6 min readMay 3, 2023


Status Report #007 — Introduction to Badge Mechanics

— Summary

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the badge system for recruitment?
  3. How does the badge system work?
  4. Recruitment examples
  5. Conclusion


Recruitment in OYABUN is a strategic process where you combine two of your existing cyber-yakuza to create a new one. Each cyber-yakuza can participate in up to 5 recruitments, and the cost of recruitment increases with each subsequent recruitment. To prevent NFT hyper-inflation and ensure a balanced ecosystem, we’ve implemented a system that regulates the recruitment process: the Badge System.

This system is designed to maintain a healthy ratio of each rarity of cyber-yakuza. By structuring it in this way, we deter players from only minting high rarity cyber-yakuza, thereby preserving the unique value and appeal of higher rarity over lower rarity NFTs. This strategic design ensures that the price of high rarity cyber-yakuza remains higher than that of lower rarities, maintaining the overall integrity and balance of the game economy.

For more detailed information about recruitment, please refer to our Whitepaper at the following link:


The Badge System for recruitment is a mechanism that manages the recruitment of new cyber-yakuza of different rarities. It consists of two core tables — the ‘Recruitment Count’ table and the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table.

Table 1: Recruitment Count

This table records the number of cyber-yakuza of each rarity already recruited by the player.

Table 2: Open for Recruitment

This table shows the slots available for recruiting each rarity.


The Badge System functions under a specific set of rules that shape the recruitment process. To recruit a cyber-yakuza of a specific rarity, you must meet two conditions:

1. Possession of the appropriate badge

2. Availability of an open slot for that rarity in the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table.

The core of the Badge System is the ‘Unlocking’ table. This table specifies the recruitment count required for each rarity tier to unlock the corresponding badge, thereby enabling recruitment for the succeeding rarity level. Please note that the figures in the ‘Unlocking’ table can change in the future.

Unlocking Table:

In the example above:

  • The player needs to recruit 4 Common cyber-yakuza to be able to recruit 1 Rare.
  • The player needs to recruit 3 Rare cyber-yakuza to be able to recruit 1 Epic.
  • The player needs to recruit 2 Epics cyber-yakuza to be able to recruit 1 Legendary.

💡 The Common slot in the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table is always stated as ‘1’. This means that it is always possible to recruit a Common cyber-yakuza. It is impossible to have ‘0’ in this slot, ensuring the constant availability of Common cyber-yakuza recruitment.

💡️ We would like to emphasize that at the initial release, recruitment of Epic and Legendary rarities will not be possible. This strategic decision is made to ensure a gradual and balanced introduction of higher-tier cyber-yakuza into the game, promoting a fair playing field and a healthy progression pace for all players.

💡️ You still have a chance to obtain a RARE NFT when breeding two COMMON cyber-yakuza, even if you don’t possess a MASTER Badge.


Let’s delve into some examples to better understand this system.

Example 1: Recruiting Rare cyber-yakuza

After recruiting 4 Common cyber-yakuza, you unlock 1 Rare cyber-yakuza recruitment. This is reflected in the tables as follows:

After you recruit the Rare cyber-yakuza, your tables update as follows:

Then, the player needs to recruit again 4 Common cyber-yakuza to be able to recruit 1 Rare.

Example 2: Recruiting Epic cyber-yakuza (not available yet)

To recruit 1 Epic cyber-yakuza, you need to have recruited 3 Rare cyber-yakuza (and by extension, 12 Common cyber-yakuza). The tables would look like this:

After recruiting an Epic cyber-yakuza, your tables will update:

Example 3: Recruiting Legendary cyber-yakuza (not available yet)

To recruit a Legendary cyber-yakuza, you need to have recruited 2 Epic cyber-yakuza (and by extension, 24 Common and 6 Rare cyber-yakuza). The tables would look like this:

After recruiting an Legendary cyber-yakuza, your tables will update:

Example 4: Recruiting with one Rare and one Common cyber-yakuza

In this case, both the Common and Rare slots in the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table must be open. So, let’s say you have the following status:

You then recruit using one Common and one Rare cyber-yakuza. Depending on the outcome, the tables will be updated accordingly:

Possibility 1: You receive a Common cyber-yakuza. You add one to the Common count in the ‘Recruitment Count’ table, but the Rare slot stays open in the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table.

Possibility 2: You receive a Rare cyber-yakuza. You add one to the Rare count in the ‘Recruitment Count’ table and subtract one from the Rare slot in the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table because the Rare recruitment has been completed.

Possibility 3: You receive an Epic cyber-yakuza. You add one to the Epic count in the ‘Recruitment Count’ table, but the Common and Rare slots stay open in the ‘Open for Recruitment’ table.


The Badge System in OYABUN is a game mechanic that maintains balance and ensures fair gameplay for all participants. It introduces a strategy layer where players have to plan their recruitments carefully, taking into account the rarity of the cyber-yakuza they aim to recruit and their current resources. By mastering the mechanics of the Badge System, players can effectively progress in the game, unlock higher rarity cyber-yakuza, and enhance their overall OYABUN experience.

We hope this article has provided you with a clearer understanding of the recruitment badge system. Happy recruiting and enjoy your journey in OYABUN!

— — — ABOUT OYABUN — — —

OYABUN is a Web 3 app with inbuilt gaming and socialFi elements. It is a move & earn / play & earn app immersing the users in a manga cyber-yakuza universe.
















Oyabun is a Web 3 app with inbuilt gaming and socialFi elements. It is a Play & Earn App immersing the users in a manga cyber-yakuza universe.