Introducing OpenNode — A simple way to accept bitcoin

3 min readMay 21, 2018


Welcome to OpenNode. A lightning network enabled bitcoin payment processor that requires 0 technical knowledge from businesses to integrate. Lightning enables merchants and users to transact bitcoin instantly with almost zero fees — allowing bitcoin to be both a store of value and a medium of exchange. By bridging the technical complexities of the protocol with an intuitive workflow, paying with bitcoin will become easier than paying with a credit card.

*excuse the vertical video*

OpenNode is for businesses of all sizes & shapes

All our tools and features are built around the idea that using bitcoin should be easy and empowering for both merchants and customers. This means moving away from traditional models that create a barrier to entry with high transaction fees or complicated technical integrations. Have more control over your business and bottom line with:

  • Lightning enabled and on-chain payment options
  • No chargebacks and zero fraud
  • Competitive pricing that allows businesses small or large to participate
  • In-house dashboard to analyze your finances from desktop or mobile
  • Configurable automatic and manual withdrawals
  • Customizable plugins and easy-to-use APIs for your eCommerce platform
  • Detailed developer documentation
  • Enterprise level custom integration

A little about us

We’re a group of lightning network explorers, designers, and bitcoin developers, passionately creating tools which will help catalyze bitcoin’s network growth and accelerate adoption. We understand that product accessibility designed around sound user experience will greatly expedite this process.

We’ve worked on projects encouraging bitcoin adoption for several years; including our current contributions to one of the first-ever lightning network wallets, Zap. Today, in sharing OpenNode, we want to push deeper by ensuring businesses of all sizes and backgrounds, can take advantage of all that bitcoin has to offer.

Merchant Dashboard

Current roadmap

Our current focus is testing with our community of merchants and receiving feedback to further cultivate the best product we can. Next, we’ll concentrate on scaling lightning and our services by onboarding as many merchants as possible and securing essential partnerships.

We hope to develop plugins for Shopify and other ecommerce platforms so lightning will be readily available with your current webstores. We’re talking with Point of Sale (PoS) businesses and physical stores to create lightning enabled devices. We’re also looking to exchanges to facilitate fiat conversion and power them with lightning network ready services.

There is a lot of work ahead, but we couldn’t be more excited to pave the way for this revolutionary technology with all of you.

If you’re an exchange or PoS partner interested in spreading lightning, please contact us.

Take your business to the next level

To be inclusive of all businesses small or large, we arrived at one pricing model:

First $1500/month in revenue is free, anything after that is 1%. Simple pricing which allows everyone to participate.

If you’re a merchant who’d like to learn more about the advantages of accepting lightning network and on-chain bitcoin payments for your online or retail store, check out or reach us at

