Orbital Apes: How to get the $OAV Token Airdrop

Orbital Apes
3 min readApr 30, 2022


Earlier this week, Orbital Apes released their own Evmos validator to the public, and it is rapidly climbing ranks in the active validator set! As with every other product by Orbital Apes, this validator is engineered to reward everyone that stakes with us!

How to Stake with Orbital Apes

  • Go to https://app.evmos.org/staking
  • Connect your wallet (Top Right)
  • Click on All Validators
  • Scroll until you find “OrbitalApes.com” Validator
  • Click Manage
  • Decide the amount of Evmos to stake
  • Press Delegate and you’re done!

How to Re-Delegate to Orbital Apes

Orbital Apes Validator Rewards

We previously mentioned our Orbital Apes Validator is gonna include several perks for the community, which include:

  • Lowest management commission possible
  • 50% of Management Fees sent to Orbital Apes Holders
  • Weekly Orbital Ape NFT giveaway for the first month
  • A limited edition Orbital Apes ERC-1155 Airdropped to users who stake with us for the first month (Snapshot around end of month)
  • Monthly Giveaways of surprise prizes like NFT’s and Tokens
  • Delegator Role on Orbital Apes Discord (End of Month in May)
  • Ecosystem Airdrops

Introducing $OAV (Orbital Apes Validator): OA Staking Reward Token

Orbital Apes are proud to introduce our new staking rewards token $OAV (Orbital Apes Validator). This token will be used to incentivize our delegators and provide them with additional rewards for their delegations.

The Orbital Apes ecosystem is vast, and there are various places where $OAV will fit in to create value to the user. $OAV tokens will be used in two ways; exchanging for monthly rewards and as entry tickets to our giveaways.

How to Get $OAV

$OAV will be acquired as a staking reward from our validator. The amount of $OAV received by the user is calculated through a factor of time delegated and amount delegated. The more a user delegates to the OA Validator, the more of the token they will get.

$OAV = ($EVMOS Staked) * (Days Staked per Month/Days in Month)

The first distribution of $OAV will start on 31 May 2022

*$OAV distribution may be whale capped depending on monthly statistics

How to Use $OAV

$OAV is going to be used to distribute some of these rewards and incentivize users to engage with our validator. $OAV will be used in the following ways:

Purchasing Raffle tickets:

Every month, we will submit various different prizes for giveaways, and the community will help to choose or design them. All prizes will be given to the community in the form of raffles. To enter the raffle, users must use $OAV to purchase raffle tickets. The more raffle tickets the user purchases, the better the chances to win the prize.

Prizes might include:

  • Orbital Ape NFTS
  • Ecosystem tokens
  • Other Evmos NFTS
  • & more

Exclusive Orbital Apes ERC-1155 NFT Mints:

Mint different exclusive custom made Orbital Ape branded NFTS (similar to honorary apes).

Users can use their $OAV tokens to mint these new NFTS. These exclusive NFTs will not form part of the main collection, but instead will be inspired in various community events held every month in the OA community. These will also be used to mark special events in the chain, so you may see other protocols participating in these giveaways.

For both the raffle tickets and new NFT mints, users can choose their own reward! If users don’t like any of the prizes/mints for the month, they can save their $OAV for the next month until they find a prize that they are attracted to!

*$OAV tokens will be burnt after they are exchanged for a prize*

