Have you ever felt that you are your own worst enemy?

2 min readApr 21, 2024


The realisation that I am the one that dictates my mood and my reactions to the world around me dawned on me fairly slowly. I am quite sure that for many of my adult years and all of my childhood, other people made good use of the knowledge that I was easy to manipulate, and their suggestions and guidance weren’t always given for my benefit, mostly theirs. All the same, I scrapped through those years intact and somewhat sceptical.

Reading widely helped me find my pathway out of that unfortunate state of mind. It liberated me from a whole host of external forces that often shaped my interpretations of and reactions to life and for the worst. I still cannot pinpoint the moment of change. However, I know that for many years, I have been able to maintain a level of emotional self-discipline that has helped me to master the urge to react in the moment. Instead of behaving compulsively in the face of adversity, I am measured and calm. I try to analyse the situation and act in a way that follows my principles for a fair and just life, then act accordingly.

That said, I am not immune to sudden relapses, especially when out of my comfort zone or in an unfamiliar situation. It is at times like these that one can easily allow old habits to surface. I find that projecting ahead if I know I am going into the lion’s den really helps me to steel myself against a relapse. Without allowing fear to creep over me, I project ahead, considering what may happen and hypothesise what my response may be if I were thinking rationally. This projection can certainly help to alleviate stress and make for a better experience once you find yourself in that new and unfamiliar place.

It can transform what could be an otherwise uncomfortable experience into something amazing. If you ever try this method, why not jot down your thoughts into one of your personal topics on OurSails when thinking ahead. Formulating the written word can be a powerful way to make thoughts stick and helps to make your thoughts become actions.

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