A Covid-19 Privacy and Self Sovereign Identity Summit

Ricardo G. Diaz
7 min readJun 11, 2020
Inaugural Nonconformist Innovation Virtual Summit hosted on July 2, 2020

We’re doing something here that can save lives. That can help ideally with the global economic recovery from what may be the deepest economic trough we hit in our lifetime.” — Drummond Reed, Co-chair of the Sovrin Foundation

Historic Global Collaboration

For the first time in our technological history, the globe is focused on one problem: Covid-19. One of the biggest questions trying to be solved with technology is the “normalcy” issue. What can we do to get back to our daily lives and be certain that we will not be putting ourselves or families at risk?

Like every other person on this planet, your head is spinning and you are quite tired of Covid-19. Being confined 24/7 and consuming COVID-19 information at a rate that could only be analogous to drinking water out of a firehose is overwhelming. It has become easy to become complacent or lose hope these days. But, if you are like me, anytime there is a sign of hope to work and collaborate on projects to be able to get back to your everyday normal routine pre-COVID, or what ever that new normal may be, your ears prop up, you clear your mind of all the noise and prepare yourself to figure out how you can do your part.

Back to Normal by Doing Our Part with PETs

