OpenDive June Report 🐋

OpenDive Technologies
5 min readJul 21, 2022


A wise man once said, “We are building the future and the future is OpenDive.” In June we’ve continued to push the envelope on innovation in the space. Here’s a recap of our achievements 👇

SMS Launch Event in NYC

OpenDive had a special opportunity to attend and present at the Solana Mobile Stack private event, where Solana announced the development of Saga, a flagship Android mobile phone custom built with crypto native software.

Our co-founders Irvin and Xiangxu had the honors of closing the event with an immersive demonstration of our very own android build of the Kiyomi wallet. In a matter of days they swiftly pushed past the development hurdles that android typically faces, in particular to augmented reality, and showed the crypto community a new meaning of immersive experiences for NFT’s on mobile.

Missed the announcement? Our Kiyomi presentation starts at 56min. You can watch the full video here.

ETH Global Hackathon 2022

At the closing of ETH NYC, our team headed over to the ETH Global Hackathon in lower Manhattan. Over the course of the weekend, the team built an on-chain Pokemon-Go style game, with geolocation minting on Polygon. Our weekend hack was then recognized with several awards.

In this game players explore real-world maps — using AR, they can discover Little Rocks NFTs, placed at different locations in the real world. Players then battle the Little Rock to reveal an orb containing the mint link for a prize NFT.

At the conclusion of the ETH Global Hackathon, the team headed to the airport to fly to Polkadot Decoded, Buenos Aires. Unfortunately it was the worst travel weekend of 2022, and we battled 3 cancelled flights that rendered us unable to travel to Argentina.

Thankfully our product designer, Luis, was able to attend and represent OpenDive. The remainder of the team attended Polkadot Decoded in NYC and got to experience the ecosystem firsthand 👇

PolkaDOT Decoded 2022

Kiyomi presented simultaneously in two of the four host cities of Polkadot Decoded 2022 — New York and Buenos Aires. It was a wonderful opportunity to share innovation and further drive the conversation forward in regards to the impact of Web3 technology in South American countries and across the globe.

Several of the most important public figures and speakers in the ecosystem attended the event, among whom we can highlight: Alex Hatoum (Polka Haüs), Nicolas Arevalo (Akala), Ezio Rojas and of course, Gavin Wood co-founder of Ethereum and founder of PolkaDOT and Kusama. We had the opportunity to speak with him on the topics of decentralization in Latin America and how Kiyomi prepares to meet the needs of the future.

Our product designer, Luis Blanco, presented a live demo in front of 400+ crypto enthusiasts — a unique opportunity to share our work and recruit beta testers!

Additional Updates from the Devs 👨‍🔧


  • Implement smart file caching for faster loading times
  • Implement page refreshing
  • Many many UI changes and fixes
  • Improved NFT loading
  • Implemented dynamic resolution NFTs for faster loading/ memory saving and better UX
  • Implemented WebP support
  • Implemented scene/page transitions
  • Lots of bug fixes
  • Added loading animations and warnings
  • Implemented logout
  • Implemented and tested NFC features (R&D)
  • Implemented and tested web-view features (R&D)

Dargo’s Duel Arena:

  • Added directional touch inputs for attacks that allow you to preview your attack and aim it around
  • Upgraded to newer Unity version
  • Setup app flow: splash-screen, menus, game, settings pages
  • Setup multiplayer: synced all network elements between clients
  • PVP procedural map generation
  • Setup in-game flow: log into game, wait for more players (“lobby”), countdown, end-of-game mechanics

Degen Trash Panda Game:

Make it rain 💧
  • Implemented a demo prototype of the initial game concept
  • Met and exchanged with the DTP team and community
  • Created full game design document and other documentation guidelines
  • Keep coding the game as the idea evolves
  • Implemented player pvp mechanic
  • Implemented multiplayer system
  • Implemented procedural weather patterns and game events
  • Implemented basic enemies and point system


Can you believe its Q3 already 🤯 We’re getting closer and closer to finally releasing more of the good stuff you’ve been waiting for. We appreciate everyone that supports us and takes the time to interact with us.

Thank you for being here!

P.S. We are redesigning the OpenEra logo! Keep your eyes peeled in the discord 😍

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OpenDive Technologies

Kiyomi — Multi Chain NFT Gaming Wallet

OpenEra — DeFi MMO RPG

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OpenDive Technologies

Kiyomi — Multi Chain NFT Gaming Wallet

OpenEra — DeFi MMO RPG

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All of our links 👉 here


