The beautiful world of Assassin’s Creed: Origins — in Panoramics

Josh Overton
5 min readNov 14, 2017


First, a little story…

It’s Christmas Eve 2007. I’m 17 and I’m so excited to play the new Assassin’s Creed game that I break all the Christmas present rules. I unwrap the game from its cellophane and play the game for a few hours before sneaking it back to where I found it. To this day, my parents are none the wiser.

Such is my enduring obsession with Assassin’s Creed, its ability to take us back in time and its immersive worlds, that I am now so excited that my favourite period of history is finally part of it all.

Ancient Egypt

As a child my favourite period of history was always Ancient Egypt. I had books, fold out life-size mummies, drew pyramids and palm trees along the winding Nile and went on museum tours with my older sisters just to see the Egyptian exhibits. I even wrote bizarre Michael Jordan and Tutankhamun crossover stories when I was around 7 years old. Well, Space Jam was all the rage back then.

Assassin’s Creed

The series has taken us through many periods of history, all as interesting as the last and all stunningly recreated.

Now they have taken the series into my favourite period of history, and it was worth the wait. It looks gorgeous on the current generation of consoles and PC. What excited me most about this game was getting to explore places lost to the sands of time.

2 years ago I was lucky enough to travel to Egypt and visit the Karnak Temple and The Valley of the Kings as well as getting to see the real mummified remains of Tutankhamun. (Very excited we get to go there eventually in the DLC!).

Assassin’s Creed: Origins World

The team did a sensational job of recreating Egypt around 49 BC. I love that they included a photo mode with the game and so far I’ve spent more time taking photos than playing the game.

That’s not to say the game is bad, not at all. It has the most interesting mechanics of all AC games to date and I’m thoroughly enjoying playing it. It’s a return to form for the series and my favourite one yet. The thing is, I can’t stop taking in the amazing vistas they have created, meaning I keep getting carried away taking photos!

Photo Mode & Panoramics

I decided it would be a good idea to utilise the photo mode to make panoramic pictures of the various different areas of the game.

To host all of these panoramics, I created a little website, which creatively, was very heavily inspired by the official Assassin’s Creed website’s art direction.

Visit the official website:

I felt it made sense to try and match their website in style so it felt truly like the photos within it belonged to the world created by the team of Assassin’s Creed: Origins.

All credit to Ubisoft and the brilliant team behind the official website for the artwork and styling used within this fan website.

You can visit the panoramic site here to view around 100 panoramics (and counting) that I have made within Assassin’s Creed: Origins.

Visit Panoramic website

My hope for the site is that it will grow with community added panoramics alongside my own. Feel free to submit your own (coming soon) and learn how to make panoramics within the game on the website.

Featured on Ubisofts Youtube Channel

Clip automatically starts at the featured section.

Thanks for reading!

Please enjoy some more panoramics I have taken with photo mode:

Please visit the website to enjoy around 100 Panoramics.

Visit Panoramic website



Josh Overton

Designer focusing on User Experience, User Interface, Web and Graphic Design.