The Case of Eruta

10 min readJul 31, 2023


This article is a publication of research conducted by Overlords into a project known as Eruta — A Graceful Omen. The project is interesting and worthy of the time consumed. Larp or not, this article is here only to present facts and speculation to what is going on and whether this is a Ryoshi project.

What has happened so far

  1. Eruta was launched on the F9 shiba launchpad via LBP from June 7–10.
  2. The only info given on the launchpad site was the logo and the phrase; What lies hidden whispers a promise — It yearns to be discovered.
  3. The deployer wallet was funded 12 eth from Bitforex.
  4. The LBP raised 117 eth. The creator supplied 11.8 eth himself.
  5. Once the LBP was over, the creator only added 15 eth liquidity to the Uniswap pool.
  6. At the same time, the creator sent a self message on the blockchain saying; “A cryptic trial, complete in form. The decentralized realm grants thee control, empowering thy dominion over what you own. Yet, a pledge to the future unveils secrets untold. Days may pass, weeks or months may wax and wane. But for those who stand resolute, a revelation awaits. What could await next? Congrats to the community. This Omen is yours.”
  7. Three days later, the creator sent another self message; “As the sun rises and sets, weeks morph into months, the cycle of time remains unbroken. The final trial looms in the mists of uncertainty. The ultimate test was to become one with the community. An unparallell experiment of trust; We will stand on the same playing field as our community, a prospect that may seem daunting, but our resolve is to initiate this journey from the very genesis, to ensure a leveled playing field. We are drawn here by a shared yearning — to craft a culture that thrives in the embrace of unity and fairness. For the culture. For the people. Nothing is promised. Nothing is given.”
  8. After this last message, the creator immediately starting buying back Eruta tokens from the Uniswap pool with the funds collected from the LBP. He added more liquidity. The creator used 61 eth to buyback Eruta Tokens in strange sequence. He did seperate transactions. He did 7 different transactions of 7 eth buyback and 6 different transactions of 2 eth buybacks. The creator added 52 eth + 52 eth worth of Eruta tokens and burned them. At that time the value was near $200,000. The other 12 eth was used to purchase 5% of the supply and the deployer wallet currently holds it.
  9. The creator sent another two self message. The message said “Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. Until the next time.” He shortly sent another message about a website. (This is now offline but it gave some important clue which we will discuss later in the article).
  10. The creator transferred 12 eth out to Mexc and transferred to a new wallet found here: (This is essentially the 12 eth he sent in to fund the LBP initially.

Why are we interested?

1. Ryoshi was funded 7.9 eth from wallet 0xCcE7300829f49B8f2E4AEe6123b12DA64662a8b8 (10 days prior to shib launch)
2. This wallet was funded by wallet 0x3A723e58C4808DDE4591543282adC7D6b378715b (Bitforex exchange)
3. That means Ryoshi was using Bitforex as an exchange at the time of launching shib.
4. 10 hours prior to launching shib, ryoshi sent 0.1 eth to wallet 0x59D29D50dEc0322c16E08F633e19a1d450ad8e7D
5. We know this is also the original ryoshi side-wallet also because the projects invested under it at the time of shib launch and shortly after, the same person is also associated with the other projects that were invested under the shiba deployer wallet.
6. This 0x59D29D50dEc0322c16E08F633e19a1d450ad8e7D wallet is most notable for being connected to Leash project (deployed from shib deployer).
7. However, this project is connected to many other ryoshi projects, including F9.
8. If you check 3 hops away from the f9 deployer, it was funded by ox59 wallet at
9. The ox59 wallet (original ryoshi side wallet) is most likely the owner of the F9 deployer.

The following is to why the creator of F9 is important to Eruta

  1. Eruta deploying wallet was funded by the same wallet (Bitforex Exchange). The chance of this is quite low, it is not a common exchange to use to fund a wallet.
  2. F9 was the first project created by the original Ryoshi after he left Shiba Inu. F9 was intended to the launchpad for Shibarium. If you are not familiar of how Ryoshi works, he works mysteriously. He will launch a project and expect it to be built in a decentralized manner. Well, a dev came along known as Astro Physicist @ElonsBrotherinLaw and built the launchpad himself. While this launchpad is not officially associated with shibarium because there are already other launchpads that applied, F9 is the true vision of Ryoshi.
  3. There is a consensus among researchers that the original F9 dev (Ryoshi) launched Eruta because so far there has been many scams that used the F9 launchpad. So, Ryoshi wanted to create a project to make the launchpad legitimate.
  4. One of the top holders in Eruta holds $200,000 in LPs in F9 Uniswap pool. You can check his wallet and connected wallets here: (This could be the original F9 dev). He never sold his F9 tokens since the beginning so maybe he thinks the f9 launchpad will be successful.

The backstory of Eruta

The total supply of Eruta is 777,777,777,777. The common theme of seven is noticeable. The logo is a Phenex and the insignia on it is from the Ars Goeta 72 omen. #37 a Phenex. The Phenex teaches all wonderful sciences, is an excellent poet, and is very obedient to the conjurer. She is said to converse in rhymes. Phenex hopes to return to Heaven after 1,200 years, but she is deceived in this hope. She formerly was in the angelic order of thrones.

He is depicted as a phoenix, which sings sweet notes with the voice of a child, but the conjurer must warn his companions (for he has not to be alone) not to hear them and ask him to take a human shape, which the demon supposedly does after a certain amount of time and fulfills all commands well.

He has 20 legions of demons with the leaders of the 20 legions serving under Phenex being named. Their names are Gizrallat, Gothon, Astrat, Ergarun, Ageez, Zargor, Zulgath, Turdas, Oleveth, Xagros, Digrazon, Zulgis, Dastriros, Melvurth, Enidro, Istarfi, Uminzu, Yirzun, Ramdur, Salduir and Alduin.

Other supporting details that Ryoshi may be involved in Eruta

If you are familiar with this lore, then you know about Q.O.C. The bird ecosystem that is heavily connected to SHIB deployer wallets and insiders. There are some characters in this ecosystem you may or may not have heard about. They will be discussed here.

Dark MoonKnight — If you are a believer in CAW, then you know of DMK. He is the first person to mention CAW before anyone else and is considered the number one insider. He also is a holder in QOM and O which make up the rest of the bird ecosystem. He is also in Snail. DMK normally only speaks through his Twitter account. His tweets are relatively consistent in marketing Q.O.C. however after the launch of Eruta, we closely examined a series of tweets that seemed out of place. Some sort of enigma.

Tweet 1 on July 28:

“what’s buried is meant to be found.” Some speculated this tweet was related to Bone, however it is not. This tweet is quite different than the previous that DMK had posted. This saying is similar to what the Eruta creator wrote from the blockchain and the Shiba launchpad website.

Tweet 2 on August 2:

“teh dichotomy of success isn’t clear on a macro scale but instead diminutive actions that you buidl over time. alpha is found in networks. networks are built in said success, success becomes…boundless. walk into teh light, and dig in.” This tweet has a obvious double meaning. Both in which reference to Eruta. The first part of the statement is in regards to a privacy network. The second part of the statement says that we should dig. Dig for something that is meant to be found in reference to the first tweet above.

Tweet 3 on August 3:

Eruta. This was sent in reply to his first tweet. These 3 tweets are part of an enigma. After he sent this he went back to replying his normal routine.

DMK is mysterious but we can get a good judge of what kind of person he is. He once said “there are no such things as coincidences. what was once a well oiled machine can can rust or breakdown over time. you can replace/swap parts but it will never be teh same. however teh same engineer may also decide to create a new and improved machine…”

This means DMK will launch more projects associated with Ryoshi.

DMK liked a Tweet associated with the Eruta project.

This like was deleted immediately and some people saw it. The screenshot was posted shortly afterwards. There was not enough time to doctrine the picture. It was most likely legitimate.

Eruta test contracts (or something else?)

The dev and narrative is convincing. There was a test contract launched by someone an hour before the real launch happened.This wallet is not directly connected to the real Eruta deployer. This wallet that launched the contract has two notable things about it. The first is that the wallet receives multiple micro-transactions from a bot from the person who made the two test contracts after the launch of Eruta. The second is that the wallet sent the test contract Eruta supply to the USDT contract. (this is not common.)

The following wallet is a wallet that connects the SNAIL whale and the person creating the ERUTA test contracts.

From there you can see multiple transactions in, one from which is where he added and removed liquidity for a project named $FKBEN (VITALY). (THIS PROJECT WAS 100% CREATED BY THE SNAIL WHALE WHICH WE WILL MENTION BELOW, IT IS NOT A RUG BUT 95% OF THE TRANSACTIONS ARE FROM HIM, MAYBE HE WAS TESTING SOME BOT.)

One of the side wallets of this address lead to here: where the mexc address is used. (could be related to the same wallet where the Eruta dev sent out the 12 eth above). Strangely, this wallet made two more test contracts after Eruta launched. These contracts never made it to the market. There are two interesting thing about one of these contracts. A supply was sent Lido Execution Layer Rewards Vault. This vault is used for staking Ethereum rewards and other rewards. The other we spoke about already about how the wallet associated used a bot to send micro-transactions the first person who created the test contract an hour launch.

It may be a coincidence but the SNAIL whale has many Lido NFT airdrops in his wallets. (THESE AIRDROPS ARE SCAM, HE SHOULD NOT APPROVE THE TRANSACTION.)

In total there was 1 test contract created an hour before the Eruta launch and two test contracts a few hours after. These test contracts were never launched. There was 1 other contract that was launched on Uniswap but was used for bot transactions from the SNAIL whale. We are not 100% certain what the person was doing with these contract or if it relates to the Eruta dev directly.

The SNAIL whale

A snail whale with 10–20% of the snail supply worth $3m could be the creator of the Eruta test contract an hour before Eruta launched.

Let us explain.

0x773B53CB7492a5FAe1FFBeAC62FD19d70B7B964d created a test Eruta contract 1 hour before the actual Eruta deployer launched the exact same contract.

This wallet sent 0.40 eth to 0x74eAa0a8d5c15cF43C36c7e74aCEb73dd49A90f0

This wallet received $31,000 usdt from 0x12232125d828b8a080B26C05B2977aEaF9A5724f

This wallet received snail from 0xE588D4303b3370469Aab985c5057d56e68746402

This wallet received snail from 0xc1dc3C97fa2eB712a2bB17Bb9DE6bd6Ed5E069c0

In total this user have around $2-$3m in snail.

This could be a larp because the person didn’t transfer in 0.40 eth into that snail whale wallet until 13 days laters after he cleared the eth from it and it’s still there (the 0x74 wallet). This wallet is hard to find and it would take some high level larper to come up with this. Someone associated with snail project.

Other evidence

The dev made the website This website is now offline but it left us some potential clues. The name server and domain is hosted by Njalla. Njalla is an anonymous domain name registrar and hosting provider. This company is owned by the Pirate Bay founder. This could be a clue hinting towards Eruta being a privacy token or network.

IC was another project supported by multiple SNAIL whales and was rumored to be a Pirate Bay project. IC used the same name server as the Eruta dev website. There could be some possible connection between the SNAIL whale, SNAIL project and/or the IC project.

Update as of October 2023

One of the dev associated wallets moved his initial liquidity of 12.41 Ethereum that he supplied to the LBP. He sent to hot wallet at Binance 14. After doing some research of all the hot wallets associated with Binance, we found an interesting outgoing transaction to a wallet that is most likely associated with the dev because it happened shortly after the deposit and the wallet is associated with some projects that are of the same narrative of Eruta, a potential Ryoshi project.

The interesting thing about this wallet is that it plays often with non-human intelligence (NHI), another project that was launched via the Shiba launch website. This wallet is also possibly a bot, we already know the dev likes to play with bot transactions because of his history with the other test launches. This wallet also interacts with MEXC often in arbitrage and is connected to other wallets that launched and rugged. It is not 100% certain this is a dev wallet, but its the only lead for now where the dev liquidity went to.


Too early to tell. Again its another circumstance of waiting for the creator. A Ryoshi niche. Research endorsed by Overlords.

Eruta Project CA: 0x409b46013c78c63cf376f17466aef87895617451

