She Killed A Child To Get Into Heaven

Otis Adams
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2021


Photo by Joshua Eckstein on Unsplash

On a spring morning a teenager named Agnes Catherina Schickin asked a local peasant woman for a glass of milk. After drinking it, she started to leave the village but noticed four boys playing.

One of the boys was the seven-year-old Hans Michael Furch. Agnes asked him for directions and then convinced him to go on a walk with her. The other boys wanted to come along, though she convinced them to stay.

Agnes and Hans walked alone together into the forest, a fact later confirmed by several witnesses’ testimony. The two spent the day together as Agnes led young Hans deeper into the forest. They talked and played, and one passerby testified that they witnessed her cleaning the boy while he sat on a rock. When evening came, Hans wanted to go home.

Agnes savagely threw the child to the ground.

The boy began to beg, reciting his memorized prayers hoping this would placate the older girl. Twice it seemed that she had a change of heart, helping him up and comforting him. However, the boy’s third recitation of his prayers sent Agnes into a rage and she drew a knife, cutting deeply across his young throat.

As Hans died, she said, “May God protect you, you sweet angel”.

With her plan complete, she went immediately to town where she turned herself in.



Otis Adams

Author of Lavatory Reader #1, now on Amazon. Essayist and fiction writer. Please consider supporting Otis Adams’ work at Contact Otis at