What do smart contracts provide?

3 min readSep 21, 2020


The blockchain technology that can help you make contracts when you buy something is done by smart contracts technology. The contract is written in the form of code committed to the blockchain. The code and conditions related to the contract are available in the public ledger. Smart contracts provide a way to perform transactions without third-party involvement. Imagine signing a contract without a lawyer digitally coded in blockchain technology, which is what smart contracts provide the users.

Smart contracts blockchain provides you the following:


There is no need to rely on intermediaries when using the blockchain and smart contracts. You are the one designing the contract, so it is you who is going to decide the terms and conditions of the contract. It removes the fear of getting manipulated by a third party, a lawyer, for example. The execution of the contract is done automatically by the network, it is not done manually which removes the risk of any biased term within the contract.


The documents are encrypted on a ledger which is shared across the network. There is not a chance of losing the document or any detail of the contract. Blockchain and smart contracts allow a secure framework for your documents which minimizes the chance of losing any data.


The backup provided by smart contracts blockchain is awesome. It is hard to imagine that your bank lost your savings account from their record. With blockchain and smart contracts, you are able to have duplicate copies of your documents that provide a backup of your data.


The encrypted websites keep the documents safe all the time. There is no chance of hacking, the data is secured in blockchain technology. It is an uphill task to crack the code and get inside the data for changing it. Smart contracts and blockchain provide safety for your data.


When you are designing the contract manually, there is a lot of paperwork involved in that. You need to attach multiple documents other than a contract supportive to the deal between the two parties. Smart contracts blockchain uses the software to automate the tasks that can save a lot of time that can be spent on other business processes.


When there is no intermediate party in the contract like a lawyer or broker, therefore there is no need to pay anyone. Smart contracts help you to save money that is spent on manual contracts where multiple people are involved.


Blockchain and smart contracts are accurate due to the technology involved in the process. When you are filling out a pile of papers and forms, there is a chance of mistakes. But smart contracts blockchain provides accuracy at every step of the process.

Final comments

Blockchain technology is helping users to find an easy way out when it comes to developing contracts. Smart contracts provide an easy and accurate way of designing contracts without involving a third party with you. OptimusFox possesses the skills for smart contract development with the help of its technical team. We are offering cost-effective smart contract services to our clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. You can contact us in order to get a quote. We will develop digital contracts for you!

Thanks for reading!




OptimusFox is a Blockchain development and IT Agency which serves all Digital solutions, from design to development, from community building to lead generation.