboo and aid in their search for the Queen. In a later conversation with Sidious (who remains on Coruscant), Maul appears as a hologram. (R2D, pg. 31)

Padmé’s Appearance
According to the revised rough draft, Padmé is a “beautiful girl of about 12 or 13 years old.” She is only slightly older in the final version of Episode I. (RRD, pg. 40)

Supply Trip
Because Qui-Gon has yet to be introduced in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan leads the expedition into Mos Espa in search of equipment to repair the Queen’s Royal Starship. He is accompanied by Artoo, who carries an inventory of the parts needed. Captain Panaka also suggests that Obi-Wan, now disguised as a moisture farmer, take Jar Jar as well because the Gungan is “smelling up the ship.” As in the final film, Padmé joins the group at the Queen’s request. (RRD, pp. 42, 43)

A Crush?
On several occasions in the revised rough draft, there is mention of Padmé’s growing affection for Obi-Wan. When the Jedi argues with Amidala regarding Jar Jar’s fate, the script indicates that Padmé is “impressed that Obi-Wan is able to stand up to the Queen.” As they prepare to enter Mos Espa, she “gives Obi-Wan a long, adoring look.” Once in Mos Espa, Padmé watches Obi-Wan “with inte rest and respect,” and it is noted that her “eyes make the powerful Jedi nervous.” (RRD, pp. 33, 43, 44)

Hyperdrive Lift
Obi-Wan uses a “droid anti-gravity hoist” to lift the hyperdrive generator from the floor of the Queen’s starship in the revised second draft. (R2D, pg. 33)

Padmé proves that she is a capable hand-to-hand combatant upon entering Mos Espa in the revised rough draft. As Obi-Wan and his entourage travel through the spaceport, Padmé is grabbed by a “strange creature hawking some odd food.” Without hesitation, the girl hits the alien in self-defense, causing him to double over in pain. Other merchants who witness this display give the group a wide berth, but Obi-Wan warns Padmé to save her skills until they are truly needed. (RRD, pg. 43, 90)

Watto’s Filth
As described in the revised rough draft, Watto’s shop is a “dirty mess.” Everything throughout the cluttered junk shop is covered by thousands of “fly-like creatures.” (RRD, pg. 44)

Padmé & Anakin
With the exception of the ending, the first encounter between Padmé Naberrie and Anakin Skywalker is nearly identical in all versions of the screenplay. In the revised rough draft, Jar Jar does not run afoul of the pit droid, and Anakin announces confidently that he will marry Padmé someday. (RRD, pg. 47)

In the revised rough draft, Watto claims that he won’t accept Republic Credits because he needs “something more real…” Obi-Wan reveals that he does not have “anything more tangible.” As in the final film, the Jedi attempts to use a mind trick on Watto, without result. (RRD, pg. 48)

Obi-Wan’s Dialogue
Because Qui-Gon has yet to be introduced by this scene in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan leads the excursion into Mos Espa. Most of the dialogue from this section of the film remained virtually unchanged throughout several drafts; the lines originally written for Obi-Wan were simply given to Qui-Gon. (RRD, throughout (pg. 49 example))

Anakin’s Rescue
While walking the streets of Mos Espa in the revised rough draft, Jar Jar accidentally makes eye contact with a character identified only as the “Ugly Alien.” The hideous creature begins violently poking Jar Jar, while shouting in a language that the Gungan can’t understand. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Artoo have disappeared into the crowd, and a group of onlookers have gathered in anticipation of a fight. When Jar Jar asks himself, “Why am I always the one?” he hears Anakin’s voice reply, “Because you’re afraid.” The boy pushes his way through the crowd and turns to the ugly alien “in a very self-assured, but kindly, way.” After Anakin says something to the ugly alien in Huttese, the bully and his friends think better of attacking Jar Jar and leave. Later, Anakin reveals that the ugly alien was a Dug, although he is never identified as Sebulba. (RRD, pp. 50–51)

Anakin’s Wisdom
The brief altercation between Jar Jar and the ugly alien in the revised rough draft prompts Anakin to share his thoughts on fear and power. He tells Jar Jar that the Gungan’s “fear attracts the fearful…” and explains that the Dug was “only trying to overcome [his] fear, by attacking, conquering, and squashing” Jar Jar. Finally, he advises Jar Jar to “learn to be less afraid.” Anakin’s insights catch Obi-Wan’s interest, and the Jedi asks the boy who taught him such beliefs. Anakin responds with, “No one. That’s just the way it is.” (RRD, pg. 51)

Emerging Scenes
This scene [Obi-Wan and Captain Panaka outside the queen’s ship watching the sandstorm come in] does not appear in early drafts, as Qui-Gon has not yet been introduced as Obi-Wan’s master, and therefore Kenobi is in Mos Espa instead of aboard the Queen’s starship. The sandstorm, however, is present as early as the revised rough draft. (RRD, pp. 49–51)

The encounter with Jira appears in the revised rough draft and all subsequent versions of the screenplay. Although the lines exchanged during this scene remain virtually unchanged throughout the various drafts, the conversation between the old woman and Anakin was shortened considerably during the film’s editing process. (RRD, pg. 52)

More Wisdom
During the conversation with Jira in the revised rough draft, Anakin realizes that he does not have enough money to purchase four pallies for the group. Obi-Wan produces his own currency and says, “The pallies are on me. You’ve just saved Jar Jar from certain destruction. We should celebrate. It’s a small reward for your kindness.” To this, Anakin replies, “Kindness is a joy. Why would you reward me for that?” The statement prompts Obi-Wan to study the boy for a long moment before proclaiming, “You have old wisdom for one so young.” (RRD, pg. 52)

Anakin’s Mother
In the revised rough draft, Anakin’s mother is known as “Shmi Warka,” rather than “Shmi Skywalker.” She is described as a “warm, friendly woman of about fifty.” (RRD, pg. 53)

When Anakin first shows C-3PO to Padmé and Artoo in the revised rough draft, he admits that the droid is built from “rejected parts” and lacks a voice and coverings. The boy activates the protocol droid, who “stumbles around the room and stops to inspect Artoo…” Threepio does not talk at all in this scene. (RRD, pg. 55)

Naming C-3PO
In the revised second draft, C-3PO introduces himself to Padmé and Artoo as “See-Pee-O.” Padmé points out that all protocol droids should have a number in their name. Anakin chooses “3” because Padmé says that it is her favorite number. This differs from the novel, in which Anakin includes the “3” because C-3PO represents the third member of the Skywalker family. C-3PO has his full name in the final draft of the screenplay and in the film. (R2D, pp. 46–47)

The Transmission
In the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan is not aboard the Queen’s starship to prevent Amidala from answering Sio Bibble’s communication. The Queen does send a “statement of support.” When Captain Panaka reveals this information to Obi-Wan later, the Jedi warns that the transmission could be traced, revealing the Queen’s location to her enemies. Panaka insists that the Trade Federation “doesn’t have long distance tracking.” The far more insightful Obi-Wan responds with, “The Republic does.” Clearly, in this draft Obi-Wan suspects that the Trade Federation and the Republic are somehow connected. (RRD, pg. 55)

Sith Meeting
This meeting takes place on a landing platform in the revised rough draft, after both Darth Sidious and Darth Maul have emerged from a “dark, foreboding spacecraft.” They are described almost exactly as they appear in the final film. The conversation has only subtle differences, although Darth Sidious does send Darth Maul on his way with, “May the Force be with you.” Maul then boards his starship and leaves for Tatooine. (RRD, pg. 58)

Sidious’ Plans
In the revised second draft, Darth Sidious’ last line in this scene is, “It is too late for them to stop us now. The Republic will soon be ours.” Clearly, he plans to wrest control of the Republic from the Galactic Senate, although his methods for achieving this goal are not made clear. (R2D, pg. 52)

Donic Day
In the revised rough draft, “Boonta Eve” is known instead as “Donic Day.” The holiday is still celebrated with a huge Podrace, which Anakin enters and wins. (RRD, pg. 57)

During this dinner scene in the revised rough draft, there is very little debate over Anakin’s suggestion that he enter the Podrace. When Anakin first mentions the “Donic Day” Podrace, Shmi asserts that Watto would never allow him to enter. As in the final film, Anakin proposes that the Jedi present the boy’s Podracer as his own. Obi-Wan almost immediately agrees to this plan, although he remains concerned about the Podrace’s entry fee. The Jedi later solves this problem by using the Queen’s ship as the entry fee. (RRD, pp. 57–58)

Queen’s Fate
In the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan has a conversation with Captain Panaka regarding further transmissions from Naboo. It is revealed that the Naboo people suspect that the Queen is dead. Again, Obi-Wan warns of the danger inherent in replying to any transmissions. (RRD, pg. 60)

Jedi Aid
In the revised rough draft, as in the final film, Shmi begins to hope that the Jedi (in this instance, Obi-Wan) has been sent to take Anakin for training. When Obi-Wan confesses that his quest has nothing to do with Anakin, Shmi says, “Clear your mind, and you will see the pattern. You are distracted, and maybe not as reflective as you should be.” (RRD, pp. 60–61)

Podracer Modifications
While Anakin and his newfound friends work on the Podracer in the revised rough draft, Artoo studies the vehicle’s construction. According to Padmé, Artoo discovers “a way to shorten some of the wiring, which should save power and speed the response time.” (RRD, pg. 61)

Dinner Time
In the revised rough draft, the events that unfold the night before the Podrace are significantly different than those portrayed in the final film. In the early screenplay, Anakin resolves to work through dinner on his Podracer, while Padmé, Shmi, Obi-Wan, and Jar Jar eat together. During their conversation, Padmé questions Obi-Wan’s decision to put their fate in Anakin’s hands. She then decides to take the boy something to eat. When the handmaiden leaves, Jar Jar claims that he wouldn’t pilot a Podracer “for all the spice on Utapau.” When discussion turns to Anakin and his abilities, Shmi says, “Anakin has a great skill. He can anticipate everything that is going to happen, and his reflexes are as fast as any living creature…” Meanwhile, Padmé thanks Anakin for helping them. He admits that he had been seeking a way to enter the Podrace without losing his vehicle to Watto, who can claim ownership over everything Anakin possesses. Again, the boy displays his wisdom by stating, “We’re helping each other. That’s the natural way of things.” When asked if slavery, too, is natural, he admits, “Of course not. But the stupidity of many creatures is.” (RRD, pp. 62–63)

The Kiss
During the conversation between Padmé and Anakin in the revised rough draft, the handmaiden confesses that she has never met anyone like Anakin Skywalker. The boy returns the sentiment, then “leans over and gives Padmé a kiss on the cheek.” They then watch the sunset together, until Obi-Wan arrives and sends Padmé inside to help Shmi “set up the sleeping arrangements.” (RRD, pg. 64)

After Padmé leaves Anakin and Obi-Wan alone in the revised rough draft, the Jedi gains yet more insight into Anakin’s character. Anakin admits that a Podracer named Sebulba is the only obstacle preventing his victory on Donic Day. After urging Anakin to concentrate on the moment, Obi-Wan asks if the boy fears or hates Sebulba. Anakin answers “no” to both these questions. He then describes Sebulba as a being who “doesn’t know he’s bad. He is full of pain, and I think he is afraid of me.” Obi-Wan then warns that fear is the root of all evil and the path to the dark side. According to Obi-Wan, the “greatest challenge a Jedi must face is to resist the temptation of fear. The fear of letting go of things: possessions, friends, yourself… Accepting change.” Anakin seems to have little problem accepting change, although he clearly expresses a desire to remain on Tatooine with his mother. Also during this conversation, Anakin reveals that he has already encountered Obi-Wan in his dreams, where he learned that the stranger was a Jedi. (RRD, pp. 64–65)

Probe Droids
In the revised rough draft, Maul releases only three Sith probe droids — one for each of the three settlements he has spotted on the horizon. Before the droids set off in search of their quarry, Maul programs them with detailed instructions. (RRD, pg. 66)

Universal Problems
Before she exits the hovel in the revised rough draft, Padmé notices Obi-Wan staring out a window. She tells him, “You look like you’re trying to solve the problems of the universe…” To this he replies, “Only our own, but maybe they will become the problems of the universe. I don’t know…” Again, it seems as if Obi-Wan can sense that the difficulties facing the Naboo may have larger, and darker, ramifications for the galaxy as a whole. (RRD, pg. 66)

Ny Connie
In the revised rough draft, Kitster reveals that he borrowed the eopies from another Mos Espa resident named Ny Connie. Ny has placed a bet on Anakin to win the Podrace. (RRD, pg. 67)

Shmi’s Absence
Shmi decides not to watch the Podrace in the revised rough draft. Clearly worried about Anakin’s safety, she tells her son that she lacks the courage to attend the event, but she urges him to “go with all my love. I’ll be here waiting for you.” (RRD, pg. 67)

The Bet
The debate over which slave will be included in the bet between the Jedi and Watto is slightly different in the revised rough draft. When Obi-Wan proposes that both Shmi and Anakin be freed if the boy wins the race, Watto immediately tells him that “the mother isn’t for sale.” Obi-Wan eventually agrees that only Anakin will be a part of the bet. The chance cube never comes into play. (RRD, pp. 67–68)

The revised rough draft makes no mention of the two-headed Podrace announcer. Instead, Jabba the Hutt (who is accompanied by several other Hutts) introduces all of the competitors and gives the command for the race to begin. All of Jabba’s lines are in Huttese. (RRD, pp. 70–71)

Podracer Origins
Jabba introduces each Podracer by name and planet of origin in the revised rough draft. In that version of the screenplay, the Podrace lineup is: Sebulba from Malastare; Mawhonic from Hok; Teemto Pagalies from the Moons of Iego; Anakin Skywalker from Tatooine; Clegg Holdfast from Sullust; Slide Paramita from Tund; Wan Sandage from Umboo; Dud Cullindaros from Chuba; Aldar Beedo from Kamar; Bozzie Barada from Kessel; Neva Kee from Aquilea; Marso Guo from Ophuchi; Toy Dampner from New Cov; Boles Roor from Ord Padrove; and Ody Mysturall from Tatooine. Many of Podracers’ names and homeworlds were changed before the release of the final film. (RRD, pp. 70–71)

Minor Variations
There are a few minor differences between the Podrace sequence in the revised second draft and the final film. The revised second draft does, however, mention a Podracer named Bozzie, who seems to own DUM-4. (The pit droid seems to belong to Ody Mandrell in the final screenplay). Mars Guo, rather than Ben Quadinaros, pilots the Podracer with four engines. A Podracer named Xelbree falls prey to Sebulba’s flame emitters. Another competitor, Toy Dampner, attempts to force Anakin into a wall. Anakin is “forced to flip upside down, right over the top of Dampner.” (R2D, pp. 61–64)

Cleanup Crew
After Mawhonic’s Podracer crashes in the revised rough draft, the screenplay indicates that a group of “floating droids” attempt to collect the vehicle’s pieces and remove them from the track. (RRD, pg. 72)

As in the final film, Watto threatens to withhold Anakin after the Podrace in the revised rough draft. The Jedi (Obi-Wan) threatens to report Watto’s dealings to the Hutts, warning that the Toydarian “won’t be making any more wagers in this system…” He also suggests that, if Watto cares to make another wager, he will “put up the boy for his mother.” Defeated, Watto relinquishes control over Anakin and leaves. (RRD, pg 76)

In the revised second draft, Anakin tussles with a boy named Seek. When Qui-Gon arrives, he warns the boy that “inflicting pain is not an effective agent of change.” The character of Seek later became one of Anakin’s friends, although he still teases Skywalker. (R2D, pg. 68)

The Farewell
During the tearful farewell scene in the revised rough draft, Shmi tells Anakin, “Son, it is time for you to let go… to give me up. I cannot travel this path with you. I’ve told you, life is a continual transition. You cannot hold time still, stop the sunrise, sunset, or the flow of the Force. Every moment you must let go something…” To this, Anakin responds, “But Watto is angry, Mom. You’re in danger.” Shmi acknowledges this truth, but tells Anakin that he, too, is in danger and that they each must find their own ways to survive. She ends by reassuring the boy that they will both be fine. (RRD, pg. 79)

Mute Droid
When C-3PO appears during this scene in the revised rough draft, he is again mute. Anakin says goodbye to the droid and apologizes for leaving the droid unfinished. (RRD, pg. 80)

In the revised rough draft, Shmi insightfully notes that Anakin is afraid of losing her. She urges him to resist this fear, and stresses that her love will always remain with him. (RRD, pg. 82)

The Bug
As Shmi points out in the film, transmitters are placed in all slaves on Mos Espa. If a slave travels too far or attempts to escape, the transmitter can be made to explode. The revised rough draft includes a scene in which Watto uses a handheld detection device to locate the transmitter, or “bug,” in Anakin’s neck. He then “pulls a trigger, and a loud snap is heard. Watto pulls something out of the gizmo and holds up a thumbnail-sized chip. There is a little blood on Anakin’s neck.” Obi-Wan patches the small wound. Before Anakin and the Jedi leave, Watto chides, “I hope you enjoy your freedom, boy. Come back someday and visit your Mom.” (RRD, pg. 82)

Anakin’s Insights
After Obi-Wan destroys the Sith probe droid in the revised rough draft, he identifies the droid for Anakin. The boy then responds, “I thought all the Sith Lords had been destroyed.” Obi-Wan indicates that this had been his belief as well. (RRD, pg. 83)

The Battle
Obi-Wan confronts Darth Maul in the revised rough draft. During the battle, the two combatants use a variety of Jedi powers and skills, including “levitating objects, moving extremely fast, and vibrating to the point of becoming almost invisible…” They also leap “over one another in an incredible display of acrobatics…” Obi-Wan escapes by leaping onto the starship’s landing ramp, much as Qui-Gon does in the final film. (RRD, pp. 84–85)

Sith Allegiance
After encountering Darth Maul in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan discusses the strange warrior with Captain Panaka and Padmé. He suspects that Maul is a Sith, although all three agree that the Sith should no longer exist. Panaka questions why a Sith would be working for the Federation, which Obi-Wan answers by suggesting that the Federation is working for the Sith. He warns that “There is more to this than taking over Utapau…” The Jedi is not concerned about the Sith warrior following the starship once it enters hyperspace, although he does believe that the unidentified assailant probably already knows their destination. And, in fact, in this version of the screenplay, the Sith spacecraft is seen leaping into hyperspace moments after the Queen’s starship. (RRD, pg. 86)

Maul’s Journey
After losing Qui-Gon in the revised second draft, Maul contacts Darth Sidious. Maul tells his master that the Queen’s starship is traveling to Coruscant. He then asks if he should pursue the Queen, but Sidious orders him to return to Naboo and await further instructions. (R2D, pg. 76)

The silver protocol droid from the beginning of the film reappears during this scene [Nute Gunray in a walking chair antagonizing Sio Bibble] in the revised rough draft. The droid is known as TC-3, and he arrives to tell Gunray that he will find an “urgent communique” in his quarters. The communication is a message from Darth Sidious, who tells Nute that the Queen is on her way to Coruscant. (RRD, pp. 87–88)

Ice Queen
Early in the revised rough draft, Queen Amidala expresses extreme displeasure over the fact that Jar Jar boards her starship. Later in that same version of the screenplay, she expresses similar sentiments about Anakin. Although the boy was vital in helping the Naboo repair their starship, Amidala remains unconvinced. Her dialogue conveys her true feelings: “Must we pick up every strange creature along the way? Our journey is most serious and perilous. The fate of an entire people is at stake here.” Obi-Wan defends his decision by arguing, “I am an agent of the Republic, and the boy falls under the same protection as you.” The Queen reluctantly concedes the debate. Many of the Queen’s views on “strays” are transferred to Obi-Wan in the final shooting script. (RRD, pg. 88)

Quigon Jinn
In the revised rough draft, a character named “Quigon Jinn” first appears on the Coruscant landing platform alongside Supreme Chancellor Valorum and Senator Palpatine. Obi-Wan introduces Anakin and Jar Jar to Quigon, and describes Jar Jar as “a Gungan who has been very helpful to me.” He then tells his companions that Quigon is “my mentor and good friend.” (RRD, pp. 91–92)

The Republic
Valorum identifies the Galactic Republic as “the Republic of Independent Systems” in the revised rough draft. (RRD, pg. 91)

Jedi Council
The Jedi Council as portrayed in the revised rough draft consists of only three Jedi Elders: Mace Windu, Yoda, and Ki-Adi-Mundi. When Obi-Wan arrives to tell the Elders about his encounter with Darth Maul, he is accompanied by Quigon Jinn, Anakin, and Supreme Chancellor Valorum. (RRD, pg. 94)

When pressed to tell the Jedi Elders why he believes he has confronted a Sith Lord in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan describes his enemy as “one with the Force. He had all the training and skill of a Jedi… I had no defense. He anticipated every move. His powers were stronger than anything I’ve ever encountered.” (RRD, pg. 94)

In the revised rough draft, the Jedi Council agrees to test Anakin, but Yoda warns that, although the boy’s existence was foreseen, he is too old and his future is “blank” and dangerous. Quigon takes Anakin to “the tower” for his testing, while Mace Windu tells Obi-Wan, “Anakin will be returned to you after the test. He is your ward now, Kenobi. You realize there is little chance he will be accepted. You must decide what is to be done with him.” (RRD, pp. 94–96)

Scene Order
In the revised rough draft, the action transfers directly from the Coruscant landing platform to the Galactic Senate. In the congressional box reserved for the Sovereign System of Utapau sit Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, Senator Palpatine, and Jar Jar Binks. The screenplay mentions that everyone keeps their distance from the Gungan. (RRD, pg. 92)

Senate Hall
The Senate chambers described in the revised rough draft have a few features not evident in the final film. First, in order to bring attention to his congressional box, Senator Palpatine “presses a button on his desk, and several lights on a very big board behind Valorum light up.” When the Senator begins to speak, his words are broadcast by a “mike droid.” Palpatine demands that the Queen be allowed to address the Senate, but a senator from Malastare objects, arguing that the motion should be deferred until the vote on Resolution 127 has been completed. Valorum disagrees with the Malastare senator, prompting that representative to “evoke the Mon order” and call for “a ni vote” on the issue. As the senators vote, the results are tabulated on the screen behind Valorum. The Supreme Chancellor reviews the outcome and announces that “The nays have it. The issue will be sent to Committee.” According to Palpatine, the Trade Federation has a great deal of support within the Senate. (RRD, pg. 93)

Supreme Chancellor Valorum, who supports Queen Amidala, the Jedi, and Naboo throughout the revised rough draft, is not removed from office during the Coruscant scenes in the revised rough draft. He retains his position for a short time, although the Senate proves unwilling to help the Queen free Utapau from the Trade Federation. However, by the end of the screenplay, Palpatine has taken on the role of Supreme Chancellor, although it is unclear how this shift in power comes about. (RRD, pg. 93, 127)

Anakin’s tests are not shown in the revised rough draft. Instead, there is a brief conversation between Obi-Wan, Quigon and Anakin on a landing platform outside Palpatine’s quarters. Anakin admits that he did not understand the tests, but Quigon reassures the boy by telling him, “You were not meant to.” According to Obi-Wan, the Council will review the test results and decide if the boy should be trained. (RRD, pg. 96)

In the revised rough draft, there is a scene in which Queen Amidala, Quigon, Obi-Wan, Palpatine, Panaka, and the handmaiden Eirté discuss their strategy. The situation on Utapau has become increasingly desperate, as the Trade Federation has imprisoned all government officials and both food and supplies are running dangerously low. Palpatine also fears that some senators will continue to block Amidala’s appearance before the Senate, thus stalling any action. Fortunately, Quigon tells the Queen that both he and Obi-Wan have been assigned to protect her. Ultimately, Amidala decides that she and her followers will “take possession” of their homeworld. Her plan is simple: return to Utapau, organize the populace, and attack the Trade Federation any way possible. Nearly everyone in the room disagrees with this course of action, including Obi-Wan, who points out that the Naboo are untrained, poorly equipped, and unprepared to fight battle droids. Amidala partially agrees, conceeding that her people are not warriors, but she stresses that they “must fight if we are to survive.” Palpatine urges the Queen to wait until the Senate has made a decision, but Amidala states plainly, “The Senate is full of self-interest and petty squabbling. It is no longer unified by the common goal of justice.” Thus, she decides to leave Coruscant and return home. (RRD, pg. 98)

Gungan Army
The rift between the Gungans and the Naboo is briefly explored in the revised rough draft during a conversation between Padmé and Jar Jar. Both admit that they have no knowledge of a disagreement between the Gungans and the Naboo. Regardless, Jar Jar believes that the Gungans maintain their army to protect them from the Naboo. (RRD, pp. 99–100)

Starship Upgrade
While boarding the Queen’s starship in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan notes that the vehicle has been re-outfitted. (RRD, pg. 99)

Palpatine’s Meeting
In the revised rough draft, Palpatine informs Supreme Chancellor Valorum that the Queen has returned to her homeworld in order to rally her forces against the Trade Federation. Valorum describes the Queen as “very reckless,” but Palpatine says she is merely “bold.” Obviously frustrated, Valorum resolves to “force the Senate to take up this issue before it turns into a disaster” for Palpatine and his people, the Naboo. His confrontation with the Senate evidently leads to his removal from office, for by the end of the revised rough draft, Palpatine has become Supreme Chancellor. (RRD, pg. 100, 127)

Maul & Sidious
Darth Maul confers with his master after the Queen has left Coruscant in the revised rough draft. Sidious orders Maul to follow the Queen to Utapau and “finish it.” He also warns, “If you can’t destroy the Jedi, avoid them.” The self-confident Maul replies, “I have no doubt now that I am stronger than the Jedi. They will be destroyed.” (RRD, pg. 101)

Jar Jar’s Decision
During the trip from Coruscant to Utapau in the revised rough draft, Amidala summons Jar Jar to appear before her. Also present are Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Quigon. The Queen urges Jar Jar to take her to Governor Nass, but the Gungan is reluctant because he fears he will be executed if he returns. Amidala promises to offer what little protection she can, but Jar Jar only agrees after Anakin promises to defend his new friend. (RRD, pg. 101)

Anakin’s Power
When the Queen’s starship approaches Utapau in the revised rough draft, the Trade Federation blockade is still in place. In order to avoid the battleships, Obi-Wan proposes that the starship “come out of lightspeed between the blockade ships and the planet.” Both Captain Panaka and the pilot argue that such a feat is impossible. According to the pilot, the “calculations are too finite even for the most advanced computer.” Obi-Wan, however, believes that Anakin’s innate connection to the Force will enable him to “sense the proper moment to come out of lightspeed.” Anakin takes the co-pilot’s seat and Obi-Wan instructs the boy to “think of yourself racing…take the controls. We’re heading toward a planet…Concentrate. Stop right before we reach the surface.” Anakin closes his eyes and does as he is told; when he pulls back on the controls, the starship exits lightspeed just above the surface of the planet. The amazed pilot flies the Queen’s vessel into Utapau’s atmosphere and, at Obi-Wan’s suggestion, uses the cloud cover and the starship’s cloaking device to conceal their landing. (RRD, pp. 102–103)

Royal Sub
In the revised rough draft, the Queen’s starship is piloted into the large, murky lake that houses Otoh Gunga. After a short trip, the vehicle “settles into one of the large, glowing bubbles of Otoh Gunga…” The Queen and her crew are met by an army of Gungan soldiers, but they back away when they see Amidala and Jar Jar exit the ship arm-in-arm. (RRD, pg. 103)

Sacred Place
The hidden Gungan sacred place does not appear in the revised rough draft. Instead, the Queen and her entourage meet with Governor Nass and the other Gungan officials in Otoh Gunga. The Trade Federation has yet to discover the hidden city, and Nass seems confident that his army would be able to repel any invasion. However, Amidala warns Nass that while the Naboo can call upon their allies outside the system for aid, the Gungans have no such support. This gives the Gungan leaders pause, which Jar Jar uses to his advantage. Binks steps forward and gives this impassioned speech: “I have spent some time with the Naboo. They are like us… in some ways. I have traveled far. I have seen many wonders. We must become a part of the universe. In isolation we will die…” Nass considers this for a moment, and finally agrees to join forces with the Naboo to repel the Trade Federation. (RRD, pp. 104–105)

In the revised rough draft, “Padmé” the handmaiden is not present during the dialogue between the Gungans and Naboo. Instead, she has taken her rightful place as Queen Amidala. As a result, there is no indication that any of the handmaidens have been disguised as the Queen earlier in the film. This revelation comes later, when the Queen’s entourage meets with a small force of Rebels hiding in Theed. (RRD, pp. 104–105)

Sith Arrival
Darth Sidious actually travels to Utapau in the revised rough draft. He meets Nute Gunray on the hidden landing platform behind Theed, and tells the Neimoidian that Amidala has returned to her homeworld. Gunray assures him that the Queen’s ship has been destroyed in a crash, but Sidious remains skeptical. (RRD, pg. 105)

In the revised third draft, the Queen’s starship actually lands directly in one of the Royal Palace’s courtyards. It is surrounded by battle droids and a tank. However, when droids led by a droid commando named 044 search the starship, they find nothing. Evidently, the Queen and her entourage abandoned the starship near Otoh Gunga, then programmed the autopilot to fly to the Royal Palace. Later, Nute reveals that the Trade Federation forces have located the “life pods” used by the Queen and her followers. (R3D, pg. 99, 100)

Gungan War Room
In the revised rough draft, the heroes plot the battle against the Trade Federation in a Gungan war room. About twenty Gungan generals are present. The highest-ranking general, Tobler Ceel, reports that he can “field three hundred battalions.” The Gungans also have disruptors and defense shield generators. Although the Gungans have no spacecraft, Panaka indicates that the Naboo can launch fifty squads of starfighters. While the Gungans draw the Trade Federation ground forces away from Theed, Panaka will lead the Naboo police, palace guards, and any freedom fighters he can find into the city. There, these troops will capture the main shield generator and support stations. (RRD, pp. 105–6)

Before the Gungans and Naboo separate in the revised rough draft, Jar Jar and Anakin say goodbye. The Gungan tells the boy, “I will miss you. You’re a wonder, and most amusing.” Soon after, Governor Nass promotes Jar Jar to general and gives him command of the “fifth barrage.” Jar Jar protests, but Nass reassures him by saying, “I understand from the Jedi you’re a great warrior, Binks. I know you will do your position proud.” Moments later, the Queen’s starship leaves Otoh Gunga. (RRD, pp. 106–7)

Gungan Army
The Gungans organize in a large square in Otoh Gunga in the revised rough draft. The screenplay indicates that the army consists of thousands of the Gungan troops wearing battle gear. They use “Cadu,” bizarre two-legged creatures as mounts. When the Gungans receive the signal from Captain Panaka, General Ceel orders Jar Jar to take his troops to the surface. (RRD, pp. 111–112)

According to Nute Gunray in the revised rough draft, the Gungans assemble “in the swamp near the Valker border…” He orders OOM-9 to move the army to the swamp’s edge. (RRD pp. 116)

Divided Factions
By the time the Trade Federation army engages the Gungans in the revised rough draft, the Jedi and Captain Panaka’s forces are positioned on a rocky outcropping above the battlefield. The plan, as revealed here, requires Obi-Wan and Quigon to activate a “shield generator” while Panaka and his troops capture the palace. The deflector shield generator is designed to cover the entire planet and protect ground forces (in this case, the Gungan army) from aerial attacks. (RRD, pp. 117)

Rebel Staging Area
The heroes meet with a small group of Rebels prior to the final battle in the revised rough draft. The meeting takes place in a hidden Rebel headquarters, and is attended by Anakin, Artoo, Padmé, Eirtaé, Amidala, Obi-Wan, Quigon Jinn, and Panaka, as well as the Rebel leaders Captain Autter and Captain Ural. During this scene, Padmé steps forward and Panaka reveals, “The Queen has been using her surrogate on this trip.” In the hidden base’s conference chamber, the heroes plan to attack Theed’s central hangar and reclaim their starfighters. During the meeting, Anakin suggests that the freedom fighters find a way to disable the central control system broadcasting commands to the Trade Federation’s droid army. According to Panaka, this course is unwise because the “main control is in one of the orbiting blockade ships” and the Trade Federation has hidden a backup system somewhere in Theed. Panaka stresses, “It would be impossible to knock out both systems.” (RRD, pp. 108–9)

Anakin’s Plan
After the Rebel briefing in the revised rough draft, Anakin and Artoo enter a droid storage area within the hidden Rebel base. There, they discover several Trade Federation droids disabled by the Rebels, and Artoo is able to remove a chip from a battle droid’s severed head. Anakin and the astromech unit then use the chip to locate the “main droid controls,” which are hidden in a command spacecraft parked on a nearby platform. Armed with this new information, Anakin and Artoo slip from the Rebel base. (RRD, pp. 109–10)

Gungan Force
The revised rough draft notes that the Gungan army is roughly ten thousand strong. The calvary rides the two-legged Cadu, while Gungans atop “large, lizard-like fambaas” bearing shield generators bring up the rear. (RRD, pg. 116)

The Battle
When they reach the battlefield in the revised rough draft, the battle droids “transform themselves into armed war machines.” The Trade Federation also deploys tanks, “wheel droids,” and battle droids on STAPs. As the army pushes through the Gungan shields, General Ceel warns his troops, “Their heavy armor will come through first. Position the disrupter rays to knock out the gravity pulses.” The disrupter rays, emitted from devices carried by the fambaas, cause the approaching Trade Federation tanks to crash. (RRD, pg. 122–23)

Anakin & Artoo
While the Rebels prepare their attack in the revised rough draft, Artoo and Anakin secretly make their way to the central hangar, which they find well-defended by battle droids. After contemplating the situation, Anakin tells Artoo, “Wait here for my signal, then send a flare down the street toward those fuel tanks…” before moving quietly toward one of the hangar’s entrances. Once he is in place, he signals Artoo, who unleashes a flare from his head. A huge explosion erupts on one of the side streets, and the battle droids guarding the hangar rush away to investigate the disturbance. Anakin uses the distraction to sneak into the central hangar. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan, realizing that Anakin has disappeared, begins searching for the boy in the Rebel base. Quigon, however, tells Kenobi, “We don’t have time for him now.” (RRD, pp. 110–111)

The Hangar
When Anakin infiltrates the hangar in the revised rough draft, it is revealed that the building holds a “vast array” of Naboo starfighters, as well as a row of Trade Federation “transports that look similar to the Millennium Falcon.” Anakin makes his way toward the transports, being careful to avoid the battle droids and Trade Federation personnel in the hangar. Artoo launches several flares, which ricochet throughout the hangar and again distract any guards. When the battle droids come looking for the culprit, Artoo falls into a junk heap and pretends that he is out of service. Meanwhile, inside the starship, Anakin enters a computer room. He pulls a panel from one of the consoles and begins replacing the computer’s chips. However, the Trade Federation will only use the backup system aboard the transport if the main controller aboard one of the blockade battleships is somehow destroyed. (RRD, pp. 110–112)

Anakin’s Heroics
After installing new computer chips in the control computer and exiting the Trade Federation transport ship in the revised rough draft, Anakin and Artoo are cornered by battle droids, including a “sergeant” named 2–17B. As the droids escort Anakin to a holding area, an explosion distracts the Trade Federation forces. Anakin then leaps onto the back of the nearest droid, knocking him into the next droid, which in turn collides with the following droid, and so on until all of the battle droids “go crashing over like a line of dominoes into a large heap.” Anakin quickly learns that the explosion was caused by the approaching freedom fighters. Obi-Wan is among the group, and he immediately expresses anger over Anakin’s decision to slip away on his own. He tells Anakin, “You are not following the obedient path of a Jedi….” Despite this scolding, Obi-Wan does allow Anakin to contribute to the battle later. (RRD, pg. 113–114)

Maul’s Attack
In the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan and Quigon rush to raise a planetary deflector shield in the hopes of protecting the Gungan army from an aerial attack. Upon successfully activating the shield, Obi-Wan breathes a sigh of relief and says, “I hope we were in time.” Darth Maul emerges and hisses, ‘In time to meet your own destruction.”” He ignites his lightsaber and a fierce battle begins. Maul’s weapon has only one blade in this version of the screenplay. (RRD, pg. 121–22)

The revised rough draft mentions a Gungan general named “Yoss.” As the Gungans wait at the edge of the swamp for the Jedi to activate the shield generator, Yoss warns that the army should move out into the open plains before the Trade Federation reaches their position, or the swamp will be destroyed in the ensuing conflict. Ceel, however, maintains that they must wait until the shield has been raised or they will be decimated. (RRD, pg. 118)

Jar Jar’s Heroics
Although portrayed as clumsy and a bit cowardly in the revised rough draft, Jar Jar does manage to act heroically during the final battle. He leads his troops with courage and displays quick-thinking. At one point in the battle, Jar Jar finds himself face-to-face with a “wheel droid” (a destroyer droid). He reaches for his pistol, but the weapon is knocked from his hand before he can fire. The wily Gungan then grabs a handful of mud and throws it at the wheel droid’s single eye. While the droid is blinded, Jar Jar makes his escape. (RRD, pg. 124)

In the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan and Padmé agree that Anakin should be allowed to participate in the battle. Thus, Padmé invites Anakin and Artoo to join her in a two-person starfighter. Padmé actually flies the starship to the battle, while Anakin familiarizes himself with the controls. However, when they spot the massive Trade Federation star destroyers, Anakin voices his doubts about the attack. Padmé assures him by saying, “We will disable them or drive them off. If we don’t, our ground forces will not succeed…” When Anakin asks how such a feat is possible, she tells him that they will rely on faith. (RRD, pg. 114–16)

Shield Generator
In the revised rough draft, Quigon and Obi-Wan are responsible for activating the shield generator designed to protect the Gungan army. When they reach the generator area, they discover an armed detail of about fifty battle droids guarding the installation. The droids are supported by several transports and armored attack craft. When the Jedi approach, Obi-Wan boldly confronts the leader of the battle droids, a unit named 4G-TU. As a representative of the Republic of Independent Systems, Kenobi invokes Senate Measure 12–38 and declares the invasion an “unlawful occupation.” He orders the battle droids to lay down their weapons and return to their ships. The battle droids are uncooperative and open fire, but the Jedi activate their lightsabers and deflect all incoming fire. They actually reflect some of the laserfire into one of the nearby attack vehicles, causing it to explode. Upon learning of the Jedi’s actions, Darth Maul immediately moves to stop them. (RRD, pg. 118–19)

Backup System
In order to defeat the Trade Federation in the revised rough draft, Padmé and Anakin realize that they must first find and destroy the battleship responsible for broadcasting signals to the Trade Federation droid army. However, Trade Federation starfighters surround the Naboo starships. Anakin quickly realizes that the situation is extremely dangerous. (RRD, pg. 117–118)

In the revised rough draft, GTR-7 is joined on the bridge of one of the Trade Federation battleships by a pilot droid named EEM-4. On GTR-7’s command, EEM-4 prepares to bombard the Gungan army. Fortunately, Obi-Wan and Quigon activate the shield generator before the attack can occur. The shield envelops the entire planet.

Rogue Two
When Ric Olié spots Anakin’s N-1 starfighter, he is unaware that the vehicle is piloted by the young boy. He identifies the starfighter as “Rogue Two” and orders Anakin to “form up.” When questioned about his identity, Anakin tells Ric that he is just “someone trying to help.” (R3D, pg. 116)

In the revised rough draft, the battle between Darth Maul and the Jedi takes place near the large shield generator complex. As in the final film, the area has several levels connected by catwalks. However, the installation does not have the laser gates that become vital late in the duel. During the battle, Darth Maul proves relentless and unleashes “a frantic burst of intense moves.” (RRD, pg. 123)

Quigon’s Death
In the revised rough draft, the venerable Jedi Master “Quigon,” confronts Darth Maul alone after Obi-Wan Kenobi is pushed off of the gantry where the duel takes place. While Obi-Wan hurries to rejoin the fight, Darth Maul quickly exhausts Quigon. Eventually, the Jedi Master slips and is cut down. (RRD, pg. 123)

Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul
After Quigon’s death in the revised rough draft, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul clash in the shield generator complex. Battle droids attempt to enter the facility and aid Maul, but Obi-Wan uses the Force to “slam the door shut, crushing several droids in the process.” Throughout the battle, the two warriors use the Force to throw objects at one another. Eventually, the battle droids make their way into the complex and Obi-Wan, distracted by the new arrivals, is almost slain by Maul. The Sith threatens, “You’re finished, Jedi, and this is the beginning of the end for all Jedi.” However, when Maul attempts to cut Obi-Wan in half, the Jedi leaps backwards into the midst of the battle droids. Soon after, Anakin and Padmé destroy the primary droid control ship, and the battle droids in the shield generator area begin running into walls. As Maul wades through the droids, cutting them down in his quest to kill Kenobi, Obi-Wan uses the Force to hurl the battle droids at his enemy. Finally, they stand face-to-face again and the dialogue reads as follows:

Obi-Wan: Your style of fighting is old, but I understand it now…
Darth Maul: You learn fast.
Obi-Wan: You don’t bother to learn.
Darth Maul: I don’t have to…

Before Maul can act, Kenobi lashes out and cuts the Sith warrior in half. He then studies his fallen enemy and says, “Learn not…live not, my master always says.” (RRD, pg. 123, 126–27)

Melting Pit
It is Qui-Gon, and not Obi-Wan, who nearly falls to his death in the melting pit in the revised third draft. While Obi-Wan watches helplessly from behind a laser gate, Darth Maul catches Qui-Gon by surprise and knocks him into the pit. The Jedi Master loses his grip on his lightsaber, but uses the Force to retrieve the weapon before leaping from the pit. When Qui-Gon lands behind Maul, it seems as if he will be victorious, but the Sith warrior makes a sudden move and slays Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan later bests Maul in single combat. (R3D, pg. 114)

Command Ship
In the revised rough draft, Anakin and Padmé must find the battleship designed to broadcast the control signal to the Trade Federation’s droid army. Padmé spots one heavily-armed battleship that she believes is the command ship. The pair head for the starship and prepare to attack its pilots’ tower. Unfortunately, the tower’s deflector shields prove incredibly strong. (RRD, pg. 122, 124)

Teeter & Potts
The revised rough draft mentions pilots named “Teeter” and “Potts.” Padmé orders the pair to attack the command ship’s shield generator. Teeter and Potts severely damage the generator, enabling Padmé and Anakin to ultimately destroy the starship. (RRD, pg. 125)

DCS Destruction
Anakin’s journey into the heart of the Droid Control Ship is completely omitted from the revised third draft. Instead, the boy joins forces with Bravo Flight as “Rogue Two.” After Bravo Flight successfully disables the Droid Control Ship’s deflector shields, the pilots concentrate their fire on the control bridge. A direct hit causes the bridge to explode. (R3D, pg. 117)

Padmé’s Victory
After Teeter and Potts damage the command ship’s deflector shield generator in the revised rough draft, Padmé targets the control tower. While Anakin pilots the starfighter, Padmé must remain focused on her objective, despite the heavy flak surrounding the pair. As the deflector shield fluctuates, she fires several missiles, which destroy the control tower and cause a chain reaction that obliterates the command starship. (RRD, pg. 125)

Anakin’s Victory
With the primary command starship disabled in the revised rough draft, Nute Gunray immediately orders his followers to activate the backup droid command ship. Moments after he gives the order, Captain Panaka and his troops surround the Trade Federation viceroy. However, because Anakin has previously replaced all of the battle droid commands, the Trade Federation troops begin running in circles, bumping into walls, and falling over. (RRD, pg. 126)

Jedi Arrival
Yoda and several other Jedi arrive to mourn Quigon in the revised rough draft. Padmé expresses her sorrow over Quigon’s death, but Yoda says merely, “A Jedi was he. One with the Force is he now.” Moments later, the funeral pyre is lit. (RRD, pg. 127)

Supreme Chancellor
When Palpatine arrives on Naboo at the end of the revised rough draft, Padmé addresses him as Supreme Chancellor. In this version of the screenplay, it remains unclear how and when Valorum was removed from office and replaced by Palpatine. (RRD, pg. 127)

Anakin’s Fate
In the revised rough draft, there is no dissent among the Jedi Council regarding Anakin’s future. Immediately after Quigon’s funeral, Yoda calls the boy forward and Mace Windu announces, “The Council has decided to allow young Skywalker to be trained as a Jedi.” At Windu’s command, Anakin kneels, and each Jedi comes forward to touch the boy’s forehead. When he stands, there are tears in Anakin’s eyes. (RRD, pg. 128)

The huge celebration marking the end of the film is evident as early as the revised rough draft. In this version of the screenplay, however, Nute Gunray and Rune Haako are present: the Neimoidians stand in front of the royal viewing platform, in chains and surrounded by Gungan guards. In addition, Queen Amidala does not present the crystal ball to Boss Nass, although it is clear that the Naboo and the Gungans are at peace with one another. (RRD, pg. 128)

