Getting started with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Or Yoffe
2 min readOct 4, 2020

TL;DR website with short guides to get started with software and building web

I often see many people trying to learn how software works, how to get started with building a website. As I tried many times to give resources myself, I found that most guides/tutorials/books dive way too deep in my opinion when most people might just want to change a color or move an element on the screen and have fun :)

If you had a private teacher or you worked as a private teacher, you know that they (or you) usually skip a lot of material and jump to the important topics.

That’s why I built a quick getting started with html, css and JavaScript website. It’s not going into the deep end but giving people a basic understanding of how a website works.

I would love your feedback and opinions. Please share with people who don’t know html, css and JavaScript, I would love their feedback as well :)

Currently the site only has guides for html, css and JavaScript. I plan to add more guides (like: node.js, react.js and more). I would be happy to share other guides if people would want to create their own.

