PAYSURA Architecture — Microservices & Serverless function

2 min readMar 1, 2018


PAYSURA — International PayReward Coin (IPC)

PAYSURA has decided to use a microservice architecture. Microservices are an architecture pattern of information technology that composes complex application software from independent processes that communicate with each other using language-independent programming interfaces. These independent processes are referred to as microservice, as they are basically a subtask of a larger service.

The services are largely decoupled and do a small task and communicate via message queues asynchronously. This enables a modular design of application software. The modular design offers several advantages. These includes easier development for independent teams as well as better testability.

In addition, these individual services can be scaled independently and the entire system is fail-safe, as the failure of individual services does not collapse the entire system.

To build our PAYSURA microservices with as little complexity as possible, the serverless model is used also known as Function as a Service (FaaS). The serverless model abstracts away complex infastructure management and helps developers to focus on efforts what provides real value to users. Serverless functions make it possible to deploy code without provisioning anything beforehand or managing anything. Serverless functions are payed per use and help PAYSURA to massively save costs compared to a VM (virtual machine) in a cloud thereby enhancing the Rewards system efficiency.

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PAYSURA intends to establish a new, modern and fully secured reward system combining Blockchain Technology and a reward System introducing IPC.