Do you spend enough time on quality research?

Otcrit Platform
3 min readApr 27, 2018


Investing in cryptocurrencies requires dedication, skills, and time.

If you have money invested in Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency you must always be cautious and ask yourself a series of very important questions. We’re speaking about an unregulated market which time and time again proves to be unpredictable and shows fascinating price fluctuations according to daily events. How much do you really know about your investments and how can you be sure that you are you following their progress and updates closely? Did you really make that purchase after you’ve conducted the proper market research, or are you just following the hype? Does the project have a proper road map and the proper team of developers to fulfil the long-term plans and generate growth?

The truth is that most investors in the crypto space rely on news and ads that often only bring short-term value and information. Of course, the cryptocurrency market is rapidly changing and the average individual investor cannot count only on this type of research.
There is just too much going on at the same time and even Andreas Antonopoulos has admitted that he’s having a hard time following all the events that take place in the world of Bitcoin. What about all the other coins that show a lot of promise and you should be having in your portfolio?

Furthermore, how can you really distinguish between legitimate events and market-manipulating FUD? When even the main news websites publish incomplete or biased commentaries to promote or destroy the reputation of certain coins, how can you be sure that your investment is still safe or if you’re about to witness a severe downtrend which makes you lose money? Everybody wants to draw the royal flush or the five aces, but they have to distinguish the winning cards from the rest of the deck.

You must take a look at each and every aspect.

This is why, we at Otcrit focus on the long-term adoption and scale potential of the companies that we choose to analyze. Our goal is to help the community select the most promising companies that every great portfolio should contain in order to generate wealth.

People too often invest a lot of money in cryptocurrencies by gambling on some of their choices. A few of these coins might turn out to be valuable and game-changing for various fields and industries, while others are bound to be buried and forgotten. But when you basically diversify your portfolio according to disparate research sources and assume that at least a couple of them are going to shoot to the moon, you’re taking too much of a risk and you’re indirectly assuming that some of your choices will result in losses.

Also, even if your choices are top-notch, you still have to pay attention to the roadmap, constantly get informed about the events, and conduct PESTEL analyses. And this process is time-consuming and difficult to achieve by you alone. Let’s imagine that you invest in only five coins and you must check the news concerning them every day, try to look for patterns in the events, and seek correlations in the graphs. This implies quite a lot of effort and you’re taking a huge risk if you try to do it all by yourself. Remember, this is an unregulated market where the trading takes place 24/7 and unethical actions happen very often.

And this is why Otcrit exists: We are here to inform you, help manage your holdings, and provide transparent trading solutions. We want you to maximize your profits and always make the best financial decisions in regards to your investments. And for this purpose, we will use many types of technical analyses and write comprehensive reports on a constant basis. Think you could benefit from our help? Join our platform and become a part of the next step in the global crypto research and investment planning.

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