Introducing Orbital

3 min readDec 14, 2022


Revolving into the future of Arbitrum

It is during times of turmoil that the biggest opportunities arise for those who continue to collaborate and build.

Despite having seen tremendous adoption over the past year and becoming the home of both DeFi and NFT-innovation alike, Arbitrum has always lacked a native DEX. Sushi and Uni V3 have both served a specific purpose at a certain point in time, but we believe that the time is right to introduce a DEX that is entirely Arbitrum-native, taking advantage of both its technical capabilities and the vibrant communities within it.

All that said, today we’re excited to reveal to you Orbital — an upcoming AMM from the minds behind Dopex and Plutus, with the singular goal of becoming the premier native DEX for Arbitrum. Dopex and Plutus will be pushing unique and disruptive capital-efficient innovations to the platform using their already established knowledge of the industry landscape.

Backed by the Best — Owned by the Arbitrum Community

Orbital is a joint venture between Dopex and PlutusDAO, two of the premier protocols on Arbitrum. The teams have a track record of building secure, functional DeFi protocols and collaborating across the Arbitrum ecosystem. PlutusDAO and Dopex were originally built to maximize synergies within the ecosystem, and Orbital now takes this mission one step further, unlocking even more value for those protocols that choose to embark toward orbit with us.

We believe that for a DEX to succeed in today’s environment, it is crucial for the users of a protocol to own it. As simple as it sounds, we want you to have real skin in the game and actually own Orbital. As with PlutusDAO and Dopex, the community comes first. We’ve never thought about designing our protocols in a top-down fashion — in fact, the complete opposite. Having a community-first attitude has served us well, and we fully intend to continue with the same ethos with Orbital. From a practical perspective, you will be able to earn your stake in Orbital during the upcoming Orbital launch event.

Not only do we consider the end-users first-class citizens of Orbital, we also believe that the protocols on Arbitrum play a crucial part as well. Coming from the teams at PlutusDAO and Dopex, we’ve readily convinced a large amount of the top Arbitrum protocols to embark on this journey with us, providing liquidity and participating in governance from day one. The concept of community-owned is powerful and resonates deeply with the protocols we’ve spoken to — setting the stage for a successful and collaborative launch.

If you are a protocol interested in being part of this journey with us, feel free to contact us on Discord.

A Liquidity Schelling Point — Curve Wars on Arbitrum

By partnering with top protocols on the chain, Orbital aims to become the schelling point for liquidity incentivisation. Orbital will launch with a liquid wrapper, voting and bribing all available, allowing us to replicate the flywheel effect of Convex and Curve. The synergy with PlutusDAO will be apparent from day one, elevating Orbital above the competition through ownership at both DEX and aggregation layers.

Stay tuned for more information and timelines headed your way soon. In the meantime, feel free to hop in to our Discord, where you’ll get the latest news on Orbital delivered to you first.

-Orbital Crew

