4 min readJun 27, 2018

The Announcement about OCT launches on EOS mainnet and related matters

To all the OracleChain supporters:

In the past year since the launch of OracleChain project, with the support and encouragement of the community, all of our works have been progressing step by step. Along with the successful launch of the EOS mainnet, the OCT token will also be launched on the EOS mainnet. The related matters are announced as follows:

When the OCT token launch on the EOS mainnet, the OracleChain Foundation will recall all the OCT tokens which issued based on the BitShares (BTS) and switch it to the EOS based token.

At present, the contract account address of the OCT on the EOS main network is ‘octtothemoon’, and the Token allocation has been completed. The relevant shares are:

octtoken2eos / OCT circulation switching share / 30972500 OCT

octcornstone / cornerstone Investment / 10000000 OCT

octdevreserv / development reserved / 45000000 OCT

octteamshare / team share locked / 50000000 OCT

octcommercia / commercial landing, compliance, developer nurture and academic research / 28127500 OCT

octecosystem / eco-system promotion and construction / 19900000 OCT

octtobeallot / temporarily frozen for distribution / 6000000 OCT

octblackhole / OCT Destruction Account / 10000000 OCT

The public key associated with the OCT destruction account octblackhole is a black hole address “EOS1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm”. The community is welcome to check and supervise.

The team will recycle and issue it by the following way:

1. The recharge and withdrawal of OCT tokens which stored on the BigONE trading platform have been locked. The OracleChain Foundation will directly communicate with the BigONE exchange platform to make the token switch. The latest switching time and method will be announced on BigONE.

2. The OCT token which currently storing on the BitShare accounts will require all the token holders to manually send the OCT tokens to the BitShares account which authorized by the OracleChain Foundation and the Foundation will issue corresponding EOS based OCT token.

At the same time, in order to express our gratitude to the community for the support of the OracleChain project, while the OCT switch to EOS mainnet, we will give the returns to the community participants in the following ways:

1. The OracleChain Foundation will destroy the 10 million OCT token while the OCT launches on EOS mainnet.

2. Participants who joined the initial token offering of OCT (see Attachment 1 for detailed list).

Regardless of the amount of participation, 500 OCTs can be obtained for each BitShares account. The specific operations are as follows:

1) The users who participated in the initial token offering please sent 0.001 BTS to oct.tokenswitch with the actual BitShares account and please noted your EOS account name in the MEMO of the transaction information.

2) Send an e-mail to the, the e-mail must be sent as the following format.

The subject of the email is “OCT initial token offering Community Feedback”, and the content of the email must have the following information:



Phone Number:

BitShares Account Name:

EOS Account Name:

3) Please strictly follow the above process to participate in the community feedback activities, otherwise it will not be issued.

3. The users of the coin refund activities in September 2017 (see Appendix 2 for the detailed list) will be returned in accordance with the actual amount of refunded coins by 4.8%. The specific operations are as follows:

1) The users who participated in the initial token offering please sent 0.001 BTS to oct.tokenswitch accounts with the actual BitShares account and please noted your EOS account name in the MEMO of the transaction information.

2) Send an e-mail to the, the email must be sent as the following format.

The subject of the e-mail is “OCT Refund Community Feedback”, and the content of the email must have the following information:



Phone Number:

BitShares Account Name:

EOS Account Name:

3) Please strictly follow the above process to participate in the community feedback activities, otherwise it will not be issued.

4. The remaining supporters who still holds OCT tokens in BitShares will convert the tokens to the EOS based OCT, according to the actual amount held in proportion of 1:1.048. The specific operations are as follows:

· 1) The OCT token currently stored on the BigONE exchange platform is directly redeemed by the BigONE trading platform. The timing and manner of the final switching will be based on the notification from the BigONE.

2) The OCT token stored in the BitShares account needs to be sent to oct.tokenswitch account and please noted your EOS account name in the MEMO of the transaction information.

3) Send an e-mail to the, the email must be sent as the following format.

The subject of the e-mail is “OCT token conversion”, and the content of the email must have the following information:



Phone Number:

BitShares Account Name:

EOS Account Name:

Amount of OCT token Conversion:

4) Please strictly follow the above process to participate in OCT token exchange activities to avoid any losses.

OracleChain will continue to follow up and cooperate with the regulatory requirements of the relevant authorities, actively embrace supervision, and firmly support the relevant regulatory policies of the authority. Under this premise, OracleChain will continue to promote various tasks in our white paper, develop related blockchain technologies and products, and will announce the latest progress to the community.

OracleChain Foundation reserves the right of final interpretation of this announcement. Thank you for your understanding and support of OracleChain project.

OracleChain Foundation

June 27, 2018