10 Effective Communication Tips to Increase Your Order Rate on OpenTaskAI!

2 min readMay 10, 2024


On a platform like OpenTaskAI, where written communication is almost entirely paramount, mastering the art of writing is crucial. Unless you occasionally converse via voice, most of your interactions are confined to a small chat box. In such settings, communication can sometimes become confusing or even misleading. Today, OpenTaskAI will share my top 10 written communication tips to help you excel as a communicator. These tips aim not only to enhance your interactions with existing buyers but also to attract potential new clients.

  1. Use the Buyer’s Name
    Personalize your communication to make the other person feel recognized and seen! Avoid using informal or overly formal salutations like “bro,” “dude,” “madam,” or “sir,” which may appear unprofessional or create a sense of distance. If the buyer hasn’t provided their name, wait until it’s available to use it, making your written interactions warmer.
  2. Ask Effective Questions
    Whether before the sale or after they become a client, asking questions helps you better understand the buyer’s needs and demonstrates your proactive attitude and responsibility toward the project.
  3. Clearly Request Clarifications
    Don’t hesitate to ask for clarifications if anything is unclear. This not only prevents future misunderstandings but also shows your attention to project details.
  4. Avoid Harsh Phrases and Express Needs Kindly in Writing
    Take extra time to articulate your needs in a friendly manner, avoiding command phrases like “Fill this out.” Also, use text editing plugins to avoid typos, which can establish more effective communication and save time on proofreading.
  5. Use Emoticons Appropriately
    Proper use of emoticons can help convey your emotional tone, making the cold text warm and friendly.
  6. Promptly Thank Buyers for Their Responses
    Express gratitude when buyers respond promptly. This enhances their involvement and satisfaction.
  7. Keep the Buyer Updated on Project Progress
    Include what they should expect, the timeline of work, and communicate promptly if you’re unable to respond immediately due to other commitments.
  8. Remain Humble
    No matter how skilled you are, maintain a humble demeanor to avoid coming off as arrogant or pompous during communications.
  9. Apologize When Necessary
    If there are errors or delays, apologize promptly and explain the situation. This shows your sincerity and responsible attitude.
  10. Avoid Premature Judgments
    Do not rush to judge the buyer’s character or attitude from a single interaction. Understand that everyone has different backgrounds and current emotional states.

By following these tips, you will establish more professional and effective written communications with buyers on OpenTaskAI, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.




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