Announcement Management Update

3 min readNov 8, 2020


Dear Paparazzi Community,

We are quite excited about the new management’s arrival. There are several key concerns from the community that the management would like to address in the next coming weeks. The re-branding is still in process, and the team is expecting a major relaunch by the end of November.

Eugene Kang, the new CEO

The rebranded project will be led by the current CEO of Synergy Media, Eugene Kang. Synergy Media has been pioneering the animation industry since 2002. Eugene has extensive experience with content development, production, distribution, licensing and merchandising. His network and experience will help the platform to build higher level user acquisition strategies.

Core Management Team

Former senior members of the Paparazzi team, Jongkwan Lim, Taehyeon Kim, and Lina Jang will all be replaced. The full management team will be announced once the re-branding is done. However, we are excited to announce that the new management team includes members with experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Former member of the SnapEx business development team will also be joining the new management team.

Development Progress

With a replacement of the senior management including the CTO, the development team is also being replaced. To ensure that the team does not fall back significantly from the initial roadmap, we are having our advisory partner Axis Labs be delegated for the design and development. The new management team will focus on building user acquisition, enterprise partnerships, and business development. With this transition in focus, the new platform’s development will be expedited with additional human resource. The exact roadmap and timeline will be announced before the end of next week.

KuCoin’s ST Status

The new management is aware of KuCoin’s review of the project token and have communicated to figure the detailed situation regarding PAZZI. Therefore, the “ST” status would remain on PAZZI until there is significant change to the project development. Resolving this status issue is at utmost priority for the new management team.

Paparazzi Token

With the rebranding process, PAZZI token will no longer be used in the application. Existing PAZZI holders including the former version before PAZZI-N, will be airdropped (swapped) with the new token. Clarity about circulation, tokenomics, token use cases will be clarified with the new management team.

Please note that this swap will not dilute the current holders’ holding amount.

Community Development & Engagement

Part of the issues with the existing Paparazzi team was the lack of communication with its community. The new management team plans to hold weekly AMAs with the community to update the community with business development and progress. Reigniting the trust with the community is the utmost priority for the new management team.

Buyback, Exchange Listing, Former Roadmap

With Mining Mouse, Inc.’s corporate management also changing, existing business plans as well as roadmap will be under review from the new management team. The prioritized interest of the managing entity is platform growth, user acquisition, and stabilization.

Mining Mouse, Inc.




Paparazzi is a photo-centric blockchain-based platform to provide a seamless process of capturing, sharing, and trading a graphic memory.