Firebase Hosting 靜態網站部署試用

Sung, Guo-Heng
2 min readJun 29, 2016


曾經用舊版 Firebase 做了個即時線上聊天室,對於後端技能零分的人來說,的確是個很不錯的服務。在整併到 Google 大改版之後,現在也有靜態網頁的 Hosting 跟各種資源的 Storage,以及其他 Native App 的周邊服務。

Firebase 的英文教學文件非常仔細,我就先從 Hosting 服務開始試用起。在創建專案之後,必須先下載 Firebase CLI Tools 到本機上,該命令列工具運行環境需要安裝 Node.js 跟 npm(這裡假設已經完成安裝和設定)。

$ npm install -g firebase-tools

這樣就可以使用 firebase 指令了。


$ mkdir firebaseTest

接著,跟任何軟體一樣,第一次使用當然要先登入驗證身份。Firebase 直接用 google 帳號就可以了。

firebaseTest $ firebase login

登入過程中,Firebase 會問你能不能匿名收集使用資料,選擇 yes(無論你選哪個都會被 Google 出賣)。

? Allow Firebase to collect anonymous CLI usage information? Yes

Visit this URL on any device to log in:

Waiting for authentication…

✔ Success! Logged in as


firebaseTest $ firebase init


You’re about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:


問你要怎麼設定這個資料夾,本文是選 hosting

? What Firebase CLI features do you want to setup for this folder? Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites

接下來就是一堆說明資訊。詢問你要跟 Firebase Console 上創建的哪個專案做連結,這邊用 test 做為專案名稱:

=== Project Setup

First, let’s associate this project directory with a Firebase project.

You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use — add,

but for now we’ll just set up a default project.

? What Firebase project do you want to associate as default? test (test–xxxx)

重點來了!Hosting 的設定從建立一個 public 資料夾開始,然後將所有路徑設定到 index.html,這樣就完成初始化。

=== Hosting Setup

Your public directory is the folder (relative to your project directory) that

will contain Hosting assets to uploaded with firebase deploy. If you

have a build process for your assets, use your build’s output directory.

? What do you want to use as your public directory? public

? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes

✔ Wrote public/index.html

i Writing configuration info to firebase.json…

i Writing project information to .firebaserc…

✔ Firebase initialization complete!

最後一步,部屬你的靜態檔案到 Firebase 上。在該資料夾 public 目錄中已經建立了一個 index.html,打開編輯器修改或將已完成的靜態檔案存成 index.html 覆蓋上去。然後就可以部署。

firebaseTest $ firebase deploy

處理程序如下所示。將檔案部署到剛剛的 test(test-xxxx)專案,最下面的兩個 URL 就是已部署的靜態網頁網址以及控制台網址。

=== Deploying to ‘test-xxxx’…

i deploying hosting

✔ database: rules ready to deploy.

i hosting: preparing public directory for upload…

✔ hosting: 1 files uploaded successfully

i starting release process (may take several minutes)…

✔ Deploy complete!

Hosting Site:


Visit the URL above or run firebase open

接著打開瀏覽器複製上面的 hosting site URL 就會看到靜態網頁已經公開展示給全世界了。

使用 Firebase 自然不是為了他的靜態網頁 hosting,而是其他功能及服務。本文做為初探新版 Firebase 的第一篇文章。之後會陸續把試用心得寫完(應該吧XD)。



Sung, Guo-Heng

An outdoor evangelist, generative AI explorer, and ex-farmer. Looks at agriculture, food & beverage industry.