Community Reports on the Otcrit Platform

Otcrit Platform
4 min readJan 19, 2018


Everyone with an account on our system can publish their own findings, reports or analyses, regarding a certain project, and other users can then comment and rate our member’s work. These opinions will be based on examinations of the social media interactions, the whitepapers, and the background of the projects’ founders. If there is a crucial bit of information to be added regarding a certain project (suspicious team past, discreditable marketing strategy, allegations made by third parties etc.), the community researchers could help us get the full picture. Our members will have the chance to warn potential investors if there are any problems requiring the attention of the community. In this sense, the platform will resemble Reddit — with the difference that the ‘whistleblowers’ will be rewarded for their contribution.

We will reward the best authors with the highest ratings with the opportunity to sell their reports for OTC tokens. This way, we will create a larger community that will benefit from the valuable information regularly published on the platform. Every other member can also join this community by translating published reports and split the profit from the sales (if the content is paid) with the original author. The translations will also be rated by us and other users to distinguish the best works.

Otcrit will split the profit with the content creators by 90/5/5, where 90% goes to the author, 5% will be collected by Otcrit, and the rest will be shared with the top 10 community report writers from the leaderboard.

Members eligible for selling their own work on the platform must have an average rating of 3.5/5 and at least 100 total votes for their published analyses. Any attempt to trick the system and create a fake score will automatically result in a ban from our community. We’ll create a special group only for authors and translators, where they can work in teams and publish more professional work to earn more tokens from the community and get a higher rating. If some community members prove to be very valuable, then we might officially invite them to become a part of Otcrit’s team. This way, we will incentivize the creation of more reports, more demand, and more sophisticated research papers from our users and customers.


Making sure all reports and analyses are well-structured and easy to read is one of our highest priorities. That’s why users will have to follow our guidelines and choose between the pre-selected projects and categories. In the process of their work, they will be using the website’s templates. The key point is to help authors be more objective and make sure they don’t miss important bits of information in their reports. This will also make the research process much faster and easier for the analysts.

Hiring community experts

Our users can hire other experienced traders and experts to perform technical analyses or review a project or an ICO for them. They can select the project and the category they are interested in, set a price they are willing to pay, and then hire this expert. If the expert agrees to do the job, a smart contract will be created and he will get his tokens after the report is ready. The analysis can be available for the public if the authors choose this option.

Request analyses

Making a community request will be helpful for users who need to hire someone for a technical analysis or a project review but are not sure which expert is best for the job. They can post a public request on the website and then wait for the applications from our community and their price offers. This way, the requester can choose the expert with the highest rating after looking at everyone’s profile. Once you have received the complete analysis, the expert will get the OTC tokens for the job.


These reports will give important feedback to every project and its co-founders. They can get a clear perspective of what the public opinion is about their company and what they can do to improve and win the community’s approval.

Promoted content

Users who wish to grow a bigger following quickly and share the content they create with more people can promote their analyses on the website’s homepage by paying for this in OTC tokens. There will only be space for one promoted report per page, and it will be based on the content that the visitor is looking at.

Translating content

Anyone can contribute to the platform by translating community reports and analyses and earn OTC tokens for their effort. Translations must be approved by other users or our staff members before being officially published.

Rate and Comment

The most important thing when dealing with a lot of information is being able to hear the voice of the community and understand what they are looking for. We also have to protect them from spam and abusive messages, which will be achieved with the help of our staff and other Otcrit members.

Premium subscriptions

Once our platform is developed and we integrate weekly, monthly, and annual subscriptions for the most sophisticated expert reports. Our top community content creators will still be able to sell their works and analyses to premium members, offering them a discount.

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