Parksen meeting for European-level project advancement

2 min readSep 28, 2018


On September 7st, Parksen had a meeting with MEP Wim van de Camp, who is the leading member of the Europe Parliament in the Committee of Transportation and Tourism. In the meeting they discussed about how Parksen could contribute in digitalizing infrastructure and parking in particular, on a European level.

MEP Wim van de Camp (EPP)

On the European level, the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is something Parksen would like to tackle in its future expansion. TEN-T is a set of road, rail, air and water transport networks in the European Union, which is part of the wider system of Trans-European Network (TENs). With this scope in mind, Parksen will have the ability of mass deployment of both IoT devices as well as connecting more grids together.

TEN-T projects aims to establish and develop the key links and interconnections needed to eliminate existing bottlenecks to mobility around Europe. A full-scale transport corridor network will become a reality in the Europe, which helps to build a connected, smart, sustainable, inclusive, safe and secure mobility. In order to make that happen, grands worth 80 billion euros are available until 2020. And Parksen is already in the finalist stage for the application.

Other than the European-wide projects and founding that Parksen discussed with Wim, we also discussed about the truck drivers’ right within EU. As some of the people know, Wim van de Camp is a CDA negotiator who has been helping to improve working conditions for truck drivers. In this regard, Parksen has brought up a solution that would help the truck drivers to park easily and safely so it will help them to have a better life in their daily work life.

Putting the meeting in perspective, we were happy to find a great ally in Wim van de Camp. He is one of the most important members in the EU that oversees the subsidy in EU. And he is also someone who care about full digital transformation as well as insuring the safe working conditions for car and truck drivers. With the advanced technology like blockchain, Parksen is building a promising future with partners like EU, local government, tech companies, and also the end users around EU.




Parksen is a Green, Smart and Connected City Platform, devoted to combating the ever-rising levels of traffic congestion and pollution worldwide.