Image Padding Techniques: Wrap Padding(part 3)

Prudhvi Vemulapati
4 min readMar 19, 2023


Wrap padding is a common technique used in image processing to create a new image by wrapping the original image around its edges. This technique is particularly useful when we need to extend an image’s size without introducing additional content or altering the image’s original appearance. Let’s explore wrap padding in image processing, its advantages, and how it works.

What is Wrap Padding?

Wrap padding, also known as cyclic padding or periodic padding, is a technique used to create a new image by wrapping the original image around its edges. In this technique, the pixels at the edges of the image are copied and appended to the opposite side of the image. This creates a continuous pattern that appears as if the image wraps around its edges.

How does Wrap Padding work?

To understand how wrap padding works, let’s consider an example. Suppose we have an image of size 3x3 pixels as shown below:

[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
[7, 8, 9]

Now, suppose we want to apply a filter to this image. The filter will slide over the image, and at each position, it will perform a dot product between the filter and the image pixels that are covered by the filter. However, at the edges of the image, the filter will not have enough pixels to cover the entire area. To solve this problem, we can apply wrap padding to the image as shown below:

[9, 7, 8, 9, 7]
[3, 1, 2, 3, 1]
[6, 4, 5, 6, 4]
[9, 7, 8, 9, 7]
[3, 1, 2, 3, 1]

Here, we have added a border of wrapped pixels around the image. The pixels at the edges of the image are copied and appended to the opposite side of the image, creating a continuous pattern that appears as if the image wraps around its edges. Now, when we apply the filter, it will have enough pixels to cover the entire area of the image, including the edges.

Here’s a code snippet for reference.

In this example, we define a 3x3 matrix and apply wrap padding with a padding size of 1. We use the NumPy pad() function with the wrap mode to apply the padding, resulting in a 5x5 padded matrix with values wrapped around to the opposite edge as shown in the example earlier.

import numpy as np

# Create a 3x3 image
image = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]])

# Define the padding size
padding_size = 1

# Apply wrap padding
wrap_padding = np.pad(image, padding_size, mode='wrap')

# Print the original and padded images
print("Original Image:\n", image)
print("\nPadded Image with Wrap Padding:\n", wrap_padding)

Advantages of Wrap Padding

Some of the advantages of wrap padding are:

  1. No Information Loss: Wrap padding ensures that there is no information loss when extending the size of an image. It creates a continuous pattern that appears as if the image wraps around its edges, preserving the original content of the image.
  2. Simplicity: Wrap padding is a simple technique that requires no additional information or processing. It is easy to implement and does not require complex algorithms or techniques.
  3. Reduced Edge Effects: Wrap padding can help reduce edge effects that can occur when applying filters or other image processing techniques to the edges of an image. By extending the image without introducing additional content, wrap padding ensures that the edges of the image are processed in the same way as the rest of the image.

Some applications of Wrap Padding

  1. Convolutional Neural Networks: CNNs use filters to extract features from images and matrices. When a filter reaches the edge of an image or matrix, wrap padding allows the filter to continue processing by wrapping around to the opposite edge. This technique can help preserve important features at the edge of the image or matrix, which can improve the accuracy of the CNN.
  2. Image processing: In image segmentation tasks, wrap padding can be used to extend the edges of the image to preserve important features. By wrapping the edges of the image, the information at the edge is preserved and can be used by machine learning models.
  3. Signal processing: Wrap padding can also be used in signal processing tasks to handle the edges of a signal. For example, when applying a Fourier Transform to a signal, wrap padding can be used to wrap the signal around to the opposite end, allowing the Fourier Transform to be applied without introducing artifacts at the edge of the signal. This technique can help preserve the original characteristics of the signal.
  4. Audio processing: It’s also useful in audio processing tasks. When processing audio signals, wrap padding can be used to handle the edges of the signal. For example, in speech recognition tasks, wrap padding can be used to extend the edges of the audio signal to preserve important features like the beginning and end of the spoken words.
  5. Natural Language Processing (NLP): Wrap padding is not commonly used in Natural Language Processing (NLP) because NLP tasks usually involve processing sequences of data, such as text or speech. However, in some cases, wrap padding can be used in NLP applications that involve processing sequences of data. When processing text data, wrap padding can be used to handle the edges of the text. For example, when processing text for sentiment analysis, wrap padding can be used to extend the edges of the text to preserve important features like the beginning and end of the text.


In summary, wrap padding is a useful technique in image processing that can help extend an image’s size without introducing additional content or altering the image’s original appearance. By wrapping the image around its edges, wrap padding creates a continuous pattern that appears as if the image wraps around its edges, preserving the original content of the image.

