Friend or Foe? A Rivalry Emerges Across the Lands of Senonia.

6 min readMar 8, 2022


OpenEra invites you to become a citizen of its city states and join a faction of your inclination to contest, conquer and outwit your rivals. Work together with those in your faction to rise to the top and earn special rewards to be used in game and along your journey…but first, you must learn our story👇

Senonia, The Land of the Gods. This is where our history takes place. Given as a gift to the humans by its creators, Senonia has seen civilization develop from small clans, to famous tribes that stood against the Great Druid Invasion, and now to the magnificent city states that dominate it today. These cities share a common history and culture, but each worship the different gods of Senonia.

Initially, the people of Senonia were organized into tribes. The gods’ ever-increasing quest for power led the humans to constantly fight among themselves. Their goal was to force their followers to impose the worship of the victor’s gods on the defeated clans. Then emerged the great walled cities, leaving behind the tribal societies, as a form of defense against other human groups seeking to expand the worship of their gods.

The rise and fall of kings, the glorious and devastating wars, the founding of the cities with their moments of glory and heyday, crisis and destruction, and even their survival over time, is explained by the gods’ need for recognition and adoration. The gods rely on humans to worship them to gain power due to The Sacred Punishment — a curse imposed by the titan mother Tatia.

The more worshippers a god has, the more powerful he or she will be…and they are eager to become more powerful than their brothers.

A rivalry emerges….

Persidephon. The Holy City.

Located in the heart of Senonia, the Great City of Persidephon was the first to be founded in these lands by King Bera more than two thousand years ago. Its strong walls are made of yellowish stones capable of reflecting the sunlight to blind approaching enemies, and were raised by the Sun God himself. They allowed the people of Persidephon to survive the constant assaults on their city that followed the defeat of the titans, when discord arose between the humans. Over the years, Persidephon became the largest and richest city of Senonia, and has since become a major cultural center in the region.

The last king of the city was Averik II, who was expelled from the city more than a thousand years ago. Since then, the lands controlled by the city are governed by a senate that constantly checks that the power of its individuals does not exceed that of the rest. In Persidephon, no one is above the others, at least in theory. As the first city of Senonia, and home of the famous Cult of the Eternal Flame, Persidephon’s citizens zealously guard the balance of power achieved through the institution of the senate, which has made them the Sun God’s favorite. The Eternal Flame has burned uninterrupted for thousands of years, and represents the alliance between the people of Persidephon and the Sun God Chem, the king of the gods.


The balancing scales that hold the Eternal Flame and the iron weapons of defeated enemies. It represents the power of the Sun God that overcomes human strength, and on which justice is built.

Karmandi. The Guardians of the Secrets of Tegis.

Karmandi, the city of knowledge, where the ancient wisdom of the god Tegis and the human desire to discover and create have merged. Despite having no walls nor army, Karmandi has made knowledge its most powerful weapon. The people of this city guard their knowledge with fervor, as they consider it to be the most sacred thing they have.

Karmandi is home to the famous scientist Heptia, who created some of the most incredible artifacts the humans have ever known, including the Heptian guards. Made from wood and iron, the Heptian Guard are not living, but move like humans and fight as well as the Laurentians, who have come to hate the guards for their mimicry. Many in Senonia considered the Heptian Guard monsters, but they are heroes to the Karmandians.

The secrets of the Cult of Tegis, the patron of the city, are not allowed to be shared with foreigners, and the death sentence awaits all those who try to defy the ways of their cult. The knowledge the cult shares with Tegis is sacred. If you are planning to visit the city, always keep this in mind.


The mechanical owl, one of the first artifacts created by the scientist Heptia. It is used as a messenger. It represents the desire for development, discovery and creation that the Karmandians share with their god Tegis.

Laurentis. The Laurentian Way of Life.

Some say Laurentis is nothing more than a fortress and that its people know nothing but killing and destroying, but the city and the ancient ways of the Laurentians are much more than that. Located in the southern bank of the Darmus river, across from the wild lands of the Druids, Laurentis was always exposed to the horrors and hardships of war. It was founded by King Leuris, a descendant of the legendary Queen Thalia of the Kabars.

As lords of the Frontier, the Laurentians took on the mission of defending the north of Senonia from the ongoing assaults of the Druids following the Great Invasion. Zanskaem, the god of war, noticed the Laurentians for their strength and perseverance, and they became his favorite people. It is said that the god was so fascinated by the Laurentians, he fought alongside them on the battlefield, screaming, beating and killing like the most formidable Laurentian warriors, but that was a long time ago.

The city of warriors still stands today. The Laurentians live an austere life, with their weapons as the most precious belongings they have. They are always vigilant, constantly patrolling the border, ready to fight and die in battle when it is needed. That is the Laurentian way of life.


The wild boar is Zanskaem’s favorite animal, and the Laurentians have adopted it as the official symbol of their city and army. The wild boar represents an animal that is going to be hunted and will die, and knowing that, fights to his last breath. The Laurentians admire this animal, as it shows how to face death in the battlefield.

…so who will you fight for? 🏆

These three main city states represent the factions in OpenEra. This faction system is intended to be used across our social channels and is designed to promote organized player conflict whilst encouraging team building within each house. You will have the opportunity to join one of three factions and from that point forward, as a citizen of that city state, you will now solely represent that faction in the discord for our community events ⚔️

This is important because you will work together with those in your faction to earn as many ‘points’ as you can in order to rise to the top and earn special rewards 👀…

These points will be granted via our weekly games and community events — then tallied up at the end of each event. The faction with the most points at the end of each week and month, will receive special prizes that may include things like game assets or limited edition interactive NFT’s.

In addition, this provides the opportunity for YOU, our valued community members, to get involved and become a faction leader, a fancy term for moderator of that faction in our discord. This responsibility comes with its own set of rewards that will remain a secret until we begin the election process. 🗝

To represent a faction and begin your journey in OpenEra, Connect with us here on Discord 👾

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DeFi MMO RPG on the Solana Blockchain, built by OpenDive Technologies. Inspired by OSRS, Albion Online and other classic MMOs