How a 33-Year-Old Man Inspires This 62-Year-Old Woman

I admire discipline and dedication.

Over-50 Empress
The Shortform


Young man doing a bodyweight exercise.
I made this image using Magic Media AI at

As of yesterday, I turned 62 years old. I know I don’t know everything and can learn from people of all ages. One of those people is my 33-year-old son-in-law.

His commitment to fitness is admirable. He has a tense job, a three-year-old, and a baby on the way—it doesn’t matter. On days other than Sundays, he goes to the gym around 5 a.m. and works out—without fail.

They say: “Excuses are useless.” That’s what I think. I have to work out if I want to stay fit, whether I want to or not.

I exercise at least five days a week, with no more than two days off. I know that schedule is good for me to stay in shape at my age. Therefore, it’s up to me to stick to the schedule that works.

There’s another saying: “Just do it.”



Over-50 Empress
The Shortform

An over-50 empress is self-aware, fearless, kind to herself, unbothered by others' opinions, and goes after what she wants. So straighten your crown!