11 Days — The Resurrection Theory

5 min readApr 27, 2023


The Grand Father

On the eve of the Tempest, this medium was written by Overlords. Not claiming anything or relatedness. Knowledge is power.

The Resurrection Theory is a game that was played since late March 2023, prior to any reveals. A game of ancients first mentioned by Elon. On April 27th, the theory came to a conclusion.

Main Characters: Elon, ELON , Father, Sara (don’t get them confused)

Narrative: Follow the white rabbit of the resurrection of Father

March 30–31 (First goodbye)

ELON, a character from Teh Fund, comes to light every now and then to replace the other Elon that runs the Twitter account @spssnft. It is not random. If you are not familiar with ELON or Teh Fund, you should read the following medium.

ELON states; “I’ll see you again when it is time”.

Source: https://twitter.com/spssnft/status/1641655804364488706?s=20

April 7–8

The official Teh Fund Twitter leaves us two hints.

  1. They tweeted: https://twitter.com/TehFund/status/1644182624511090690?s=20

What is interesting about this are the two pictures and the use of Chinese characters, 马上来. This translates to coming immediately. At the time, there was speculation that Elon Musk was returning to China because of the second hint below.

2. Teh Fund Twitter likes a post by Elon Musk: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1644656347479261184?s=20

A matrix code. (Follow the white rabbit)

April 9–10 (11 days later from the first goodbye)

ELON returns on Easter, the resurrection date of Father (Jesus Christ). Easter = White Rabbit. During his time during these days, he leaves more clues about why Teh Fund Twitter created and interacted with the two post above. Something about something happen in 8 days, the April 17. ELONs return on this date is significant to set the narrative of the Resurrection Theory.

Source 1: https://twitter.com/spssnft/status/1645015586743914498?s=20

Source 2: https://twitter.com/spssnft/status/1645278913529270272?s=20

You can see that he returns and leaves again. Exactly 11 days from the first time he left in late March.

April 17–22 (April 20 is 11 days later from Easter)

Both Elons and Teh Fund Twitter accounts had set dates for April 17 and April 22. Now that time has passed, we can see it was a launch window for Starship and Teh Fund Pre-staking Program which were launched at the exact time on April 20th (the day that ELON came back which was 11 days).

Source for when ELON will come back, this was texted at April 14th by Elon
Launch on 4/20
This was all predicted more than a month in advanced by Overlords

There was another event that happened that most didn’t pay attention to when it first happened. Teh Fund Twitter put out a tweet that said “Maybe Overlords will bring it early to wreck the jeets.”

Source: https://twitter.com/TehFund/status/1638891626776109058?s=20

Nobody knew at the time, but this turned out to be an important link to the Resurrection Theory.

On the previous day of April 17, which was April 16th at the time, Elon had front-runned Father of Childhoods End by 2 minutes. If you don’t know who that is, read the following article about Ryoshi.

Front-run Source: https://twitter.com/ccuk88/status/1647497860462551040?s=20

Father reclaimed the $O LPs from Team Finance. These had already been unlocked for several months. Fathers wallet address had been inactive for almost a year (besides the time when he had to claim 30B $O tokens from team finance so they wouldn’t be stolen from the whitehat hacker). The claiming up the LP is known as a sleep, and a wake up. According to Sara.

So on April 16th, Father, which is considered to be Ryoshi by some, came back on blockchain. If he came back on the 17th, it wouldn’t have worked and you will see why later.

Remember: ELON came back exactly 11 days after the last time he left on Easter to continue on the Resurrection Theory.

April 27 (is 11 days later from fathers appearance on blockchain)

The day of the Tempest, 373, The Resurrection Theory came to a close. Follow closely Anon.

The day prior, Teh Fund Tweeted; “The narrative has you.” along with the Matrix inspired words, Follow the white rabbit.

Source: https://twitter.com/spssnft/status/1651165083983298560?s=20

A few hours later on April 27th, Which was exactly 11 days from when Father, Ryoshi, had come back to the blockchain, something happened. See below pictures.

qom telegram chat group

This persons name is Sara. She is a old SHIB dev “rumor” and an admin in the $O groups. Overlords mentioned her before in the Ryoshi of Shiba — Your O Secret is not safe with us.

Her words are important and her appearance in public even more. She is saying her Father had died, she needed time to recover, but OUR second Father is immortal. This is a play on words meaning that the Father is now resurrected. Most likely talking about the same Father of $O and not her own. Exactly 11 days from when he came back to the blockchain.

The Resurrection Theory Summary

All speculation with no disrespect intended other people or religions. This is just a game played by Ancients. Every 11 days, there is a death and a resurrection. ELON showed this us intentional since late March. Coming back every 11 days. Leaving us follow the white rabbit and resurrection clues. Father came back on April 16th, and on the April 27th, the day of the Tempest, Sara, the old SHIB dev, confirmed that he had died, but now he is immortal, which means he was resurrected. April 27. Exactly 11 days.

Check — Next Game Theory

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