A comprehensive guide to Android devices: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Everything in Between

OreOba Waheed Elorm
3 min readJan 26, 2023
I don’t own the imge used.

An Android device is a smartphone or tablet that uses the Android operating system (OS) developed by Google. The Android OS is based on the Linux kernel and is designed for touch screen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

One of the main advantages of Android devices is their flexibility and customization options. Users can easily customize their device’s home screen, install their own apps, and even change the device’s firmware. This allows for a wide range of customization options and the ability to tailor the device to individual preferences.

Another advantage of Android devices is their open-source nature. This allows for a large and active community of developers who can create and share their own apps and customizations. As a result, there are a wide variety of apps available for Android devices, many of which are free or low-cost.

Android devices also offer a range of features such as multi-tasking, voice commands, and access to Google services such as Google Maps, Gmail, and Google Calendar. Additionally, many Android devices come with built-in cameras, GPS, and other features such as NFC and fingerprint scanners.

However, Android devices also have some disadvantages. One of these is that the open-source nature of the OS can make it more susceptible to malware and viruses. Additionally, not all Android devices receive regular security updates, which can leave them vulnerable to hacking.

Another disadvantage is the fragmentation of the Android ecosystem. This is due to the wide range of devices and versions of the Android OS available, which can make it difficult for developers to create apps that work seamlessly across all devices.

Overall, Android devices offer a range of advantages and disadvantages. They are flexible, customizable, and offer a wide range of features and apps. However, they can also be more vulnerable to malware and hacking, and the fragmentation of the Android ecosystem can make it difficult for developers to create apps that work seamlessly across all devices.

Another advantage of Android devices is that they are widely available and are offered by a variety of manufacturers. This means that consumers have a wide range of options to choose from, including budget-friendly options and high-end flagship devices. This variety in device options also means that there is a device for every price range, making it more accessible for people with different budgets.

Additionally, Android devices also support a wide range of languages, making it more accessible to users around the world. This is especially beneficial for users in non-English speaking countries, as they can easily navigate and use their device in their native language.

Another advantage is that they have a large app ecosystem, with Google Play Store providing a wide variety of apps and games, including popular apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, as well as many other productivity, entertainment, and educational apps.

On the other hand, one of the major disadvantages of Android devices is that they are more prone to software bugs and glitches. As the Android operating system is open-source, different manufacturers can modify it to suit their devices, which can lead to software incompatibilities.

Another disadvantage is that Android devices are not always guaranteed to receive the latest software updates. While Google releases regular updates to the Android OS, not all devices receive these updates, and it may take several months for the updates to be released for certain devices. This can leave devices vulnerable to security threats and limit users’ access to the latest features and apps.

Lastly, there are certain apps and services that are exclusive to Apple’s iOS devices, such as the iMessage instant messaging service and certain Apple apps like GarageBand and iMovie.

In conclusion, Android devices offer a wide range of features and options, making them an excellent choice for many users. However, they also have some disadvantages such as software bugs and lack of timely software updates, which can be frustrating for some users. It is ultimately up to individual users to weigh the pros and cons and decide if an Android device is the right choice for them.



OreOba Waheed Elorm

Content writer and creator, Graduate from Ho Technical University with HND in ICT, IT Support Specialist