Otcrit — Trading Cryptocurrencies With The Power of Information!

Otcrit Platform
4 min readMar 27, 2018


Here’s the million Bitcoin question: How can a crypto start-up like Otcrit help improve the entire market and shine a light of transparency and useful information in this rather irrational field?

Well, before giving away the answer, let’s take a trip down memory lane and remember how we first got into cryptocurrencies. Unless we found ourselves at the right place and the right time to join some cypherpunk forum in the late 2000s and find out about Bitcoin, then it’s very likely that our first interaction with cryptos came in a time when the market was bullish and the news coverage was financially-intriguing.

When we first bought our cryptocurrencies, we might have suffered from a serious case of FOMO: we felt how time compressed, our hearts started beating faster, and found ourselves in the middle of a once in a lifetime opportunity. The market was booming and it was the time to become an investor before it’s too late. When you look at charts without putting too much thought into the forces that drive them, you might start to imagine repetitive patterns that eventually trigger instant money. Just like people invest in Apple stocks when they read about an all-time high and a promising computer release, most of us have taken a head-first dive into this highly speculative market without knowing too much about anything.

That’s how many of us bought Bitcoin at $20.000, Ethereum at $1400, and XRP at $3. Had Otcrit been around during those prosperous times, our experts might have curbed a little bit of your enthusiasm and advised you to wait for a couple of weeks until a proper price correction occurs. With just a little background check, we could all discover that the Chinese New Year is just around the corner and that the event traditionally marks a bearish market for January and February.

But even now, after we’ve learned our lessons by making all the wrong decisions, we’re still vulnerable to market tactics that the whales might attempt. Not all of us are proficient in technical analysis, and the number of people in the crypto world who benefit from a previous training in trading is rather small.

This is exactly where the Otcrit project steps in and endows you with the power of informed decision-making. The cryptocurrency market might be less rational and almost completely unregulated, but it follows some fundamental rules that lots of people wrongfully ignore or deny. The price of every coin has resistance points, a support threshold, and a set of rules that it’s bound to. Only experienced traders know when the trading volumes point to whale manipulation, when bull traps are established, and when the market is building up for a pump.

And this isn’t just about short to mid-term trading: thanks to Otcrit’s team of trading experts and auditors, you will be able to benefit from graphs, written analyses, explanations, and expert reviews which concern the longer term, so you can make informed investments without having to worry every day about your assets.

How can you trust our experts? Well, you should know that their activity is already paid generously and fairly, so you don’t have to worry about being manipulated (as it usually happens on many Facebook, Telegram, and Discord “exclusive” groups). Just like judges get paid well to avoid bribery and conflict of interest, we make sure that our market analysts are 100% objective.
Don’t want to trust our experts and think you can do a better job analyzing the market? Well, you are free to post your own graphs on the Otcrit platform, and your work will even get paid in tokens by those who choose to follow your advice!
And if you have no knowledge of trading mechanisms and techniques, then Otcrit is quite the place to be! You have access to free reports, you can use your tokens to buy detailed reports from our experts, and can even support knowledgeable community members who write useful pieces. You also benefit from a smart contract system which protects you from bad projections: it’s a system which insures that you get some of your money back if you get a faulty report which doesn’t turn out to be as expected, but it’s much more of an incentive for analysts to do a rigorous and meticulous job!
You have plenty of reasons to always consult Otcrit while building your crypto portfolio, and they all concern the well-being of your finances. You want to pick the best coins, buy them at the right time to insure nice profits, and have a healthy and sustainable long-term trading strategy.

Do you think that you could benefit from the Otcrit platform? Do you like our ambitious project? Then buy pre-sale tokens and help us have a glorious launch!

Until April 23rd 2018, you can use 1 ETH to buy 5000 OTC and get a 10% pre-sale bonus! By purchasing these tokens you help us reach our projected goal of bringing objective information, transparency and rationality to the cryptocurrency market, and you also get empowered with coins that are useful on the Otcrit platform!
Also, you must know that 78% of the total circulating supply of OTC is available for sale, so you can load up on useful tokens and get ready to use them for expert analyses that will upgrade your crypto trading game!
So help us successfully launch this platform and help yourself build better cryptocurrency portfolios and have more insightful trading strategies!

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Korean Telegram: https://t.me/OtcritKorea

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