OptionsHouse Login

2 min readOct 27, 2016


Here are the steps to follow along with to login:

  • The first thing you should do is to copy the OptionsHouse Login page URL on the address bar of the visitor: https://www.optionshouse.com/account/#login Simply highlight the link provided, right click it and when the decrease list appears click Copy. When pasting the web link to the address bar of your visitor, right select the empty text field of one’s address bar current decrease list click Paste.
    - Once directed to the page, you’ll find a Login column situated core page. On this column, you will need to input right information as a way to login back. Begin with the very first text field and enter your Username about it. Make sure you are inputting your Username correctly to prevent any errors while wanting to login.
    - After inputting your Username start working on the following text field and enter your Password. You should always be inputting your correct Password to ensure we won’t be delayed by any problems that you will encounter as a result of one little mistake.
  • OptionsHouse Login
    - After completing the mandatory fields, make a choice from ‘This is a public shared computer’ and ‘This is often a private computer’ checkbox just for security reasons.
    - Lastly, select the orange-colored Login button and are then forwarded to your OptionsHouse account.

Encountered a roadblock? Reset your login credentials:

  • On the same page Link to OptionsHouse: https://www.optionshouse.com/account/#login get the Forgot link which can be situated on the text field of password and then click it.
    - After clicking the url a minimized webpage will open plus there you’ll have to input important information again.
    - On the webpage, it will likely be asking of your respective Username, Name, Last Name and email address contact information. Input the essential information as carefully as is possible on its respective text fields.
    - Once completed click on the Submit button in order that they will be sending you your login credentials about the email you registered.

Exhausted all efforts but nonetheless cannot access your? Contact OptionsHouse directly:

OptionsHouse Login

>Call OptionsHouse:


Fax: 866–492–2478

>Write correspondence:

OptionsHouse, LLC
P.O. BOX 812
Chicago, IL 60690

