PAYSURA — International PayReward Coin (IPC)

PAYSURA — Helping Benebit Scam Victims

2 min readJan 31, 2018


(Frankfurt/Germany, January 31, 2018)

It has come to our attention that many people lost a lot of money due to the fact that Benebit was revealed to be a scam project. As the developer of a community-oriented rewards system, we at PAYSURA feel strongly with the community and would like to offer our support.

Benebit has not only stolen hard earned money from its investors but also destroyed their trust and damaged the credibility of the cryptomarket as a whole. This is why we feel the urge to stand together and help as a united community. Although it seems that investors will be compensated for their losses, we would like to extend a gesture of solidarity to everyone involved. That’s why we’re offering IPC, our International PayReward Coin, to all contributors who participated in the Benebit ICO.

How does it work?

All you have to do is tell us the amount you invested.

For example, if you contributed $100 to the Benebit ICO, you will receive 500 IPC (1 IPC = 0.20$). We are unable to offer the ICO price for this exchange, as this would be unfair to the PAYSURA ICO participants.

Currently, 15 % of total IPC will be distributed to the Dev-Team (10%) and Advisors/Investments (5%). PAYSURA will decrease the amount of IPC allocated for Dev-Team and Advisors/Investors to offer these IPC to all Benebit victims. A total amount of 5 Mio. IPC will be made available for distribution to all victims.

We encourage all Benebit investors to reach out to us. Please allow us to help restore your faith in the potential for customer rewards on the Blockchain.

More detailed information will follow soon. Stay tuned.

Kind regards,

Umair Zaffar






PAYSURA intends to establish a new, modern and fully secured reward system combining Blockchain Technology and a reward System introducing IPC.