OpenBRM Integration with Wax Blockchain — Feb 2020

2 min readJan 18, 2020


OpenBRM Integration with WAX Blockchain — Feb 2020

BRM is a Multi-Chain & Multi-Dapp platform. BRM Project has been running on EOS Chain for last 1 year with 56,000 BRM Users. Currently 4 Dapps are live on BRM Platform with more to come in future. We are planning to integrate BRM application with Wax Blockchain to provide better user experience and increase user base.

BRM is going to run on EOS and Wax Blockchains starting Feb 2020. We believe integrating with Wax blockchain will help us provide better user experience and ease the new user on boarding process.

Issues With EOS (Mainnet)

- Account Creation cost (between $0.40 — $1.50)
- Cost of CPU/Bandwidth for running Dapps and Rewards Distribution
- Lack of a functioning Worker Proposal System

Taking all of this into account and after going through all of the options and factors involved, We decide WAX is the best option for the BRM project at this time to provide better user experience and cost of running Dapps.

Why WAX?

- Quality/Active Block Producers
- Office Of Inspector General (to ensure quality Block Producers)
- Free Accounts (or extremely cheap/less than a penny)
- CPU/Bandwidth Cost
- Worker Proposal System
- Real world businesses coming to WAX with a high number of users
- Creating NFT (items) to acquire & swap with BRM

What do I need to do for the switch to WAX?

There is no impact for BRM token holders on EOS Chain. BRM Token holders on EOS chain will retain BRM tokens on EOS Chain. Starting Feb 2020 Users will be able to use BRM Dapps from EOS and Wax chains. Users can earn rewards by using BRM apps using EOS or Wax blockhain.

After the switch to WAX

Once the switch is complete, 500 Million BRM tokens will be frozen & burned on the EOS mainnet and 500 Million BRM Tokens will be created on Wax Blockchain to keep the total supply of BRM the same.



